The centipedes (Chilopoda) of Corsica: catalogue of species with faunistic, zoogeographical and ecological remarks
Zapparoli, Marzio
Iorio, Etienne
International Journal of Myriapodology
journal article
Geophilus carpophagus Leach, 1815
sensu latu
Geophilus carpophagus
and Duboscq 1903
: 313. (1)
Geophilus carpophagus
Verhoeff 1925a
: 655. (2)
Geophilus carpophagus
Verhoeff 1926
: 271. (3)
Geophilus carpophagus
Attems 1929
: 163, fig. 169. (4)
Geophilus carpophagus
Leach, 1814:
: 155, figs 226-232. (5)
Geophilus carpophagus
Verhoeff 1943
: 11, fig. 4. (6)
Geophilus carpophagus
Leach, 1815:
Minelli 1978
: 157. (7)
Geophilus carpophagus
Leach, 1814:
Demange 1981
: 231. (8)
Geophilus carpophagus
Leach, 1815:
Foddai et al. 1996
: 361, Tab. I. (9)
Geophilus carpophagus
Leach, 1814 [sic]:
Iorio 2004a
: 32. (10)
Geophilus carpophagus
Leach, 1815:
Geoffroy and Iorio 2009
: 685. (11)
Literature records.
General. Sardinia-Corsica (7). Corsica (2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11). Epigeic. Corse-du-Sud, 2A - Piana (3) [II]. Haute-Corse, 2B - Corte, Lac de Melo, 1711 m, hygrophilous meadow around the lake (10) [IV]. Vizzavona (1, 6) [III].
Material examined.
Epigeic. Corse-du-Sud, 2A - Ajaccio, Sagone/Vico, above Col de Sevi, 1500 m, (code 74-5): 27.IX.1974, KT, 1 ♂ 55 lp, body length 30 mm, 2 ♀♀ 57 lp, body length 39, 42 mm, 2 imm. 57 lp MZ det. (NHMW) [III]. Haute-Corse, 2B - Asco River valley, 1000 m: 6.VIII.1997, MZ, 1 ♂ 59 lp, body length 44 mm, 1 ♀ 59 lp, body length 47 mm, MZ det. (CMZ) [II]. Col de Vergiu, eastern slope, 1150 m: 15.IV.2004, MZ, 3 ♂♂ all 55 lp, body length 43, 44, 47 mm, MZ det. (CMZ) [III]. Corte, Col de Vizzavona,
Fagus sylvatica
wood, 1160-1480 m(code 74-13): 1.X.1974, KT, 2 ♀♀ 55, 57 lp, body length 36, 43 mm, MZ det. (NHMW) [III]. Corte, Col de Vizzavona, approx 1100 m, (code 74-17): 3.X.1974, KT, 1 ♂ 53 lp, body length 31 mm, MZ det. (NHMW) [III]. Corte, Restonica Valley,
Pinus laricio
wood,950-1000 m: 15.IV.2004, MZ, 1 ♀ 59 lp, body length 48 mm, MZ det. (CMZ) [II]. Vizzavona,
Fagus sylvatica
wood, 1600 m: 21.IV.1991, RA, 1 ex MZ det. (CMZ) [III].
Ecological notes.
950-1711 m; recorded from Supramediterranean to Alpine belts, in
Fagus sylvatica
woods (2 sites), in
Pinus laricio
woods (1 site) and montane hygrophilous meadows (1 site). See
Iorio (2004a)
According to recent studies (see
Bonato and Minelli 2011
and references included),
Geophilus carpophagus
belongs to a group of closely related Western Palaearctic species of
, namely the carpophagus species-complex. The overall range of the complex includes Middle and Near East, most part of Europe, Maghreb and Macaronesia. In practice, only three species have been clearly distin
Geophilus carpophagus
s. str.,
Geophilus easoni
Arthur, Foddai, Kettle, Lewis, Luczynsky and Minelli, 2001, both from Great Britain, and
Geophilus arenarius
Meinert, 1870, from Algeria (
Bonato and Minelli 2011
); populations assigned to
Geophilus carpophagus
s. str. have been recorded also in southern France (Alpes Maritimes:
Iorio 2008
; Provence:
Iorio and Berg 2007
). Without a complete revision of the remaining European and Mediterranean populations of the complex, the taxonomic identity of the Corsican populations can not be stated with confidence; therefore, all the previous records and the material herein examined are referred to
Geophilus carpophagus
in the wider sense.
The main characters of adult specimens examined here (6 ♂♂, 6 ♀♀), apparently belonging to the same taxon, are summarised as follows according to
Bonato and Minelli (2011
: table 1). Maximum body length: 48 mm; head transverse suture: distinct; length/width of antennal article V: 1.0-1.4 (mean = 1.13, SD = 0.15); tubercles of labrum intermediate part (3 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀): most often elongate, pointed, opaque; number of bristles of labrum lateral part (3 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀): 8-9 one ♂ from Col de Vergiu, 13-17; width/length of exposed part of forcipular coxosternite: 1.4-1.7 (mean = 1.55, SD = 0.09); basal denticle of forcipular tarsungulum: generally absent, a shallow bulge in 2 ♀♀; colour after preservation in ethanol of leg-bearing trunk: yellowish-grey or light-brownish; number of leg-bearing segments in ♀ (mode and range of variation): 57 (55-59); number of leg-bearing segments in ♂ (mode and range of variation): 55 (53-59); carpophagus pits: distinct; number of coxal pores on coxopleuron: 4-6.