The centipedes (Chilopoda) of Corsica: catalogue of species with faunistic, zoogeographical and ecological remarks Author Zapparoli, Marzio Author Iorio, Etienne text International Journal of Myriapodology 2012 7 15 68 journal article 1875-2543--15 CC27B4BD-EB24-46CA-A6B9-469F5ECF7660 27. Geophilus carpophagus Leach, 1815 sensu latu Geophilus carpophagus Leach: Leger and Duboscq 1903 : 313. (1) Geophilus carpophagus Leach: Verhoeff 1925a : 655. (2) Geophilus carpophagus Leach: Verhoeff 1926 : 271. (3) Geophilus carpophagus Leach: Attems 1929 : 163, fig. 169. (4) Geophilus carpophagus Leach, 1814: Broelemann 1930 : 155, figs 226-232. (5) Geophilus carpophagus Leach: Verhoeff 1943 : 11, fig. 4. (6) Geophilus carpophagus Leach, 1815: Minelli 1978 : 157. (7) Geophilus carpophagus Leach, 1814: Demange 1981 : 231. (8) Geophilus carpophagus Leach, 1815: Foddai et al. 1996 : 361, Tab. I. (9) Geophilus carpophagus Leach, 1814 [sic]: Iorio 2004a : 32. (10) Geophilus carpophagus Leach, 1815: Geoffroy and Iorio 2009 : 685. (11) Literature records. General. Sardinia-Corsica (7). Corsica (2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11). Epigeic. Corse-du-Sud, 2A - Piana (3) [II]. Haute-Corse, 2B - Corte, Lac de Melo, 1711 m, hygrophilous meadow around the lake (10) [IV]. Vizzavona (1, 6) [III]. Material examined. Epigeic. Corse-du-Sud, 2A - Ajaccio, Sagone/Vico, above Col de Sevi, 1500 m, (code 74-5): 27.IX.1974, KT, 1 ♂ 55 lp, body length 30 mm, 2 ♀♀ 57 lp, body length 39, 42 mm, 2 imm. 57 lp MZ det. (NHMW) [III]. Haute-Corse, 2B - Asco River valley, 1000 m: 6.VIII.1997, MZ, 1 ♂ 59 lp, body length 44 mm, 1 ♀ 59 lp, body length 47 mm, MZ det. (CMZ) [II]. Col de Vergiu, eastern slope, 1150 m: 15.IV.2004, MZ, 3 ♂♂ all 55 lp, body length 43, 44, 47 mm, MZ det. (CMZ) [III]. Corte, Col de Vizzavona, Fagus sylvatica wood, 1160-1480 m(code 74-13): 1.X.1974, KT, 2 ♀♀ 55, 57 lp, body length 36, 43 mm, MZ det. (NHMW) [III]. Corte, Col de Vizzavona, approx 1100 m, (code 74-17): 3.X.1974, KT, 1 ♂ 53 lp, body length 31 mm, MZ det. (NHMW) [III]. Corte, Restonica Valley, Pinus laricio wood,950-1000 m: 15.IV.2004, MZ, 1 ♀ 59 lp, body length 48 mm, MZ det. (CMZ) [II]. Vizzavona, Fagus sylvatica wood, 1600 m: 21.IV.1991, RA, 1 ex MZ det. (CMZ) [III]. Ecological notes. 950-1711 m; recorded from Supramediterranean to Alpine belts, in Fagus sylvatica woods (2 sites), in Pinus laricio woods (1 site) and montane hygrophilous meadows (1 site). See Iorio (2004a) . Remarks. According to recent studies (see Bonato and Minelli 2011 and references included), Geophilus carpophagus belongs to a group of closely related Western Palaearctic species of Geophilus , namely the carpophagus species-complex. The overall range of the complex includes Middle and Near East, most part of Europe, Maghreb and Macaronesia. In practice, only three species have been clearly distin guished , Geophilus carpophagus s. str., Geophilus easoni Arthur, Foddai, Kettle, Lewis, Luczynsky and Minelli, 2001, both from Great Britain, and Geophilus arenarius Meinert, 1870, from Algeria ( Bonato and Minelli 2011 ); populations assigned to Geophilus carpophagus s. str. have been recorded also in southern France (Alpes Maritimes: Iorio 2008 ; Provence: Iorio and Berg 2007 ). Without a complete revision of the remaining European and Mediterranean populations of the complex, the taxonomic identity of the Corsican populations can not be stated with confidence; therefore, all the previous records and the material herein examined are referred to Geophilus carpophagus in the wider sense. The main characters of adult specimens examined here (6 ♂♂, 6 ♀♀), apparently belonging to the same taxon, are summarised as follows according to Bonato and Minelli (2011 : table 1). Maximum body length: 48 mm; head transverse suture: distinct; length/width of antennal article V: 1.0-1.4 (mean = 1.13, SD = 0.15); tubercles of labrum intermediate part (3 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀): most often elongate, pointed, opaque; number of bristles of labrum lateral part (3 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀): 8-9 one ♂ from Col de Vergiu, 13-17; width/length of exposed part of forcipular coxosternite: 1.4-1.7 (mean = 1.55, SD = 0.09); basal denticle of forcipular tarsungulum: generally absent, a shallow bulge in 2 ♀♀; colour after preservation in ethanol of leg-bearing trunk: yellowish-grey or light-brownish; number of leg-bearing segments in ♀ (mode and range of variation): 57 (55-59); number of leg-bearing segments in ♂ (mode and range of variation): 55 (53-59); carpophagus pits: distinct; number of coxal pores on coxopleuron: 4-6.