A catalogue of the family Agaonidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) of Eritrea Author Madl, Michael text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2023 55 1 213 218 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.10414821 0253-116X 10414821 Ceratosolen arabicus MAYR , 1906 Ceratosolen arabicus MAYR , 1906 : GRANDI 1917: 15 (taxonomy, description ♁, biology, Ghinda (♁ partim), Keren), 16 (figs 3.1-10), 17 (footnote 1: taxonomy), 18 (figs 4.1-3), 20 (figs 5.1, 2), 22 (figs 5.1-11), 24 (figs 7.1-3). Ceratosolen arabicus MAYR , 1906 : GRANDI 1928b: 170 (taxonomy, biology, Eritrea ( Grandi 1917 )), 221 (world catalogue). Ceratosolen arabicus MAYR , 1906 : GRANDI 1935: 325 (world catalogue). Ceratosolen arabicus MAYR , 1906 : GRANDI 1941: 14 (world catalogue). Ceratosolen arabicus MAYR , 1906 : GRANDI 1952: 81 (world catalogue). Ceratosolen arabicus MAYR , 1906 : GRANDI 1955: 120 (world catalogue). Ceratosolen arabicus MAYR , 1906 : GRANDI 1963: 340 (world catalogue). Ceratosolen arabicus MAYR , 1906 : WIEBES 1964:187 (taxonomy, Ghinda partim),188 (taxonomy,Ghinda). Ceratosolen arabicus MAYR , 1906 : WIEBES 1966: 32 (world host-fig wasps catalogue). Ceratosolen arabicus MAYR , 1906 : WIEBES 1968: 307 (taxonomy, Ghinda), 309 (fig. 1: map). Ceratosolen arabicus MAYR , 1906 : GALIL , STEIN & HOROVITZ 1977: 202 (biology, Eritrea : Ghinda, Keren ( WIEBES 1968 )). Ceratosolen arabicus MAYR , 1906 : WIEBES 1989b: 252 (tab. 1: host-pollinator catalogue Afrotropical region), 254 (key ), 255 (taxonomy, Eritrea ( MAYR 1906 – error, GRANDI 1917 , WIEBES 1964 , 1968 ), 256 (fig. 1: map). Ceratosolen arabicus MAYR , 1906 : WIEBES & COMPTON 1990: 204 (tab. 1: host-pollinator catalogue Afrotropical region), 220 (pollinator-host catalogue Afrotropical region). Ceratosolen arabicus MAYR , 1906 : BERG & WIEBES 1992: 25 (biology), 26 (tab. 2: biology), 27 (fig. 11), 27-28 (biology), 37 (biology), 38 (tab. 5: biology), 76 (biology), 77 (biology), 210 (key ), 211 (taxonomy, description ♁, tab. 8: taxonomy ♁, biology, Eritrea part of Ethiopia ). H o s t f i g Ficus sycomorus LINNAEUS, 1753. D i s t r i b u t i o n: Ghinda, Keren. Ceratosolen arabicus , which is widely distributed in the Afrotropical region, is also known from Ethiopia and the Arabian Peninsula ( Yemen ).