Taxonomic revision of the New World genus Chlorotabanus Lutz, 1913 (Diptera: Tabanidae) Author Krolow, Tiago Kütter Author Henriques, Augusto Loureiro text Zootaxa 2010 2656 1 40 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.276219 f7dbab6f-314a-405f-be39-e2ea55535a41 1175-5326 276219 Chlorotabanus parviceps ( Kröber, 1934 ) ( Figures 12 A–I; 13A, C) Tabanus (Chlorotabanus) microcephalus Kröber, 1930 : 17 fig. 13 ♂ (preoccupied by Osten Sacken, 1887 ). Tabanus (Chlorotabanus) parviceps Kröber, 1934 : 297 ( Nom. nov. ). Chlorotabanus parviceps , Fairchild, 1940 : 714 (key); 1969: 208 (classification); 1971: 55 (catalog); 1975: 262 (citation); Coscarón, 1976 : 47 -49 (redescription, terminalia and illustrations); Coscarón & Papavero 1993 : 80 -81, figs. 44-45 (illustrated manual); Fairchild & Burger, 1994 : 87 (catalog); Krolow & Henriques, 2008 : 269 (citation); Coscarón & Papavero, 2009a : 76 -77, figs. 48-49 (manual, female and male illustrations); Coscarón & Papavero, 2009b : 68 (catalog); Krolow & Henriques, 2009 : 209 (citation). Chlorotabanus (Chlorotabanus) parviceps , Philip & Fairchild, 1956 : 316 –317, figs. 2–3 (review and Allotype). Type locality: Brazil (?São João). Diagnosis: Medium sized (10.9–14.0 mm), body straw-yellow in color. Frons wide, with slight convergence at the base. Antenna with basal plate longer than stylus. Apical third of the fore and hind tibiae with stout black hairs. Hyaline wing, with clear venation, except for one spot on the alular incision. Redescription (Allotype Ψ ) : Body length 14.0 mm ( Fig. 12 A–B); wing length 12.5 mm ; wing width 4.2 mm . Head ( Fig. 12 C): Eyes dark red. Frons wide, with parallel sides, slightly convergent at base, F.I. 4.2, D.I. 1.4, yellowish-brown pruinosity and yellow pilosity. Subcallus, parafacialia, gena and face with pruinosity and pilosity as frons. Parafacialia, gena and face with dense hairs, while the subcallus with fewer hairs and a naked central area. Palpus yellow with yellow hairs. Proboscis with greenish theca and dark-green to brownish labella. Antenna ( Fig. 12 D), scape and pedicel yellow with yellow pilosity, basal plate with a small proximal - dorsal elevation, B.P.I. 1.5, basal plate 1.5x stylus length Flg.I. 1.6. Thorax: Scutum with brown integument, yellowish-brown pruinosity and straw-yellow pilosity. Scutellum apparently without pruinosity in dorsal and postero-dorsal views, while brownish-yellow pruinosity is visible antero-dorsally. Thoracic pleurites and sternites with pruinosity and pilosity like on scutum. Slender legs; coxae and trochanters yellow with yellow hairs; femora greenish with yellow hairs; tibiae yellowish with yellow hairs, except for dense black hairs on the distal fourth of the fore and hind tibiae, mid tibia with few black hairs; tarsomeres 4 and 5 of fore tarsus covered dorsally by black hairs, the remainder with few black hairs; only tarsomere 5 of mid tarsus covered dorsally by black hairs; hind tarsus with two dorso-lateral rows of black hairs on tarsomeres 1–4, tarsomere 5 with black hairs covering the dorsal side. Hyaline wing ( Fig. 12 E), except for the slight darkening on the basal costal and costal cells, and the spot on the alular incision. Veins greenish-yellow, without darkening. Pterostigma greenish. Fork of vein R4+5 without appendix. Abdomen : Straw-yellow with yellow hairs; tergites 1 and 2 lighter, the remainder darkened (perhaps over time); tergites 6 and 7 with few black hairs. FIGURE 12. Chlorotabanus parviceps (A–C Allotype Ψ; D–E Ψ; F–I ♂): A–B, F–G, Body (dorsal and lateral views); C and H, Head (frontal view); D and I, Antenna (lateral view); E, Wing (dorsal view). FIGURE 13. Chlorotabanus parviceps (A, C ♂): Head (dorsal and lateral views); Chlorotabanus inanis : (B, D ♂): Head (dorsal and lateral views). Variations: Peruvian specimens and those from northern and northeastern Brazil are usually smaller, more slender and with lighter color than other specimens. Also, specimens from Maranhão have greater variation in the frontal index (4.1–5.0) compared to other regions (4.0–4.6). Even considering this variation, specimens are considered to be C. parviceps , since the principal characters identify them as such. Other variations are darkening of the basal costal and costal cells, that may be more or less accentuated; black hairs on the distal ¼ of the tibiae and tarsi, which may be more or less abundant or absent; a median shield-shaped spot may or may not be present on the scutum, that may be visible depending on the angle of observation and light source, as well as the number of hairs; body length 10.9–14.0 mm (X = 12.5 mm , N = 20); wing length 9.5–12.5 mm (X = 11.4 mm , N = 19); wing width 2.9–4.2 mm (X = 3.7 mm , N = 19); F.I. 3.8–5.0 (X = 4.3, N = 20); D.I. 1.0–1.4 (X = 1.1, N = 20); B.P.I. 1.2–1.8 (X = 1.4, N = 18); Flg.I. 1.2–1.7 (X = 1.4, N = 18). Male : ( Fig. 12 F–G) body length 11.4–13.3 mm (X = 12.3 mm , N = 20); wing length 10.4–12.1 mm (X = 11.1 mm , N = 20); wing width 3.5–4.0 mm (X = 3.7 mm , N = 20). Similar to the female, except for: holoptic eyes ( Fig. 12 H), where the larger ommatidia are on the upper half of the eyes and less abundant than the smaller ommatidia. Ocellar tubercle absent, vertex depressed. Palpus porrect and yellow with yellow hairs. Antenna ( Fig. 12 I) with stylus subequal to the basal plate, B.P.I. 1.4–1.9 (X = 1.6, N = 18), Flg.I. 1.1–1.2 (X = 1.1, N = 18). Thoracic pilosity dense and long. The palpus of the male C. parviceps is more inflated than that of C. inanis . Distribution: Venezuela ; Guyana , Brazil (Roraima, Pará, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul), Peru , Paraguay , Argentina (Entre Ríos, Misiones). Holotype ɗ: deposited at Berlin Museum (not examined). Allotype Ψ: deposited at CAS , well-preserved, except for the right antenna without a flagellum and right wing with a damaged apex. Type-material examined. Allotype : “Poço Preto\ 17-1-1936 ” “COMPARED\ with type \ lecto\ T. inanis Fabr. \ Apr. 1951 C B Philip\ NOT SAME \ front widen” “ALLOTYPE\ Chlorotabanus \ parviceps Krb [Kröber]\ Philip and Fchld.[Fairchild]\ ALLOTYPE” “Cornelius B. Philip\ Collection\ Donated to California\ Academy of Sciences” (Ψ, CAS ). Additional material examined . VENEZUELA . T.F. Amaz. (Cerro de la neblina base camp., 140m , 0°50’N ; 66°10’W , at black light in rainforest clearing near Rio baria), 27–28.i.1985 (P.J. & P.M. Spangler, R. Faitoute, W. Steiner), 2Ψ, ( USNM ); GUYANA . Without locality, 1908 (K. S.Wise), Ψ, Chlorotabanus parviceps Krb. ( sic. ) det. Barretto, [19]56 (NHM); BRAZIL . RR[Roraima] : R. Juaperi ( 042958 N; 612859W, luz mista + BLB), 29.x.2004 (J. A. Rafael, F. F. Xavier F° & A. Silva F°), 2Ψ, ( INPA ); Pará : Serra Norte (igarapé fofoca, arm. suspensa), 31–04.xi.1983 (unknown), 1Ψ, ( MPEG / 12002210); Rio Xingu Camp. ( 52°22’W ; 03°39’S , Ca 60km S. Altamira, Igarapé jabuti, malaise trap, night collection), 08–16.x.1986 (P. Spangler & O . Flint), 3Ψ, ( USNM ); MA[Maranhão] : Araguanã (Res.