A review of the asilid (Diptera) fauna from Hispaniola with six genera new to the island, fifteen new species, and checklist Author Scarbrough, Aubrey G. Author Perez-Gelabert, Daniel E. text Zootaxa 2006 2006-12-14 1381 1 91 journal article 1175­5334 B1C4BACE-8DA8-4051-9CFC-E6AB2C7BE9BB Holcocephala indigena sp. nov. ( Table 1 , Figs. 112–117 , 123 ) Male. Black body, wings, and legs; dark brown tomentum dorsally. Measurements, body 5.0– 5.3 mm , wing 5.0– 6.3 mm . Head : Face with dorsal 1/3 grayish or sooty black tomentose, sometimes pale with only narrow margin along eye gray; blackish ventrally to or just beyond transverse facial groove, and narrowly along margin of eye and gena; ventral 1/3 yellow or yellowish-gray medially below facial groove and along oral margin; setae yellow, sparse above facial groove, more abundant below; facial width medially slightly greater than diameter of eye. Palpus long, slender, black with yellow setae apically, sometimes mixed with black. Proboscis black, white setose ventrally. Antenna black, black setose; flagellum with short, conical microsegment and seta-like apical style, style subequal or slightly longer than microsegment. Frons, ocellar tubercle, and vertex dark brown or blackish tomentose, tomentum extending narrowly along eye margin dorsally; setae sparse, usually blackish, sometimes yellow. Ocellar tubercle prominent, unusually wide, with large ocelli. Occiput mostly gray tomentose, setae whitish, sparse, most abundant ventrally. Thorax : Pronotum blackish or dark brown tomentose, gray with sparse white setae laterally. Scutum dark brown or blackish tomentose, narrow anterolateral and lateral margins posteriorly to transverse suture brownish-yellow tomentose; prescutellum, postalar callus, and dorsal spot above callus brownish-yellow tomentose, often prescutellum and dorsal spot connected by narrow brownish-yellow tomentose stripe; setae sparse, acrostichial setae short, thin, brown anteriorly, sometimes yellow posteriorly; bristles absent. Scutellum with large brown spot dorsally, narrow apical margin, often basal margin, brownish-yellow tomentose; setae sparse, usually yellowish; marginal bristles absent. Mediotergite dark brown tomentose, anatergite usually pale brownishyellow or grayish. Pleura gray tomentose, anepisternum sometimes yellowish-gray, setae sparse, whitish or yellow. Halter yellow, base and knob usually partially or entirely sooty. Wing : Blackish microtrichose. Legs : Black, usually yellow setose, sometimes partly white; stout bristles sparse, black; tibiae narrowly brownish or yellowish basally. Hind tibiae clubbed, gradually enlarged apically, apex about twice as wide as base. Tarsi black; middle and hind tarsi ventrally dense setose, color usually brassy. Basal tarsomere of hind tarsus slightly shorter than tarsomeres 2–4 combined, about as wide as hind tibia apically. Abdomen : Tergites dark brown or blackish tomentose dorsally with sparse brown setae, narrow sides and sternites entirely gray with white setae. Terminalia ( Figs. 112–117 ): Black, white setose, membranous basally. Epandrium narrow apically, curved dorsally, base membranous dorsally. Gonostylus wider basally than apically, apex horizontal, pointed anteriorly. Aedeagus sigmoid in lateral view, long, and slender, apex trifid with short apical processes; horizontal and ventral apodemes present. Hypandrium swollen, triangular in ventral view, base notched medially. Female. Measurements, body 8.3–8.4 mm , wing 6.3–7.3 mm . Terminalia not dissected. Types. