First record of the cicadas genus Orientopsaltria Kato, 1944 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) from Vietnam, with description of one new species Author Pham, Thai-Hong Author Nguyen, Thi Huyen Author Constant, Jerome text Zootaxa 2019 2019-05-10 4603 3 575 582 journal article 26865 10.11646/zootaxa.4603.3.10 fdc2c477-30f9-460a-97d1-09f9ba92502a 1175-5326 2702229 2A7B1ECB-B37C-42A8-BDF4-6E89DA8D8D60 Orientopsaltria dongnaiensis Pham & Constant sp. nov. ( Figs 1 , 2 A–D) Etymology. The species name refers to the locality of origin of the type specimen. Holotype : male, VC.Ho.0018, Vinh Cuu NR , Dong Nai province , 100–150m , 16.v.2007 , light trap , Pham Hong Thai ( VNMN ). Description. Head: Head from dorsal aspect with large, black, median mark, that encloses the ocelli, slightly narrows distad to frontoclypeal suture and continues on postclypeus in a median, round, lanceolate or mushroomshaped, black mark extending to median oval spot on anterior part of postclypeus, and dividing proximad in two short fasciae reaching posterior margin of head and enclosing a median ground coloured spot. A pair of irregular short fasciae run parallel to inner curve of eyes from vertex lobe to posterior margin of head, at a distance to eye equal to the fascia width. Black coloration on anterior half of supra-antennal plates continues on underside of head as a broad, straight, and black, oblique fascia running from antenna to eye. Anterior part of postclypeus with 3–5 black-brown to black transverse lines on either side; median ends of these lines connected by a line enclosing an oval spot of the ground colour. Remaining parts of postclypeus and anteclypeus unmarked. Rostrum brown to dark brown apically; extending beyond hind coxae. FIGURE 1. Orientopsaltria dongnaiensis sp.nov. , distribution map. FIGURE 2. Orientopsaltria dongnaiensis sp.nov. , holotype male: A, dorsal view of male. B, ventral view of male. FIGURE 3. Orientopsaltria dongnaiensis sp.nov. , holotype male: A, male genitalia in ventral view. B, male genitalia in lateroventral view. Thorax: Pronotum. Paired central fasciae are narrow black lines; posterior ends of central fasciae fairly narrow, converging. The lateral pronotal fasciae run from eye along innerside of lateral part of ambient fissure across pronotal collar to base of tegmen. Mesonotum: Median fascia reaching from anterior margin of mesonotum to cruciform elevation, and ending in a black triangle on cruciform elevation, posterior half 1.5– 3 X as wide as anterior part. Paramedian fasciae extending to just beyond half-length of mesonotum, 1.5– 5 X as wide as anterior part of median fascia, and about as broad as or somewhat broader than distance between paramedian and median fasciae. A pair of round black spots in front of anterior angles of cruciform elevation. Lateral fasciae continuous from anterior to posterior margin of mesonotum and about as broad as distance between lateral and paramedian fasciae. A pair of small black triangles at anterior mesonotal margin between paramedian and lateral fasciae. Operculum: Elongate and broad, reaching to distal part of abdominal segment 6 or to half-length segment 7. Medial margin evenly convex. Lateral margin convex in basal part, strongly concavely sinuate at one third to one fourth of its length from base, and weakly convex in apical two thirds. Coloration of operculum as in duarum . FIGURE 4. Male body in dorsal view. A: Orientopsaltria duarum (after Duffels & Zaidi, 2000), B: Orientopsaltria padda (after Duffels & Zaidi, 2000), C: Orientopsaltria saudarapadda (after Duffels & Zaidi, 2000), D: Orientopsaltria moultoni (after Duffels & Zaidi, 2000), E: Orientopsaltria dongnaiensis sp.nov. FIGURE 5 . Male body in ventral view: A: Orientopsaltria duarum (after Duffels & Zaidi, 2000), B: Orientopsaltria saudarapadda (after Duffels & Zaidi, 2000), C: Orientopsaltria padda (after Duffels & Zaidi, 2000), D: Orientopsaltria moultoni (after Duffels & Zaidi, 2000), E: Orientopsaltria dongnaiensis sp.nov. Abdomen: Abdomen dorsally either light brown to ochraceous with a more or less distinct marking or darker brown