[erva] Indig.[ena] Awaguaja, Alto Rio Turiaçú, isca eqüina), 17–20.iii.2002 (F. L. Oliveira & J. T. Câmara), 3Ψ, ( CZMA ), 2Ψ, ( INPA ); Carolina (Rio Lajes, arm. suspensa), 10–13.xii.2001 (J. A. Rafael, F. L. Oliveira & J. F. Vidal), 5Ψ, ( CZMA ), 1Ψ, ( INPA ); idem, (Rio Itapecurú, 072354 S; 471500W, isca eqüina), 10–13.xii.2001 (J. A. Rafael, F. L. Oliveira & J. F. Vidal), 2Ψ, ( CZMA , INPA ); idem, (P. Campo Grande, isca eqüina), 20–22.viii.2001 (F. L. Oliveira), 1Ψ, ( CZMA ), 2Ψ, ( INPA ); MT[Mato Grosso] : Barra dos Bugres (R. E. Serra das Araras, armadilha suspensa 1,6m), 24.i.1986 (Marcio Zanuto), 1Ψ, ( MPEG ); Go[ias] : Alto Paraíso (Chapada dos Veadeiros, rio São Miguel, 820m , 141134 S; 474822W, arm. luz), 26.iii.2008 (J. A. Rafael & F. F. Xavier F°), 2Ψ, ( INPA ); 24 km E.[ast] Formoso, 19.v.1956 (F. S. Truxal, Machris Brazilian Expedition – 1956 Los Angeles County Museum), 2Ψ, ( LACM / 246775/ 246776); MG[Minas Gerais] : Sacramento, 26.iii. [19]65 (C. & T. Elias), 1Ψ, Chlorotabanus sp. (without det.), ( DZUP / 181892); [Mato Grosso do Sul] : [Miranda] (Salobra, Zona da N. O . B.), 18–29.x. [19]38 (unknown), Cornelius B. Philip Collection Donated to California Academy of Sciences, 4Ψ, ( CAS ); SP[São Paulo] : Iporanga, iii.[1]941 (Ramos), 1Ψ, ( MZSP ); Campos do Jordão (Eug. Lefevre 1.200m ), 15–20.xi.1952 (d’Almeida, L. T. F. & Pd. Pereira), 1ɗ, ( MZSP ); Salesópolis (Boracea), 24– 30.i.1958 (L. T. F., Carrera, Vanzolini, Oiticica & Pearson), 1ɗ, Chlorotabanus inanis (F.) det. Messias Carreira, [19]55, Chlorotabanus ? parviceps det. J. E. Chainey, 1998 (NHM); idem (Est.[ação] Biol.[ógica] Boraceia), 17–19.i.1957 (L. & E. Buckup, M. Carrera & L. Trav.[assos] F.), 1Ψ, ( MZSP ); idem (Est.[ação] Biol.[ógica] Boraceia, 850m ), ii.[19]49 (L. Tr .[avassos] F°. & E. Rabello), 1Ψ, ( MZSP ); idem (Est.[ação] Biol.[ógica] Boraceia, 850m ), ii.[19]49 (L. Tr .[avassos] F°. & E. Rabello), 1Ψ, Chlorotabanus inanis (without det.), ( DZUP / 181885); idem (Est.[ação] Biol.[ógica] Boraceia, 850m , isca humana 19:30hs), 04.xii. [19]63 (Rabello), 2Ψ, ( MZSP , INPA ); idem (Est.[ação] Biol.[ógica] Boraceia, 850m ), 30.i. [19]64 (Rabello), 1Ψ, ( MZSP ); idem (Est.[ação] Biol.[ógica] Boraceia, 850m , em luz), 10.xi. [19]60 (Rabello), 1ɗ, ( INPA ); idem (Est.[ação] Biol.[ógica] Boraceia, 850m , 21–22h[s] na luz), 14.xii. [19]66 (Rabello), 1ɗ, ( MZSP ); idem (Boracea), 24–30.i.1952 (L. T. F., Carrera, Vanzolini, Oiticica & Pearson), 1ɗ, 2Ψ, ( MZSP ), 1ɗ, ( INPA ); idem (Boracea), xi.[1]948 (L. Trav. Fº, Cornelius B. Philip Collection Donated to California Academy of Sciences), 1ɗ, Chlorotabanus parviceps Kröb ( sic. ) det. Fairchild 1960, ( CAS / 25003); idem (Est.[ação] Biol.[ógica] Boraceia, na luz), 24.i.1968 (Ric. Trav. & Trav. F.), 1ɗ, ( MZSP ); idem (Est.[ação] Biol.[ógica] Boraceia), 28.v.1968 (N. Papavero), 1ɗ, ( MZSP ); idem (Est.[ação] Biol.[ógica] Boraceia), 11.xi. [1]960 (K. Lenko), 1ɗ, ( MZSP ); idem (E.[stação] B.[iológica] Boraceia), 13.i.1969 (Oliveira Santos), 1ɗ, ( MZSP ); idem (Est.[ação] Biol.[ógica] Boraceia, 850m , isca humana Arm. Shannon c. luz, 19:30–20[:00] horas), 14.xii. [19]66 (Rabello), 1Ψ, ( MZSP ); idem (Boraceia), xii.[19]48 (Barretto), 3Ψ, ( MZSP , INPA ); idem (Boracéia), i.