New species of Lopescladius (Cordiella) Coffman et Roback (Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae) from Brazil Author Hagenlund, Linn K. Author Andersen, Trond Author Mendes, Humberto F. text Zootaxa 2010 2728 39 49 journal article 46909 10.5281/zenodo.200103 ebd0dce8-ee56-452e-a166-12130433ac7d 1175-5326 200103 Lopescladius (Cordiella) vibrissatus sp. n. ( Figs 12–16 ) Type material. Holotype male, BRAZIL : Santa Catarina : Urubici, Morro da Igreja, cloud forest, 1822 m a.s.l., 18.ix.–05.xii.2004 , Malaise trap, L.C. Pinho & L.E.M. Bizzo ( MZUSP ). Paratypes , 2 males , as holotype ( ZMBN , MZUSP ). Diagnostic characters. The species is fully brown, has a wing length of about 1.20 mm , antennal ratio of 0.51 and the posterior branch of the superior volsella is digitiform, curved and projecting anteromedially. Etymology. From Latin vibrissa , whisker, using the suffix -atus , provided with, referring to the strong lateral setae on tergite IX. Description (male, n = 2–3). Total length 1.98–2.06 mm . Wing length 1.20–1.22 mm . Total length / wing length 1.63–1.72. Wing length / length of profemur 2.83–2.97. Coloration . Head brown, thorax dark brown, abdomen and legs brown. Head . Antenna with 13 flagellomeres, ultimate flagellomere 194–198 µm long. AR 0.50–0.52. Temporal setae 7, weak; in single, irregular line posterior on head. Clypeus with 2–4 setae. Tentorium, stipes and cibarial pump as in Figure 12 . Tentorium 132–134 µm long, 9–10 µm wide. Stipes 77–95 µm long, 7–9 µm wide. Palpomere lengths / widths (in µm): 14–17 / 18–19, 23–25 / 16–18, 37–39 / 18–20, 50–53 / 14–18, 77– 86 / 11–12. Third palpomere with 1 sensillum subapically, 15–25 µm long. Thorax ( Fig. 13 ). Antepronotals 1–2, weak; dorsocentrals 3–4; prealars 2–5. Scutellum with 4 setae. Wing ( Fig. 14 ). VR 1.42–1.56. Costal extension 8–18 µm long; false costal extension 155–182 µm long. Brachiolum with 1 seta, other veins bare. Squama bare. Legs . Spur of fore tibia 33–37 µm long. Mid tibia with 1 spur, 33–36 µm long. Hind tibia with 1 spur, 41– 48 µm long and comb with 12 setae, shortest seta 7–11 µm long, longest 18–23 µm long. Width at apex of fore tibia 29–30 µm, of mid tibia 28–32 µm, of hind tibia 36–39 µm. Lengths and proportions of legs as in Table 2. Abdomen . Tergite I without seta, tergite II with 1 strong median and 0–1 weaker lateral seta on each side, tergite III with 1 strong median seta, tergite IV with 1 strong median and 0–1 weaker lateral seta on each side, tergites V–VII with 1 strong median and 1–2 weaker lateral setae on each side, tergite VIII with 3 strong median and 1–2 weaker lateral setae on each side. Sternite I without seta, sternite II with 1 strong median seta, sternites III–IV without seta, sternite V with 0–2 strong median seta, sternite VI with 1–2 strong median seta, sternite VII with 3 strong median seta, sternite VIII with 3–4 strong median setae. TABLE 2. Length (in µm) and proportions of legs of Lopescladius (Cordiella) vibrissatus sp. n. , male (n = 3). fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 p1 403–421 468–500 124–130 56– 61 27–31 12–14 p2 313–324 380–407 137–155 76–83 43– 49 8–12 p3 344–360 461–490 126–133 56–58 29–35 11 –14 ta5 LR BV SV BR p 1 28–31 0.26–0.27 5.72–7.27 6.88–7.21 2.3–2.9 p 2 15–21 0.36–0.38 4.78–4.86 4.67–5.07 1.9–2.9 p3 32–36 0.27–0.29 6.45–6.54 6.13–6.39 3.0–4.4 Hypopygium ( Figs 15–16 ). Tergite IX with rounded lateral protrusions, each with 5–6 setae (1 very strong and 4–5 weaker); posterior margin bluntly triangular. Phallapodeme 43–48 µm long; transverse sternapodeme 40–42 µm long. Gonocoxite 117–122 µm long. Superior volsella double; anterior branch nail-shaped, 14–17 µm long, 7–8 µm wide medially; posterior branch digitiform, curved, 44–50 µm long, 14–15 µm wide medially, apparently with a few microtrichia medially. Gonostylus 51–58 µm long. HR 2.07–2.18. HV 3.97– 4.87. FIGURES 12–16. Lopescladius (Cordiella) vibrissatus sp. n. , male. 12 —tentorium, stipes and cibarial pump; 13 — thorax; 14 —wing; 15 —hypopygium with tergite IX removed, dorsal aspect to the left and ventral aspect to the right; 16 —hypopygium, dorsal aspect. Remarks. L. (C.) vibrissatus sp. n. is a comparatively large, dark brown species. It groups with L (C.) hyporheicus Coffman et Roback by having a wing length> 1 mm , but the two species can easily be separated as the inferior volsella has an anterior branch in L (C.) vibrissatus sp. n. while this volsella appears to be simple in L (C.) hyporheicus . It can be separated from L. (C.) morosus sp. n. on its dark color and by having a wing length of 1.20–1.22 mm compared to 0.75–0.84 mm in L. (C.) morosus sp. n. It can be separated from L. (C.) uncatus sp. n. on its dark color, much longer wing ( L. (C.) uncatus sp. n. has a wing length of about 0.71 mm ) and by having the posterior branch of the superior volsella gently curved and projecting anteromedially, while this volsella is hooked apically and projecting orally in L. (C.) uncatus sp. n. Female, pupa and larva. Unknown. Distribution and biology. The specimens were collected in a Malaise trap in a fragmented cloud forest belonging to the Mata Atlântica forest at 1.822 m a.s.l. in Santa Catarina State in southern Brazil .