with very indistinct marking. Distinct marking consisting of a median, triangular to obconical mark at anterior margin of segment 2, reaching to half or three fourths of segment length, and a similar somewhat smaller spot on segment 3; segments 2–4 with pair of paramedian transverse marks situated at half the segment’s height, those on segment 2 are small and very narrow, whilst those on segments 3–4 are one fourth as wide as the segment, variable in height, and sometimes reach anterior and/or posterior segment margins; segments 5–6 laterally dark-coloured, and with black transverse median marks, about one fourth to one third as wide as segment and reaching from anterior margin distad, sometimes reaching posterior segment margin; segments 7–8 mainly dark-coloured. Ventral surface of abdomen brown to black-brown. Male Genitalia: Lateral pygofer lobes apically rounded without protrusion. Basal pygofer lobes with thick outcurved ridges. Uncus with large and globose basal part. The uncus lobes of the new species have a slightly medially curved, fairly stout lateral spine, which is as long as or slightly longer than the hook-shaped medial spine; the apical parts of the lateral margins of the uncus lobes are convex. Measurements in mm: n= 1 male : body length: 37.2; fore wing length: 46.5; fore wing width: 14.2; head width: 11; pronotum width: 11.9; mesonotum width: 10.3. Biology. This species was collected by light trapping at night in virgin rainforest at an altitude between 100 to150 meters. Distribution. Southern Vietnam ( Dong Nai province ). FIGURE 6. Male genitalia in ventral view: A: Orientopsaltria duarum (after Duffels & Zaidi, 2000), B: Orientopsaltria moultoni (after Duffels & Zaidi, 2000), C: Orientopsaltria padda (after Duffels & Zaidi, 2000), D: Orientopsaltria saudarapadda (after Duffels & Zaidi, 2000), E: Orientopsaltria dongnaiensis sp. nov. Diagnosis. The male genitalia of Orientopsaltria dongnaiensis sp. nov. , O . padda , O . saudarapadda and O . moultoni are fairly similar, sharing a stout and more or less straight lateral spine of the uncus, and a short, hookshaped medial spine; the shape of the uncus O . duarum is quite different, in the O . duarum with uncus with large and globose basal part; uncus lobes broad at base, and strongly narrowing to incurved apices; lateral margins of uncus lobes basally weakly convex, more or less distinctly concave toward apex, and with distinct, curved, shon and strong spine at half-length; arcuate ridge over narrow gap between uncus lobes fairly strongly elevated and ourcurved. The species Orientopsaltria dongnaiensis sp. nov. is distinguished from O. padda by the marking on the pronotal collar, O. padda has a pronotum with black to black-brown lateral fasciae, running from eye along innersides of lateral parts of ambient pronotal fissure and across pronotal collar to posterior margin of pronotal collar, while Orientopsaltria dongnaiensis sp. nov. does not have distinct marks on the pronotal collar, and also differs in the uncus of the male genitalia. The uncus lobes of Orientopsaltria dongnaiensis sp. nov. have a slightly medially curved, fairly stout lateral spine, which is as long as or slightly longer than the hook-shaped medial spine; the apical parts of the lateral margins of the uncus lobes are convex, while in O . padda the lateral spine is straight and considerably longer than the medial spine, while the lateral margin of the uncus lobe is straight. The new species is distinguished from O. moultoni in structure of the basal lobes of pygofer, the basal pygofer lobes of O. moultoni have distinct protrusions, while O. dongnaiensis sp. nov. does not have these. The male operculum of O. saudarapadda is dark brown to black-brown apically and along the median margin, while the remaining surface of operculum, proximally of the dark brown apical part, is reddish brown with exception of the ochraceous or light brownish basal one third or one fourth; the operculum of O. dongnaiensis sp. nov. is black to black-brown apically and along its medial margin, while its remaining surface is ochraceous without reddish brown coloration.