[1]949 (Barretto), 2ɗ, ( MZSP ); idem (Boracéia), ii.[1]949 (Barretto), 1ɗ, ( MZSP ); idem (Boracéia), xi.[1]949 (Barretto), 2ɗ, ( MZSP ); Rio de Janeiro : Itatiaia (Faz. Serra), ii.[1]945 (Barretto), 1ɗ, ( MZSP ); idem, (Macieiras, 1.800m ), i.[19]48 (Andutta?), 1Ψ, ( INPA ); Rio de Janeiro, 8.iv.1931 (Dr. Zikan), 1ɗ, Chlorotabanus parviceps Krb. ( sic. ) det. C. B.Philip, [19]54, (NHM); PR[Paraná] : Castro (Parque Est. Guartelá, 243345S; 501532W, 1000m , luz), 10.xi.2007 (J. A. Rafael & P. Grossi), 2ɗ, ( INPA ); Fenix, 22.xi.1986 (Mielk & Casagrande), 3Ψ, ( DZUP / 200384 / 200385 / 200386 ); Guaratuba (estr.[ada] castelhanos, 300m , 254650S; 485534W, Arm. Luz lençol), 26.i.2007 (J. A. Rafael & P. Grossi), 2Ψ, ( INPA ); Guarauna, 5.x. [19]39 (Camargo),wing large 1ɗ, Chlorotabanus parviceps Krob. ( sic. ) det. Fairchild, 1959, ( MZSP ); Prainha, 22.i. [19]49 (unknown), 1Ψ, Chlorotabanus parviceps ( Kröber, 1934 ) (without det.), ( DZUP / 181891); Piraquara (Manancial da Serra do Mar, 252946S; 485854W, 1.000m , Arm. Malaise), 08–15.xii.2006 (J. A. Rafael), 2Ψ, ( INPA ); Quatro Barras (Banhado), 7.ii.1970 (Becker & Laroca), 1ɗ, Chlorotabanus sp., ( DZUP / 181893); Santa Catarina : Corupa (Hansa Humbolt) i.1946 (A. Maller, Coll., Frank Jonhson Donor) 1ɗ, AMNH , Cornelius B. Philip Collection Donated to California Academy of Sciences Chlorotabanus ɗ inanis (Fabr) det. C. B. Philip 49, Comp. with TYPE ɗ Chlor. parviceps C. B. Philip Mar 54 Krb. agrees exc. (over) Type Little Larger Palpus Plumper Flag.?one, Occ. Tub. not visible, 1ɗ, ( CAS ); idem (Hansa Humbolt), xii.1944 (A. Maller, Cornelius B. Philip Collection Donated to California Academy of Sciences), 1Ψ, microcephalus (without det.), ( CAS ); idem, i.1945 (A. Maller, Cornelius B. Philip Collection Donated to California Academy of Sciences), 1Ψ, microcephalus (without det.), ( CAS ); Poço Preto, 17.i. [1]936 (unknown), 1Ψ, T. (Chlorotabanus) inanis Pechuman , [19]36, ( MZSP ); RS[Rio Grande do Sul] : Morro Redondo (Sitio Krolow, Malaise), 27.xi.2005 (T. K. Krolow), Chlorotabanus parviceps ( Kröber) 1934 , T. K. Krolow det. 2005, 1Ψ, ( DZUP / 200383 ); S.[antana?] da Boa vista (Fazenda do Bonito), 28.ii. [1]915 (unknown, Cornelius B. Philip Collection Donated to California Academy of Sciences), 1Ψ, ( CAS ); S.[antana?] da Boa vista (Fazenda do Bonito), 28.ii. [1]915 (unknown), 1Ψ, Chlorotabanus parviceps Krb. ( sic. ) det. Fairchild, 1962, (NHM); PERU . [Huánuco] : Tingo Maria (Monson Valley), 16.xi.1954 (E. I. Schlinger & E. S. Ross), 2Ψ, ( CAS ); PARAGUAY . San Esteban, 27.ii. [19]73 (Flint), 1Ψ, Chlorotabanus parviceps (Kroeber) det. Coscarón [19]74, ( INPA ); ARGENTINA . Entre Ríos : Salto Grande, 17.xi. [19]73 (Flint), 1Ψ, Chlorotabanus parviceps (Kroeber) det. Coscarón [19]74, ( INPA ); Misiones : Iguazú (Cataratas), ix.[19]47 (Duret), 1Ψ, ( MZSP ); idem , Deseado, 30.xi. [51] (Duret), 1Ψ, Chlorotabanus inanis (Fabr.) (without det.), ( MZSP ). Discussion: Frequently confused with C. inanis , usually due to similar color and size. The main difference is with respect to the frons, that in C. parviceps is wide and narrows somewhat to the base (F.I. 3.8– 5.0), while that of C. inanis is narrower and with evident convergence at base (F.I. 5.3–7.7). Males may be easily separated by the form of the head ( Fig.13 A, C), which in C. inanis is visibly more hemispherical ( Fig. 13 B, D).