The male of Ascorhynchus constrictus Stock, 1997 (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida), with further new records of deep-sea pycnogonids from New Caledonia, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu Author Bamber, Roger N text Zootaxa 2011 2787 55 67 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.201969 46df74fc-444d-4317-aca4-9e2b56ac9144 1175-5326 201969 Pallenopsis angusta Stock, 1991 Pallenopsis (Pallenopsis) angusta Stock, 1991 , 198–197, figs 47–48. Stock, 1994 , 18, 49 (literature, distribution). Stock, 1997 , 403–404. Bamber, 2004a , 76–77. Bamber, 2004b , 15 (distribution) Material. New Caledonia : 1 specimen (MNHN-IU-2007-4778), station CP2038, 23°42’S 168°00’E , 23 X 2003 , depth 290–330 m , Ride de Norfolk , Banc Jumeau Ouest. 1 specimen (MNHN-IU-2007-4779), station DW2053, 23°40’S 168°16’E , 24 X 2003 , depth 670–708 m , Ride de Norfolk , Banc Jumeau Est. 1 specimen (MNHN-IU- 2007-4780), station DW2091, 24°45’S 168°02’E , 29 X 2003 , depth 600–896 m , Ride de Norfolk , Banc Kammon Maru. 1 specimen (MNHN-IU-2007-4781), station CP2119, 23°23’S 168°02’E , 0 1 XI 2003 , depth 300 m , Ride de Norfolk , Banc Antigonia. 2 specimens (MNHN-IU-2007-4782), station CP2120, 23°22’S 168°02’E , 0 1 XI 2003 , depth 240 m , Ride de Norfolk , Banc Antigonia. 1 specimen (MNHN-IU-2007-4783), station DW2126, 23°16’S 168°13’E , 0 2 XI 2003 , depth 398–550 m , Ride de Norfolk , Banc Crypthelia. 1 specimen (MNHN-IU-2007-4784), station CP2130, 23°16’S 168°14’E , 0 2 XI 2003 , depth 375–427 m , Ride de Norfolk , Banc Crypthelia. 1 specimen (MNHN-IU-2007-4785), station CP2153, 22°47’S 167°12’E , 0 5 XI 2003 , depth 395–400 m , Ile des Pins. 1 specimen (MNHN-IU-2007-4786), station CP2154, 22°50’S 167°13’E , 0 5 XI 2003 , depth 410–423 m , Ile des Pins. 1 specimen (MNHN-IU-2007-4787), station DW2158, 22°41’S 167°14’E , 0 6 XI 2003 , depth 265–283 m , Ile des Pins. All Lozonet, Samedi & Richer-IRD coll. Solomon Islands : 1 specimen (MNHN-IU-2007-4788), station CP2246, 7°42.6’S 156°24.6’E , XI 2004 , depth 664–682 m , Solomon Island . Bouchet, Warén & Samedi-IRD coll. Remarks. Pallenopsis angusta is the commonest Pallenopsis species of this region, recorded in a large number of samples from New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands ( Stock 1991a ; 1997 ; Bamber, 2004b ) and from Indonesia ( Stock 1994 ), from depths between 150 and 619 m ; the present material confirms its predominance in these waters, and extends its known depth range down to 896 m ..