Scydmaenus Latreille of Australia: Revision of species in subgenera Choleropsis Franz, Kingius Franz, Mascarensia Franz, Parallomicrus Franz, Scottiscydmaenus Franz, and description of Ascydmaenus subgen. n. (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scydmaeninae) Author Jałoszyński, Paweł text Zootaxa 2023 2023-11-14 5371 1 1 75 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5371.1.1 1175-5334 10144644 D60B50D1-280B-4403-9E5B-25C0704A43A1 Euconnus ( Tetramelus ) armitagei (King) , comb. n. Heterognathus armitagei King, 1864: 98 . Scydmaenus ( Cholerus ) armitagei (King) ; Csiki, 1919: 72 . ( Figs 187–188 ) Type specimens studied as high-quality photographs. Presumable syntypes : 2 exx. ( Fig. 187 ) mounted on one card, “K23213” [brownish, handwritten], “K 197769” {white, printed], PARATYPE ” [blue, printed] ( AMS ); 1 ex. ( Fig. 188 ) , with labels illustrated in Fig. 205 : “K23212” [brownish, handwritten], “Het / armitagei” [brownish, handwritten], “K 197770” [white, printed], HOLOTYPE ” [red, printed] ( AMS ) . FIGURES 187–188. Syntypes of Euconnus ( Tetramelus ) armitagei (King) , comb. n. (= Heterognathus armitagei ). © Natalie Tees (AMS). Remarks. Already King (1864) , who described this species, noted that in contrast to all remaining species that he placed in Heterognathus , this one has a tetramerous antennal club. He noted: “I place it however in this genus with some hesitation, as I have not yet obtained a specimen for dissection”. In addition, he described “ thorace fossula transversa basali ”, i.e., the pronotum with a transverse antebasal groove, which is a character not known in any Scydmaenus , but commonly found among Stenichnini. If the specimens preserved at AMS are indeed those studied by King, they can be unambiguously placed in Euconnus ( Tetramelus ) . If not, a placement in the subgenus is putative. However, the original description allows for excluding this species from Scydmaenus (and Scydmaenini ).