Taxonomic notes on the genus Gribodia Zavattari, 1912 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) from Vietnam and China, with description of a new species Author Nguyen, Lien Thi Phuong Author Xu, Zaifu text Zootaxa 2015 4040 4 458 464 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4040.4.5 5ad510ce-e3a8-43f0-aa25-1f2856fd4c56 1175-5326 245680 886F3CFE-9CEE-4387-B09D-8A409F248B81 Key to species of genus Gribodia The characters are applicable to both sexes unless the sex is specified. The characters are taken from Bingham (1894) and Giordani Soika (1974) , except G. cupreipennis and G. nigra sp. nov. 1. Body black, with a few yellow spots...................................................................... 2 - Body with many yellow marks.......................................................................... 3 2. Clypeus depressed from the middle to apical margin (frontal view), slightly convex from base to apical margin (lateral view); punctures on the body coarse; propodeum with pronounced edges; T2 1.1× as wide as long. Clypeus yellow except black lateral margins. Myanmar ; Thailand ; Malaysia ; Vietnam .................................. G. cupreipennis (Bingham) - Clypeus not depressed at the middle (frontal view), distinctly convex from base to apical margin (lateral view); punctures on the body less coarse; propodeum with weak edges; T2 nearly as long as wide. Clypeus black except two small yellow marks near basal margin. China : Hainan.............................................. G. nigra Nguyen & Xu , sp. nov. 3. Male............................................................................................... 4 - Female............................................................................................. 6 4. Vertex without depression behind ocelli. Malaysia : Sabah................................ G. guichardi Giordani Soika - Vertex with wide and deep depression behind ocelli.......................................................... 5 5. Propodeal lateral carina well developed. S2 with large yellow spots, almost occupy entire sternum; S3–5 with yellow apical band sinuous, more or less widely interrupted medially. Digitus of genitalia see: Giordani Soika, 1974 , Fig. 1 . Myanmar ; Malaysia (including Sarawak ); Indonesia : Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan.......................... G. confluenta (Smith) - Propodeal lateral carina less developed. S2 with smaller yellow spots, quite separated from each other and at a distant from the apical margin; S3–5 completely black. Digitus of genitalia see: Giordani Soika, 1974 , Fig. 2 . Indonesia : Java..................................................................................... G. javana Giordano Soika 6. F1 about 2 × as wide as long............................................................................ 7 - F1 about 1.5 × as wide as long........................................................................... 8 7. Clypeus almost flat, smooth, shiny, with small sparse punctures. T2 (lateral view) moderately convex with a few sparse punctures. S2 with two large yellow spots, S3–4 with yellow apical bands..................... G. guichardi Giordani Soika - Clypeus slightly convex, with coarse dense punctures. T2 (lateral view) strongly convex with coarse dense punctures. All sterna black. India : Assam; Laos ................................................. G. punctatissima Giordani Soika 8. Antenna long and slender: F1–8 longer than wide, rarely F9 or F10 more or less as long as wide. S2 with large yellow spots, almost occupy entire sternum; S3–5 with yellow apical bands sinuous, more or less widely interrupted medially, rarely reduced to lateral spots....................................................................... G. confluenta (Smith) - Antenna short: F8 as long as wide, F9–10 distinctly wider than long. S2 with small yellow spots, separated from each other and at a distant from the apical margin; S3–6 entirely black................................... G. javana Giordani Soika