A new species of the genus Baeoura from Morocco, with a key to the West Palaearctic species (Diptera, Tipuloidea, Limoniidae) Author Driauach, Ouafaa Author Belqat, Boutaina text ZooKeys 2015 532 99 105 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.532.5994 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.532.5994 1313-2970-532-99 364F7779552F4885B83185A2ADD3159F 364F7779552F4885B83185A2ADD3159F Taxon classification Animalia Diptera Limoniidae Baeoura staryi sp. n. Figs 1-5, 6-9 Diagnosis. Body dark brown, patterned with yellow. Tergite 9 narrow distally, with median emargination and short truncate lobe on each side. Gonocoxite with two lobes; dorsal lobe rather short and broad; ventral lobe long and slender. Single gonostylus long, slender, with bulge-shaped extension at about mid-length provided with group of setulae, and filiform before pointed apex. Description. Male: Body dark brown, patterned with yellow. Body length 3.5-3.8 mm, wing length 4.5-4.7 mm. Head: Dark greyish brown; rostrum obscurely yellow; palpus yellowish brown, with terminal palpomere elongate. Antenna dark brown, with 15 articles, bent backwards, reaching to about anterior margin of thorax. Scape cylindrical; pedicel large, ovoid, much broader than scape. First flagellomere rather long-ovoid, smaller than scape but distinctly larger than other flagellomeres, these diminishing toward apex of antenna. Verticils on flagellomeres sparse and short, not reaching length of respective flagellomere. Thorax: Pronotum brown dorsally, yellow laterally. Mesonotum dark brown with broad, pale yellow stripe on each side close above wing, from pronotum to scutellum. Scutum with distinct yellow marking near base of wing. Scutellum light yellow, light brown only medially on extreme anterior margin. Pleuron generally greyish brown, light yellow on dorsopleural membrane (part of lateral stripe). Legs: Anterior coxa brown, middle coxa pale brown, hind coxa yellow. Trochanters yellowish brown. Femora yellowish brown, with darker distal half and blackish brown at distinctly enlarged apex. Tibiae yellowish brown. Tarsi dark brown. Tibiae longer than femora. Legs rather densely and darkly haired. Wing (Fig. 1): Hyaline with faint yellowish-grey tinge; veins primarily brown. Sc ending just before fork of Rs. Halter rather stout, with white knob. Abdomen: Dark brown dorsally and ventrally, paler laterally. Male terminalia (Figs 2-7): Yellowish brown. Tergite 9 narrow distally, its posterior margin with median emargination, and with short, truncate lobe on each side of it. Gonocoxite with two lobes; dorsal lobe rather short and broad; ventral lobe long and slender, gently curved dorsally. Single gonostylus of peculiar shape, long, slender, with bulge-shaped extension at about mid-length provided with group of setulae at outer surface, then tapered into slender distal half, strongly bent posteriorly, and almost filiform before pointed apex (Fig. 8). Aedeagus long, slender, curved dorsally (Fig. 9). Female: Unknown. Specimens examined. Holotype. Male in alcohol, from Morocco, Rif Mts, Chefchaouen Province, Jnane Niche village, toward Jebha, Oued Jnane Niche, 35°17.040'N / 4°51.479'W , 46 m above sea level, 19.iv.2013, O. Driauach and B. Belqat leg. Paratype. Dry, one male, same locality as holotype, 14.vi.2013, O. Driauach and B. Belqat leg. Etymology. This species is named in honor of Dr. Jaroslav Stary (Olomouc, Czech Republic), with our thanks for his help in the identifications of the Moroccan Limoniidae . Remarks. Baeoura staryi sp. n. is distinctive in having the ventral lobe of the gonocoxite long and slender, the longest among the West Palaearctic species. In the shape of tergite 9, the new species resembles Baeoura malickyi Mendl & Tjeder, 1976, and Baeoura szadziewskii Krzeminski & Stary , 1984, but differs from these species especially by the peculiar shape of the gonostylus. Distribution and ecology. Morocco. The species was collected from vegetation by a river on dry, stony ground with small streams, at an altitude of 46 m (Fig. 10).