A revision of the Afrotropical species of Pachylophus Loew (Diptera: Chloropidae) and some related Ovoviviparous genera Author Deeming, John C. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-09-17 4482 1 1 51 journal article 29184 10.11646/zootaxa.4482.1.1 72a80b13-e18f-4dc3-bec2-bb20d17f0e5f 1175-5326 1454415 79FECD6E-5192-45C3-9B46-4E6817366F64 Phyladelphus woodi sp. n. ( Plate 6 , Fig. 27; plate 17, Figs 86, 87) Diagnosis. A distinctive species, characterised by its narrow gena, entirely black scutum, dusted ocellar prominence and long, apically rounded, lanceolate arista. Description. Male. Chaetotaxy black to brown on dorsal surface, paler on ventral parts of head, thorax and legs, but apical spur of mid tibia black. Head yellow, black on frontal triangle, on upper occiput with the exception of a swollen area on either side bearing the vertical setae, and on all but median line of clypeus, the pale parts weakly yellow dusted, but that of face and gena almost white, the upper occiput grey dusted and the frontal triangle weakly dusted on ocellar prominence and on a lateral line on posterior half, between this and the ocellar prominence an oval area that is dark brown, and narrow anterior extension of frontal triangle yellowish brown; frons occupying one half of width of head, as long as broad, parallel-sided; the frontal triangle occupying six sevenths of frons width, strongly convex-sided on posterior half, concave-sided and narrow on anterior one third, extending full frontal length; frontofacial angle 100°; eye large with long axis almost vertical; gena narrow, one tenth of eye height; palpus and antenna yellow, the latter with dorsum of postpedicel infuscate and arista and its hairing black. Scutum black throughout, distinctly yellowish grey dusted; hind margin of postpronotal lobe yellow, this separated from a larger discrete oval yellow spot on notopleuron, which is itself separated from anepisternum by a narrow dark band; scutellum yellow, darker only on lateral surface of its basal corners; propleuron yellow, pale dusted on posterior margin; anepisternum yellow, shining on all but upper posterior corner, which is more or less infuscate, and with a large leaf-shaped black marking on its lower margin; katepisternum shining and black on all but a broad upper and posterior band, which are connected; anepimeron shining on lower half, where it is black; meron dirty yellow with a large dusted black spot at base; mediotergite black, grey dusted, medially shining beneath a distinct black and grey dusted postscutellum; chaetotaxy: postpronotal seta reduced to a minute hair; 1+2 notopleurals, of which the long anterior is subequal to the prescutellar dorsocentral and the shorter 2 posterior equal to the postalar; apical scutellars slightly longer than scutellum, the laterals very weak and as long as the interval separating bases of the apicals. Legs, including coxae, yellow, with apical tarsomeres somewhat darker. Wing greyish hyaline with brown veins; discal cell long and narrow, the section of M1 between crossveins over three times length of posterior crossvein; apical section of M1 becoming progressively weaker towards wing tip; haltere yellow with a black stem. Tergites black, weakly grey dusted on dorsum of abdomen, shiny on ventrally-facing edges. PLATE 6. Fig. 26, Phyladelphus maraisi sp. n. antenna in profile. Fig. 27, Phyladelphus woodi sp. n. antenna in profile. Length about 2.7mm , of wing 2.1mm . Female resembling male except in sexual characters. Material : Holotype , , ZAMBIA (as N.W. Rhodesia ): Chilanga , 23.vi.1913 , (4030 E) on ground below thorn tree in flower, many of which fallen, R. C. Wood ; Paratypes , 1♀ , Chilanga , 1.vii.1913 , (4030 A ), on bare ground below large thorn tree, R.C. Wood (both in NHMUK ) ; 1♀ , ZIMBABWE : Harare , Road to National Botanic Gdns. , 22.ii.1997 , J.W. Ismay ( NMWC ) ; 1♀ , Harare , 12.ii.1997 , J.W. Ismay ( OUM ) .