Phytoseiid mites of the genus Euseius (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from Sub­Saharan Africa Author Moraes, G. J. De Author Ueckermann, E. A. Author Oliveira, A. R. Author Yaninek, J. S. text Zootaxa 2001 3 1 70 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.4616491 6e10c8f5-772d-4e65-b79c-9dd7baa787ab 1175­5326 4616491 Euseius talinga (Pritchard & Baker) ( Fig. 39 ) Amblyseius ( Amblyseius ) talinga Pritchard & Baker, 1962: 277 FEMALE (Specimens measured – Benin: 8, Burundi: 2, Ghana: 5, Kenya: 3, Nigeria: 6, Rwanda: 2, Sierra Leone: 12, Togo: 2, Zaire: 1 and holotype). Numbers in brackets correspond our measurements of the holotype. Dorsum ­ Dorsal shield smooth, 327 (290­360) [314] long, 212 (192­227) [180] wide, j1 26 (19­32) [28], j3 13 (8­24) [16], j4 and j5 7 (5­10) [7], j6 8 (5­11) [10], J2 9 (8­13) [10], J5 7 (5­8) [6], z2 and z4 8 (5­10) [13], z5 7 (5­10) [9], Z1 8 (6­11) [11], Z4 9 (6­11) [11], Z5 38 (29­53) [47], s4 13 (10­22) [28], S2 11 (8­14) [13], S4 12 (8­14) [12], S5 11 (8­ 14) [13], r3 9 (5­13) [17], R1 8 (5­13) [13]. Dorsal setae smooth, except Z5, which are serrate. Peritreme ­ Reaching level of z2. Venter ­ All ventral shields smooth. Distances between ST1­ST3 56 (50­66) [56], ST2­ ST2 66 (61­72) [64] and ST5­ST5 72 (62­82) [68]. With 1 pair of metapodal shields. Ventrianal shield 100 (88­123) [102]long, 57 (46­72) [62] wide at ZV2 level and 65 (58­ 77) [63] wide at anus level. Spermatheca ­ Calyx flared, 31(24­40) long; atrium indistinct; minor duct prominent. Legs ­ Macrosetae blunt to knobbed: SgeII 20 (16­26) [20], SgeIII 26 (24­30) [24], StiIII 20 (13­24) [20], SgeIV 39 (30­46) [39], StiIV 32 (22­37) [31], StIV 41 (29­56) [52]. REMARKS: The fact that this was one of the most common species found in this study and that no male was ever found indicates that it is a thelytokous species. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: The holotype collected by E.W. Baker from Tithonia speciosa on 7­V­55, Beni, Zaire. Benin : Setto, Zou, on Securinega virosa , 13­VI­91, A. Onzo; Gangnigon, on S. virosa , 15­X­91, B. Eklou. Burundi : Gitega, on Manihot esculenta , 8­IX­88, R.H. Markham. Ghana : 106 km N Kumasi, Techiman, on M. esculenta , 9­XI­89, J.S. Yaninek; 28 km S. Dunkwa, Western Region, on unidentified plant, 9­XI­89, J.S. Yaninek. Kenya : Embu, on M. esculenta , 25­X­85, H. van den Berg. Nigeria : Benin City, on M. esculenta , 18­III­86, J.S. Yaninek. Rwanda : ISAR Station, Rubona, on Zehneria scabra , 6­XI­89, J.S. Yaninek; ISAR Station, Kamara, on Jacaranda mimosifolia , 9­XII­89, G.J. Moraes. Sierra Leone : Njaba University, on Mangifera indica , 12­XII­91, J.S. Yaninek; Bochina Farm, on Anacardium occidentale , 14­XII­91, B. Christensen; Rokupr, on M. esculenta , 17­XII­91, M.M. Bockarie; Masiaka, on M. indica , 18­XII­91, B. Christensen; Joe Town, on Carica papaya , 18­XII­91, B. Christensen; Masiaka BO Road, on Citrus sp., 14­I­92, B.I. Kamara; forest by Magbosi Agricultural Site, on Cassia sp. and Acacia auriculiformis , 21­I­92, B.I. Kamara. Togo : Lome, on unidentified plant, 14­XI­89, J.S. Yaninek. Zaire : 4 km S. Kikwit, on Morinda lucida , 26­ VI­91, A. Onzo.