A new genus of the tooth-nosed snout weevils (Coleoptera: Rhynchitidae) from Philippines Author Legalov, A. A. text Far Eastern Entomologist 2018 2018-05-08 359 1 6 http://dx.doi.org/10.25221/fee.359.1 journal article 10.25221/fee.359.1 2713-2196 Genus Luzonorhynchites Legalov , gen. n. Type species: Luzonorhynchites crassifemoratus sp. n. , here designated. DIAGNOSIS. Body large. Mandibles externally dentate. Rostrum longer than pronotum. Eyes large, stark convex. Antennae long, inserted before middle (males) and in basal third of rostrum, reaching middle of pronotum. Antennomeres 2 and 3 subequal. Antennal club loose. Pronotum transversely wrinkly-punctate. Elytra with distinct elytral striae, without scutellar striole. 9 striae merge with striae 10 before metacoxa. Metanepisternum quite wide. Ventrites 1 and 2 subequal in length. Ventrite 5 as long as ventrite 3. Procoxae with pit and hair bunches in males. Metafemora strongly thickened, lacking teeth. Pro- and mesotibiae almost straight. Metatibiae curved. Tarsomere 2 wide-conical. Tarsomere 3 wide-bilobed. Tarsal claws with long teeth. COMPARISION. The new genus differs from all genera of the subtribe Rhynchitina in the strongly thickened metafemora in both sexes. The genera Anisomerinus Voss, 1933 from the subtribe Temnocerina of the tribe Rhynchitini , and the subgenera Neodeporaus Kano, 1928 and Deporaus s. str. of the genus Deporaus Samouelle , 1819 from the tribe Deporaini have the thickened metafemora in the males, but females are with simple metafemora. New genus differs from Anisomerinus in the elytra without scutellar striole, stark convex eyes, long antennal club, ventrite 1 subequal to ventrite 2, and metafemora lacking teeth. It is distinguish from Neodeporaus and Deporaus s. str. in the propygidium not exposed, and short rostrum. ETYMOLOGY. Generic name from the name of Luzon and “ Rhynchites ”. COMPOSITION. Type species.