Rubi Capenses: a further contribution to the knowledge of the genus Rubus (Rosaceae) in South Africa Author Beek, Abraham Van De text Phytotaxa 2021 2021-08-19 515 1 1 71 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.515.1.1 1179-3163 8061143 5. Rubus anas A.Beek sp. nov. Type:— SOUTH AFRICA . Eastern Cape : Uitenhage , Van Stadenspas , 15 January 2020 , Beek 2020.11 ( holotype L , isotype NBG). ( Fig 3A–B ) Diagnosis :—Primocane pruinose, (almost) glabrous; leaves with only some short hairs on the main veins; inflorescence with many curved prickles; fruit orange. Primocane ( Fig. 3C ) low arching, angular, diam. 6–8 mm , pruinose, almost glabrous when young, soon fully glabrous, with sessile glands; prickles 4–16 per 5 cm , unequal, with 4–8 mm wide base, (usually strongly) compressed, declining or curved, up to 5–6 mm long; stipules 10–15 mm , linear-lanceolate, hairy, green. Leaves pinnate (5–)7- foliolate, adaxially glabrous, abaxially with some short hairs only on main veins; serrature irregular, sharp, short periodical, with long, mainly upward curved mucros; petiole 7–10 cm long, with 8–19 curved prickles, with some appressed hairs and sessile glands; central leaflet ( Fig. 3D ) 55–67 mm long, ovate or sometimes elliptical, with subemarginate or rounded base, gradually attenuate into moderate or long, usually curved tip, sometimes lobate or one sided divided, width–length index 0.57–0.80, length of petiolule 20–37% of length of leaflet; petiolule of lowest leaflets 3–8 mm . Flowering branch ( Fig. 3E ) angular, with thin to rather dense appressed and patent hairs, sometimes slightly pruinose; prickles 7–20 per 5 cm , unequal, from 2–4 mm large base, curved or hooked, larger ones compressed, up to 2–5 mm long. Leaves pinnate 5- to 7-foliolate, abaxially short hairy on veins; serrature as with primocane leaves; central leaflet 35–47 mm long, ovate, with rounded or subemarginate base, acuminate with moderate to long, often curved tip, rarely acute, width–length index 0.62–0.79, length of petiolule 10–44% of length of leaflet. Inflorescence with 0–3 axillary branches, with leafless cylindrical tip, tomentose, with many curved prickles; pedicels ( Fig. 3F ) thin, 4–14 mm , short tomentose, with rather numerous rather strong curved prickles. Flowers : sepals narrow, long pointed, 2–3 × 5–10 mm , erect, grey or greyish green tomentose, without glands, sometimes with few pricklets; petals pink; anthers glabrous; ovaries with some hairs on tip, usually becoming glabrous; receptacle glabrous. Fruit orange. Note: —The most similar taxon is R. glabrior , but that species has less prickles on the flowering branch, short mucronate teeth, larger leaves with broader central leaflets, and the inflorescence is thinly hairy, not tomentose. Ecology: —Open woodland. Distribution:South Africa , Eastern Cape , from Humansdorp to Amabele. Specimens:— SOUTH AFRICA . Eastern Cape : Humansdorp , August1926 , Thode A 820 , ( PRE ); Grahamstown, 19 August 1975 , Brink 410 ( PRE ); Stutterheim, 30 September 1976 , Stirton 6286 ( PRE0629521 ); Amabele, 12 September 1942 , Acocks 9057 ( PRE ) . Note on specimens: —Other specimens might also belong to R. anas , but they have less numerous, strong prickles and more wax on the stem [e.g. Rogers 5244 , Cape Colony (PRE); Storm 3284 , Keiskamma Hoek (PRE)].