Review of the genus Loxocephala Schaum, 1850 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Eurybrachidae) with description of three new species from China Author Wang, Menglin Author Wang, Yinglun text Zootaxa 2013 3664 2 176 198 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3664.2.4 cc3926d4-30b8-4ba1-a351-e7334cdbe3ee 1175-5326 216735 D1EC87C2-4FD8-46A5-80C1-461323ABAB5D Genus Loxocephala Schaum Type species: Lystra aeruginosa Hope, 1840 Loxocephala Schaum, 1850: 71 ; Distant, 1906: 232; Chou et al. , 1985b: 132. Diagnosis. Head (including eyes) approximately as broad as thorax. Vertex nearly rectangular, more than 2 times wider than long, anterior margin slightly convex. Pronotum with anterior margin convex at middle. Mesonotum triangular. Frons flattened and oblique, two anterior ridges fused at center, without median carina, lateral angles moderately produced medially. Eyes large, with a short distinct outwardly-directed spinose process on lower margin. Ocelli present. Second joint of antenna short and subcylindrical. Clypeus obviously elevated. Rostrum short, slightly surpassing intermediate coxae. Tegmina slightly convex or nearly flat, with many transverse veins continued to basal area, veins A1 and A2 fused near middle, first fork of vein M beyond Sc+R separation, clavus narrowly open at apex. Wings distinctly broader than tegmina, fanshaped. Fore femur and tibia more dilated than median femur and tibia. Hind tibia with 4–6 lateral spines. Male genitalia. Anal tube short, rather widened distally and with lateral margins produced ventrad in profile ( Figs 16 , 28 , 33 , 68 , 73 , 84 ), mushroom-shaped in dorsal view ( Figs 18 , 30 , 35 , 70 , 75 , 86 ), anus situated nearly at middle. Pygofer higher than wide, subrectangular ( Figs 16 , 28 , 33 , 68 , 73 , 84 ), posterior margin slightly produced near middle or in upper portion in lateral view, shallowly and broadly concave at middle in ventral view ( Figs 17 , 29 , 34 , 69 , 74 , 85 ). Gonostyli moderately broad, subrectangular, posterior margin incised, with conical-acuminate apical process (ap) dorsally and short mobile hamule process (hp) arising dorsolaterally near posterior margin in lateral view ( Figs 16 , 28 , 33 , 68 , 73 , 84 ), fused ventrally at base in ventral view ( Figs 17 , 29 , 34 , 69 , 74 , 85 ). Aedeagus with dorsal surface produced into a large eminence at base (eb) on each side bearing extremely long spinose dorsal process (dp) extending to apex ( Figs 19 , 31 , 36 , 71 , 76 , 87 ); with a long ventral process (vp) arising at base, directed ventrad for basal third of its length, then smoothly curved at middle and directed dorsocaudad at apex in side view, apical margin moderately excavate in ventral view ( Figs 20 , 32 , 37 , 72 , 77 , 88 ); with two pairs of spinose processes on each side in profile, each arising laterally at base, upper lateral processes (ulp) extremely short, directed caudad, lower lateral pairs (llp) relatively long, directed lateroventral ( Figs 19 , 31 , 36 , 71 , 76 , 87 ), shaft bifid, with pair of large apical processes (ap) extending anteriorly. Female genitalia. Anal tube large and elongate, distinctly surpassing apical margin of gonoplacs, with anus at middle, multisetiferous on each side and venter, curved ventrad at middle ( Figs 22 , 94, 95 ), V-shaped in cross section. Gonoplacs (Gp) large, fused medially at basal third, apical margin obviously rounded obliquely, slightly convex caudad, with apical lobe vertical, subscalariform, strongly sclerotized and multisetiferous ( Figs 24 , 94, 95 ). Gonocoxa IX very small and short, ear-shaped in lateral view ( Fig. 24 ). Gonapophysis IX (Gy IX) markedly reduced, triangulate-acuminate shape in lateral view, connecting gonocoxae IX with membranes, entirely sheathed by gonoplacs ( Fig. 24 ). Gonocoxae VIII well-developed and multisetiferous, subelliptic, with developed endogonocoxal lobe, but endogonocoxal process rudimental ( Fig. 26 ). Gonapophyses VIII (Gy VIII) reduced. Hind margin of seventh abdominal sternite medially produced caudad ( Fig. 23 ). Ectodermal genital duct complex ditrysian, “copulaporus” located in intersegmental fold VII–VIII and covered by middle process of abdominal sternite VII. Bursa copulatrix large and elongate, membranous, covered with very weakly visible small “cell–like” ornamentations on surface with walls of varying thickness according to species, opening directly into posterior vagina by bursa copulatrix ductus ( Figs 94, 95 ). Vagina membranous and very rugose, anterior vagina short, with sclerotized plate in dorsal wall and long spermatheca attached apically ( Fig. 94 ); posterior vagina longer and thicker than anterior vagina, with sclerotized eave-shaped plate in venter just over the opening of copulaporus. Spermatheca well-developed, opened ventrally into vagina and divided into five distinct parts.