3598 Author Anker, Arthur Author Pachelle, Paulo P. G. Author Grave, Sammy De Author Hultgren, Kristin M. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-12-24 3598 1 1 96 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3598.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3598.1.1 1175­5334 5694454 74562879-7AB4-42D7-B894-09BFA4885324 Synalpheus idios ( Ríos & Duffy, 2007 ) ( Fig. 38 ) Zuzalpheus idios Ríos & Duffy 2007: 36 , figs 13–17, pl. 3. Synalpheus idios —Hulgtren et al. 2011: 6. Material examined . Panama : 1 ov. female, MNHN-IU-2010-4145, Bocas del Toro , San Cristóbal , in Xestospongia rosariensis , 5–15 m , coll. E. Tóth , 21.08.2003 [fcn 03-034]; 2 males + 17 juveniles , MNHN-IU-2010-4146, same collection data [fcn 03-035]; 2 ov. females, RMNH D54874 , same collection data [fcn 03-036]; 1 ov. female, RMNH D54873 , same collection data [fcn 03-037]; 1 ov. female, OUMNH . ZC .2012-07-041, same collection data as previous specimens [fcn 03-038]; 1 male , 3 ov. females, OUMNH . ZC .2012-07-040, Bocas del Toro, Crawl Cay ( Cayo Coral ), in Lissodendoryx colombiensis , 1–3 m , coll. A. Anker , 30.10.2005 [fcn 05-085]; 3 ov. females, 3 males , MNHN-IU-2010-4147, same collection data [fcn 05-088]; 1 male , UP , same collection data [fcn 05-089C]; 1 ov. female, UP , Bocas del Toro , Isla Bastimentos , Crawl Cay ( Cayo Coral ), in L. colombiensis , coll. E. Tóth , 02.02.2006 [fcn 06-735]; 1 ov. female, MNHN-IU-2010-4148, Bocas del Toro , Isla Bastimentos , off Salt Creek , in cryptic sponges in rubble 1–2 m , coll. A. Anker , 31.03.2008 [fcn 08-012*]; 2 ov. females, RMNH D54875 , Bocas del Toro , Isla Solarte , Gardens , in L. colombiensis , coll. E. Tóth , 05.02.2006 [fcn 06-739]; 1 male , OUMNH . ZC .2012-07-127, Bocas del Toro , Isla Colón , Punta Caracol , 1–3 m , in sponge ( L. colombiensis or another sponge), coll. A. Anker , J.A. Baeza , 28.04.2007 [fcn 07-142B*]; 1 ov. female, 2 males (?), 3 small 40, Circus dive site off Tintamarre Island , coral reef, under large coral debris on silt-sand bottom, 13–17 m , in unidentified sponge [host fcn BSTM-1175], coll. G. Paulay et al., 19.04.2012 [fcn BSTM-1134*] . Description . For complete description and illustrations see Ríos & Duffy (2007) . Size range . Males, 2.3–5.1 mm cl; females, 3.1–5.2 mm cl. Colour in life . Semitransparent with pale-orange tinge, darker yellow-orange on major chela fingers; ovaries and freshly laid eggs usually dark reddish orange or olive-greenish ( Fig. 38 ); see also photograph in Ríos & Duffy (2007) . Type locality . Carrie Bow Cay , Belize . Distribution . Western Atlantic: Caribbean Sea: Belize [Carrie Bow Cay], Panama [San Blas Islands, Bocas del Toro ], Curaçao , St. Martin , Barbados ( Ríos & Duffy 2007 ; Hultgren et al. 2011; present study); possibly also in the Florida Keys ( Ríos & Duffy 2007 ) (see map in Fig. 52 ). Ecology . Shallow reef and adjacent habitats rich in rubble and sponges; depth range 1–15 m ; symbiont of demosponges, including Hymeniacidon amphilecta in Belize , Lissodendoryx colombiensis , Xestospongia rosariensis and X. proxima in Panama , and Hyrtios cf. proteus in Barbados ( Ríos & Duffy 2007 ; Hultgren et al. 2011; present study); usually in small subsocial groups of up to several dozens of specimens, including multiple ovigerous females and juveniles. FIGURE 38. Synalpheus idios ( Ríos & Duffy, 2007 ) : a, ovigerous female from Bocas del Toro, Panama (OUMNH.ZC.2012-07- 040); b, male from the same locality (OUMNH.ZC.2012-07-040); c, four individuals (breeding female largest) from a subsocial Remarks . Synalpheus idios differs from the closely related S. brooksi (see above) in the anteriorly projecting distal tooth on the palm of the major chela (vs. anterodorsally projecting in S. brooksi ), and in the posterior pleura of the male abdomen being rounded (vs. with sharp angles in S. brooksi ) (see Dardeau 1984 ; Ríos & Duffy 2007 ).