Typification of Edmond Boissier’s Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) names enumerated in Flora Orientalis Author AL-Shehbaz, Ihsan A. Missouri Botanical Garden 4344 Shaw Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63110, USA ihsan.al-shehbaz@mobot.org Author Barriera, Gabrielle Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève Case postale 71 1292 Chambésy, Switzerland gabrielle.barriera@ville-ge.ch text Boissiera 2019 2019-12-23 72 1 193 journal article http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7630433 978-2-8277-0088-2 0373-2975 7630433 Farsetia aegyptia var. gracilior Boiss., Fl. Orient . 1: 159. 1867 . Type: “Hab. in Affghaniâ (Griff!)”. Lectotypus (designated here): AFGHANISTAN : sine loco, s.d., Griffith 1363 ( G-BOIS [ G00332042 ]; isolecto-: G [ G00446008 ], K [ K000484503 , K000484505 ], P [ P06618089 ]) . Syntypi : AFGHANISTAN : sine loco, s.d., Griffith 1495 ( G-BOIS [ G00332043 ], K [ K000484505 , K000618628 ]) ; sine loco, s.d., Griffith 1497 ( K [ K000484503 ]) . = Farsetia aegyptia subsp. edgeworthii (Hook. f. & Thomson) Jonsell in Acta Univ. Upsal., Symb. Bot. Upsal. 25(3): 43. 1986 . Notes. – The presence in G-BOIS of two collection numbers by Griffith ( 1363 and 1495 ) none of which was listed in the original protologue necessitated lectotypification of the taxon. JONSELL (1986) did not list Griffith 1363, though he listed both Griffith 1495 and 1497 as syntypes .