New Records Of Hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) From Ukraine. Ii. Brachyopini And Merodontini Author Prokhorov, A. V. Author Popov, G. V. Author Zaika, M. I. text Vestnik Zoologii 2018 2018-04-01 52 2 125 136 journal article 10.2478/vzoo-2018-0014 2073-2333 6454606 Brachyopa vittata (Zetterstedt, 1843) (FIg. 9) M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d. Ukraine . Ivano-Frankivsk Region : Elmy , 10 km WSW Yaremche , 48.43 N 24.43 E, h = 800 m , 13.08.2004 , 2 Ơ (G. Popov). D i s t r i b u t i o n. Norway , Sweden , Denmark , the Netherlands , Belgium , Germany , Switzerland , Austria , Slovenia , Poland , Czech Republic , Slovakia , Romania , Serbia and Montenegro , Hungary , Russia (North and Central European territory, Southern Siberia, Far East) ( Peck, 1988 ; Vujić, 1991 ; Holinka & Mazánek, 1997 ; Tóth, 2011 ; Speight, 2013 , 2017; Mielczarek, 2018 ), Ukraine ( first record ). Diagnosis. It can be easily differentiated from other similar species by its bigger size and scutum “extensively brown/yellow-brown, at least laterally and anterior to the scutellum (elsewhere greyish-brown)” ( Speight & Sarthou, 2017 ).