Review of subtribe Singilina Jeannel, 1949, of the Middle East and Central Asia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini)
Anichtchenko, Alexander
journal article
Singilis timuri
sp. n.
Material examined.
Holotype: ♂, Aman-Kutan, merid. versus, ab Samarkand, 14.V.65 (ZMM).
Among the quartet of small-bodied species, with convex, subovate elytra and long pubescence (Figs 8-11),
Singilis timuri
is diagnosable by the black apical half of elytra.
Length 5.1 mm. Red-brown with apical half of elytra black; anterior margin of the dark area blurry and perpendicular to suture (Fig. 11).
Head sparsely feebly punctate on the frons and between eyes, with punctures separated by 4 to 7 diameters, deeply and densely punctate elsewhere, with punctures separated by their diameter towards head base. Head and clypeus very distinctly microsculptured throughout. Clypeus smooth. Head pubescent, pubescence as long as on pronotum and elytra and as long as width of second interval. Eyes moderately large and bulging, with 4-5 long setae at posterior margin. Second supraocular seta located just anterad the posterior margin of eye. Temples short, smooth. Scape with a very long subapical seta and several more, rather long, setae; pedicel with a band of setae; antennomere III with two apical bands of setae. Antennae pubescent from the basal third of antennomere IV.
1.22 times as wide as head, 1.33 times as wide as long, widest near marginal setae. Anterior margin straight, anterior angles effaced, sides broadly and regularly rounded, sinuate at base, posterior angles rectangular. Punctation confused and coarse, punctures large, shallower and larger towards the furrow and anterior angles. Disc convex, uniformly setose. Lateral margin slightly explanate in basal half only. Posterior pore right in front of angle. Basal grooves flat, densely punctate. Pronotal base extended in a rounded median lobe. Furrow deep, almost reaching anterior margin and ended short of the base by length of antennomere III. Microsculpture as on head.
Elytra subovate, with polygonal microsculpture. Each interval with a series of large setiferous pores in a single irregular row. Scutellum smooth. Elytral apices truncate, weakly obliquely sinuate, rounded at suture. Striae deep and slightly crenulate. Intervals slightly convex.
Legs red-brown. Protarsomere IV small and narrow. Tarsomere V with 4 pairs of ventral setae. Claws with 3 long apical teeth and one tiny denticle. Abdominal sterna black, pubescent throughout. Prosternum, propleura and mesepisterna smooth.
Aedeagus - Fig. 34. Aedeagal median shaft slightly arcuate between basal bulb and elongate, narrow apex with tightly rounded tip. Internal sac with few large spines.
Name derivation.
Named after Timur (Tamerlane), the fourteenth-century conqueror of Asia.