Checklist of the Helminth Parasites of South American Bats Author Santos, Cláudia Portes Author Gibson, David I. text Zootaxa 2015 3937 3 471 499 journal article 829a8145-1a92-4eab-aeab-395483c830f8 1175-5326 240106 F7CAD672-4865-411B-A5C7-D46AB3A2299D Family Phaneropsolidae Mehra The phaneropsolids are closely related to the lecithodendriids, from which they are often difficult to distinguish based on morphology. Together they form the major group of bat parasites. The synonymies indicated are based on Lotz & Font ( 2008 b) . Bats become infected by ingesting insects harbouring the encysted metacercarial stage. 1 . Caeca medium in length, reach into hindbody............................................................... 2 - Caeca short, reach only to level of ventral sucker or retained in forebody.......................................... 3 2 . Genital pore sublateral to submedian, in forebody................................ Maxbraunium Caballero & Zerecero Species: M. tubiporum (Braun, 1900 ) - Genital pore lateral, at level of ventral sucker.................... Postorchigenes Tubangui (= Czosnowia Zdzitowiecki ) Species: P. m b o p i Vaucher, 1981 ; P. paraguayensis Fischthal & Martin, 1978 3 . Male and female genital pores widely separated; male pore well anterior to ventral sucker, median or submedian............................................................................................... Tremajoannes Saoud 3 . Syn. of Ochoterenatrema diminutum ( Chandler, 1938 ) according to Cain ( 1966 ). Species: T. buckleyi Saoud 1964 - Genital pore common or male and female pores close together, submedial to sublateral and close to level of ventral sucker... 4 4 . Ovary in forebody or at level of anterior region of ventral sucker; cirrus-sac not oriented horizontally........................................................................... Limatulum Travassos (= Stumiratrema Vélez & Thatcher) Species: L. brevicoecum Mañé-Garzón & González, 1976 ; L. gastroides Macy, 1935 ; L. oklahomense Macy, 1931 (b); L. umbilicatum (Vélez & Thatcher, 1992 ) - Ovary at level of posterior region of ventral sucker or in anterior hindbody; cirrus-sac oriented horizontally............................................................. Parabascus Looss (= Limatuloides Dubois; Parabascoides Stunkard) 4 Species: P. cephalolecithus ( Marshall & Miller, 1979 ) ; P. limatulus (Braun, 1900 )