Mantidflies of Colombia (Neuroptera, Mantispidae) Author Ardila-Camacho, Adrian Author García, Alexander text Zootaxa 2015 3937 3 401 455 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3937.3.1 c3097c7a-760d-4669-b37d-380c5c3a1872 1175-5326 236815 B50FB13D-0A8C-47D1-8616-9BA239E72C6D Leptomantispa hoffmani Ardila-Camacho , n. sp. ( Figs. 23 a‒f, 24a‒f, 26, Map 7) Type material. Holotype ♂, Colombia : Risaralda: Camino Cuchilla, SFF Otún Quimbaya, 04°43’N75°35’W , 2050 m , 27.X ~ 12.VI.2003 , G. López, Malaise trap m‒4214 [forewing length, 12 mm ; hindwing length, 11 mm ] (IAvH). Holotype condition. Good, pinned, wings spread, abdomen dissected and cleared, stored in glycerin in a microvial pinned beneath the specimen. Diagnosis. Body mostly dark brown; frons with a cross-shaped spot. Tergites III‒IV posteriorly with two lateral patches of small pores. Tergites IV‒V with two small anterolateral patches of pores, in the middle of each group of pores, two ovoid scars. Tergite III‒V with a pair of large ovoid scars, located on the posterior half of each tergite. Sternite IX subpentagonal in ventral view, with posterior edge rounded. Pseudopenal membrane with a subtriangular region devoid of spinules. Description. Based on one pinned male. Head. Labrum light brown, with a small circular spot in the middle, clypeus brown, mandibles amber, labial and maxillary palpi brown. Frons yellow-ochre, with dark brown cross-shaped mark ( Fig 23 d). Scape ventrally ochre, dorsally brown, pedicel brown, flagellum with 26 articles, dark brown, densely covered with dark brown setae. Vertex pale ochre, with two dark brown triangular spots behind of the antennal sockets ( Fig. 23 d). Occiput dark brown. Thorax. Prothorax length, 3.5 mm; pronotum predominantly brown ( Fig. 23 a). Meso- and metanotum dark brown ( Fig. 23 e). Pteropleura predominantly ochre, with brown spots ( Fig. 23 b). Legs. Foreleg with coxa brown, trochanter brown. Femur (length, 3.5 mm) with inner surface dark reddish brown in the middle, light reddish brown at the periphery, including sub-basal spine; outer surface brown, with minor spines reddish brown ( Fig. 23 c). All segments covered with abundant brown setae. Mid- and hindlegs with coxae brown, trochanter dark brown, femora and tibiae brown. First tarsomere very long; last tarsomere brown dorsally. Claws amber with three apical teeth. All segments densely covered with ochre or brown setae. FIGURE 23. Leptomantispa hoffmani : a , head and thorax, dorsal; b , pteropleura; c , head, frontal; d , forelegs; e , pteronotum, dorsal; f , fore- and hindwing. FIGURE 24. Leptomantispa hoffmani : a , male pregenital abdominal apparatus; b , male genitalia, ventral; c , male terminalia, dorsal; d , male genitalia, lateral; e , sternite IX, ventral; f , hypandrium internum. Abbreviations: gonarcus (g), gonocoxite (gcx), hypomere (hpm), pore (po), pseudopenal membrane (ppm), scar (sc). Scale bars, 0.1 mm. FIGURE 25. Distribution of mantispids in Colombia. 1 , Plega and Anchieta species; 2 , Trichoscelia species; 3 , Buyda species; 4 , Climaciella species. Elevation in meters. FIGURE 26. Distribution of mantispids in Colombia. 5 , Dicromantispa species; 6 , E. batesella ; 7 , L. hoffmani ; 8 , Zeugomantispa species. Elevation in meters. Wings. Forewing length, 12 mm ; membrane hyaline, venation dark brown, except basal half of the AA and AP1 that are pale yellow. Pterostigma dark brown. Costal field hyaline, with eight crossveins; subcostal field light amber with 10‒11 crossveins. Four veins extending posteriorly from the RP ( Fig. 23 f). Hindwing similar to forewing, length 11 mm ; membrane hyaline; costal field with five crossveins; four veins extending posteriorly from the RP ( Fig. 23 f). Abdomen. Tergite I ochre, tergite II and III brown; tergites IV and V with a subtriangular dark brown spot, within this a pair of central ochre spots. Tergites VI‒IX medially with longitudinal dark brown stripe, extended posterolaterally on each tergite. Sternites predominantly brown, with posterior corners dark brown; sternites IV‒IX with dark brown central stripe. Sternum IX with posterior margin rounded, dark brown, with long ochre setae. Pleural membrane dark brown from fifth segment. Male pregenital abdominal apparatus: tergites III and IV with two lateral patches of circular pores at the posterior border, with about 18‒26 on tergite III and 30‒36 on tergite IV. Tergites IV‒V with two anterolateral patches of pores irregularly arranged in two rows, with approximately 54 on the tergite IV and 54‒64 on tergite V, in the middle of each group of pores, two ovoid scars. Tergite III‒V with a pair of large ovoid scars, located on the posterior half of each tergite ( Fig. 24 a). Male genitalia. Ectoproct elongated, ovoid in dorsal view ( Fig. 24 c), densely covered with long dark setae; ventromedial lobe slightly sclerotized, with about 12 short setae, slightly thickened. Sternite IX sub-pentagonal in ventral view, with posterior margin rounded ( Fig. 24 e), in lateral view the apex reaches the level of the gonarcus apodeme ( Fig. 24 d). Gonarcal median lobe arched, as long or slightly longer than pseudopenis, with apex rounded, slender in frontal view and widened in lateral view ( Fig. 24 d). Mediuncus slightly widened in the anterior half in lateral view, distally forked in ventral view, with projections attenuated, slightly widened ( Fig. 24 b). Gonocoxites narrow, medially curved with apex rounded in ventral view. Hypandrium internum triangular ( Fig. 24 f). Pseudopenal membrane with a subtriangular region lacking of spinules. Hypomeres present as two lateral granules. Pseudopenis as long as pseudopenal membrane ( Fig. 24 b). Female. Unknown. Distribution. Risaralda. Adult flight period. Unknown. Etymology. Species named in honor of Kevin M. Hoffman, for his great contribution to the knowledge of the New World Mantispidae . Remarks. Leptomantispa hoffmani may be a species closely related to L. ariasi Penny , due to similarities in the color pattern of the head, raptorial legs, thorax and wings. This species is distinguished by having a crossshaped mark on the frons, small triangular spots behind the antennae, and dark brown pterotoracic scutella. The shape and arrangement of the pregenital abdominal apparatus also differs from other species by having large ovoid scars, located on the posterior half of the tergites III‒V. The shape of sternite IX is rounded and truncated in the posterior border (in L. ariasi is more pronounced and elongated). In addition, the presence of a subtriangular region lacking spinulae, posteromedially located in the pseudopenal membrane is a similar condition to that observed in L. nymphe Hoffman.