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC : RD-256 La Compartición - / Los Tablones , PN Armando / Bermúdez , La Vega prov . / 2,450 1,110 m, 3.vii.2004 , / D.Perez (d) ( holotype , USNM ) . Paratypes , Bara- / hona [ province ] 6 km NW Paraiso , Rio / Nizao. 18-02N, 71-12W [ 18 o 02'N , 71 o 12'W ], 170 m / 25–26 July 1990 , C.Young , / J.E.Rawlins , S.A.Thompson ( 2 ♂ , CMNH ) ; RD-163 Rio Limpio , Elías / Piña prov . , by river, 19 o 14. / 221'N, 71 o 31.643'W , 770 m / 24.vii.2003 , D.Perez , R.Bas- / tardo, B.Hierro (day/night) ( 1 ♀ , MHND ) ; Independencia prov . Road / 47, between Los Pinos and / Angel Félix , 760 meters / 18 o 36.966'N , 71 o 46.556'W / 20 June 2005 N.E.Woodley ( 1 ♀ , USNM ) ; Independencia prov . Road / 47, between Los Pinos and / Angel Félix , 847 meters / 18 o 36.966'N , 71 o 46.556'W / 16 July 2006 N.E.Woodley ( 2 ♂ , 2 ♀ , USNM ) ; same data as holotype ( 2 ♂ , 2 ♀ , USNM ) ; RD-251 Los Tablones – La / Laguna, P N Armando Ber- / múdez, La Vega prov . 1270 / - 1,980 m , 30.vi.2004 , D. / Perez (d) ( 4 ♂ , 4 ♀ , USNM ) ; Peder- / nales prov . ' Las Abejas' / 7.3 km NNE Las Mercedes / 18 o 19'N , 71 o 38'W 1100- / 1150 m 20 August 1983 ~ F.M.Harrington / J. D. Weintraub / collectors ( 1 ♂ , 2 ♀ , FSCA ) ; prov . Pedernales / ca. 35 km N Cabo Rojo / El AceitillarLas Abejas / 1250–1430 m , 23 Aug 1988 / M. Ivie , T.K.Phillips / & K.A. Johnson ( 1 ♀ , MAIC ) ; prov. Pedernales / ca. 35 km N Cabo Rojo / Las Abejas, 1250 m / 26 AUG – 09 SEP 1988 ~ M.A. Ivie , T.K.Phillips / & K.A.Johnson colrs. ~ Malaise Trap ( 2 ♀ , MAIC ) ; Pedernales [ province ], 23.5 km / N Cabo Rojo . / 18-06N, 71-38W [ 18 o 06'N , 71 o 38'W ]. 540 m ~ 13–19 July 1990 / L.Masner , J.Rawlins / C.Young. Deciduous / forest: intercept trap ( 1 ♀ , CMNH ) ; RD-072 ca. 5 km N. La Colonia , / San Cristóbal prov . , 566 m , / 18 o 31.167'N , 70 o 16.740'W , 26.xi.2002 , D.Perez , B.Hierro , R.Bastardo (night) ( 1 ♀ , MHND ) ; RD-242 ca. 2 km N. La Colonia / San Cristóbal prov . , 24.iv.2004 , / D. Perez , B.Hierro. (d) ( 1 ♂ , MHND ) . FIGURES 112–117. Holcocephala indigena sp. nov . , male terminalia. 112–114. Lateral, dorsal, ventral views; 115. gonostylus; 116–117. aedeagus, dorsal and lateral views. Abbreviations: Ae=aedeagus, Ce=cercus, Ep=epandrium, Ea=ejaculatory apodeme, Gc=gonocoxa, Gs=Gonostylus, H=horizontal apodeme, Hp=hypandrium, V=ventral apodeme, me=membranous, thinly sclerotized. FIGURES 118–123. Six asilids from Hispaniola. 118. Proctacanthella taina sp. nov . , 119. Atomosia ciguaya sp. nov . , 120. Cerotainia sola sp. nov . , 121. Rhopalogaster albidus sp. nov . , 122. Plesiomma simile sp. nov . , 123. Holcocephala indigena sp. nov . Distribution. Captured between 170 and 2450 m during April, June-September, and November in deciduous forests of Barahona, Independencia, La Vega, Elías Piña, San Cristóbal , and Pedernales provinces. Etymology. Latin indigena for native, alluding to its distribution being limited to Hispaniola. Remarks. Holcocephala indigena is distinguished by its male terminalia ( Figs. 112–117 ) and is the first species of the genus reported in the Greater Antilles.