Egg Morphology Of Some Nolidae And Erebidae (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea) Author Dolinskaya, I. V text Vestnik Zoologii 2014 2014-12-01 48 6 553 561 journal article 10.2478/vzoo-2014-0066 2073-2333 6453432 Colobochyla salicalis ([Denis et Schiffermüller], 1775) D e s c r i p t i o n. Egg subspherical ( fig. 12 , 13 ), diameter 0.6–0.7 mm (n = 2). Chorion ridged, marked on two thirds surface. Micropylar area represented by rosette and 3 rows short and wide petalled cells. Rosette with 5 petalled cells and 5 micropylar openings ( fig. 14 ). There are 15–16 of the 44–47 zig-zag longitudinal ridges radiate from cells of micropylar area. Transverse walls less distinct and narrow than ridges. Aeropyles large, bordered by roller-like edges, diameter of which greater than width of ribs ( fig. 15 ). Chorion folded everywhere. S h a p e o f g n a w e d h o l e s i n e g g s. Caterpillar nibbles out large oval opening at the lateral part of egg, sometimes opening being made apically. Fig. 7–12. Eggs of Erebidae : Hermeniinae : 7, 8 — Pechipogo strigilata ; Hypeninae: 9–11 — Hypena proboscidalis ; Phytometrinae : 12 — Colobochyla salicalis . Scale bars: 7–11 — 10 µm; 12 — 100 µm. Рис. 7–12. Яйца Erebidae : Hermeniinae : 7, 8 — Pechipogo strigilata ; Hypeninae: 9–11 — Hypena proboscidalis ; Phytometrinae : 12 — Colobochyla salicalis . Масштабные линейки: 7–11 — 10 мкм; 12 — 100 мкм. Fig. 13–18. Eggs of Erebidae : Phytometrinae : 13–15 — Colobochyla salicalis ; Catocalinae: 16–18 — Euclidia glyphica . Scale bars: 13, 16 — 100 µm; 14, 15, 17, 18 — 10 µm. Рис. 13–18. Яйца Erebidae : Phytometrinae : 13–15 — Colobochyla salicalis ; Catocalinae: 16–18 — Euclidia glyphica . Масштабные линейки: 13, 16 — 100 мкм; 14, 15, 17, 18 — 10 мкм.