Twenty-five new species of mining bees (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae: Andrena) from Israel and the Levant Author Pisanty, Gideon 0000-0003-2076-430X Author Scheuchl, Erwin 0000-0001-7500-2316 Author Martin, Teresa 0000-0003-4433-0477 Author Cardinal, Sophie 0000-0002-5674-5891 Author Wood, Thomas James 0000-0003-2076-430X text Zootaxa 2022 2022-09-13 5185 1 1 109 journal article 173358 10.11646/zootaxa.5185.1.1 500935fc-fd0d-4cd1-b994-390f35fddadb 1175-5326 7073826 D34A7F04-8EAD-4441-A859-CFD79F7740D2 Andrena ( Poecilandrena ) veronicae Pisanty & Wood sp. nov. ( Figs. 148–152, 155–159, 161 ) Female ( Fig. 148 ). Body length: 7.5–8 mm . Colour. Basal half of clypeus with rainbow-like pattern of alternating green, yellow, red, purple and blue metallic hues; apical half black. Face above clypeus and genal area with golden, green and/or blue metallic luster ( Fig. 149 ). Anterior side of flagellomeres 5–10 orange ( Fig. 148 ). Pronotum, mesonotum, scutellum and metanotum with blue to golden metallic luster ( Fig. 150 ). Mesepisternum and propodeal corbicula dark, often with weak bluish metallic luster. Posterior part of propodeum black ( Fig. 150 ). Legs dark brown. Wings slightly infuscate, veins and stigma dark brown ( Fig. 148 ). Tergal discs with weak to strong metallic luster, mostly bluish, sometimes weakly golden. Tergal marginal zones reddish-brown basally, golden apically ( Fig. 151 ). Pubescence. Body hair mostly golden to light brown, moderately plumose ( Fig. 148 ). Clypeus with moderately dense short hairs, mostly golden, on apical half intermixed with black hairs. Frons, scape and paraocular area with moderately dense, medium-lengthed golden hairs and few short black hairs ( Fig. 149 ). Facial foveae brown in dorsal view ( Fig. 150 ). Vertex with short to long golden hair. Genal area with short to medium golden hair, slightly brighter ventrally. Mesonotum with short, thin, erect golden hairs, denser and thicker peripherally. Metanotum and lateral margins of scutellum with dense, medium-lengthed, erect, whitish to golden hair. Mesepisternum with long hair, golden dorsally, whitish medially and ventrally. Propodeal corbicula incomplete, dorsoposterior fringe with long, whitish-golden plumose hairs, corbicular surface with minute hairs and few long, whitish-golden, weakly plumose hairs. Legs with golden to yellowish hair; flocculus complete, yellowish; scopal hairs simple, golden ( Fig. 148 ). Terga with golden hairs, minute medially, short laterally, denser on marginal zone 4. Tergal apical hair bands not developed. Prepygidial fimbria golden to light brown; pygidial fimbria dark brown ( Fig. 151 ). Head ( Figs. 149–150 ). 1.2 times broader than long. Mandible bidentate. Galea shallowly and finely shagreened. Labral process broad, trapezoidal, basal margin transversely striated, otherwise mostly smooth, apical margin blunt to slightly emarginate. Clypeus convex, shagreened, moderately punctured, distance between punctures 0.5–2 puncture diameters ( Fig. 149 ). Flagellomere 1 slightly shorter than 2+3+4, 2–4 more or less the same length. Frons and upper half of paraocular area longitudinally striated, distinctly punctured, area under medial ocellus more finely striated and densely and finely punctured. Facial foveae relatively short, of moderate, uniform width, extending from level of middle–lower end of medial ocellus to slightly below antennal socket, 0.4 times as broad as antennocular distance ( Figs. 149–150 ). Distance of fovea from lateral ocellus about 2 ocellus diameters. Ocelloccipital distance 1.2 ocellus diameters. Vertex weakly carinate ( Fig. 150 ). FIGURES 148–156. Andrena ( Poecilandrena ) veronicae sp. nov. 148. female habitus, 149. female head, 150. female vertex and mesosoma, 151. female metasoma, 152. female mesonotum and scutellum, 155. male habitus, 156. male head. Andrena ( Poecilandrena ) freidbergi Pisanty & Scheuchl. 153. female mesonotum and scutellum. Andrena ( Poecilandrena ) semirubra Morawitz. 154. female mesonotum and scutellum. FIGURES 157–166. Andrena ( Poecilandrena ) veronicae sp. nov. 157. male vertex and mesosoma, 158. male metasoma, 159. male genitalia, dorsal view, 161. male genitalia, lateral view. Andrena ( Poecilandrena ) semirubra Morawitz. 160. male genitalia, dorsal view, 162. male genitalia, lateral view. Andrena ( Simandrena ) ardentia sp. nov. 163. female habitus, 164. female head, 165. female vertex and mesosoma, 166. female metasoma. Mesosoma ( Figs. 150, 152 ). Dorsolateral angle of pronotum not to very slightly elevated, lateral carina absent. Mesonotum strongly shiny, smooth to very superficially shagreened, finely punctured, distance between punctures 0.5–2 puncture diameters. Scutellum similar, more strongly shagreened ( Figs. 150, 152 ). Mesepisternum and propodeal corbicula finely reticulate, anterior part of mesepisternum shallowly, obliquely punctured. Posterolateral part of propodeum finely and shallowly alveolate, shallowly, obliquely punctured. Propodeal triangle weakly delineated by shallow carina, basal margin radially rugose, apical part gradually finely alveolate. Inner side of hind femur not significantly carinate. Hind pretarsal claw bidentate. Recurrent vein 1 meeting submarginal cell 2 at its middle or slightly distal to it. Nervulus interstitial to very slightly postfurcal ( Fig. 148 ). Metasoma ( Fig. 151 ). Tergal discs shiny, smooth to weakly and very finely shagreened, finely punctured, distance between punctures 0.5–1 puncture diameters; vertical part of tergum 1 very shallowly shagreened, very sparsely and finely punctured. Tergal marginal zones narrow, weakly arched, weakly depressed, weakly and finely shagreened, very finely punctured, distance between punctures about 1 puncture diameter. Pygidial plate with raised margin, without elevated medial zone, apical margin blunt to weakly truncate. Male ( Fig. 155 ). Body length: 6.5–7 mm . Colour. Head dark, with variable degree of bluish-greenish metallic luster ( Fig. 156 ). Clypeus mostly yellow, except for a narrow dark peripheral margin, in some specimens occupying up to 1/4 of clypeus length basally, and occasionally two dark mediolateral spots ( Fig. 156 ). Anterior side of flagellomeres 5–10 mostly orange. Mesonotum, scutellum and metanotum with strong greenish-bluish metallic luster ( Fig. 157 ). Pronotum, mesepisternum and propodeum with weak bluish metallic luster. Legs dark brown to black, apical tarsomeres brown. Wings hyaline, veins and stigma brown ( Fig. 155 ). Tergal discs 1 and 5 black, 2–4 partly to fully orange. Tergal marginal zone 1 black to orange, 2–5 golden ( Fig. 158 ). Pubescence. Head and mesosoma mostly with moderately dense, medium-lengthed white to golden plumose hairs, usually brighter ventrally ( Figs. 155–157 ). Legs with white to light brown hairs, long on ventral side of femora, elsewhere mostly short ( Fig. 155 ). Tergal discs with minute, inconspicuous white hair. Tergal marginal zones 2–4 with very weak, inconspicuous bands of short white to yellowish hairs. Tergal marginal zone 5 and terminal fringe with distinct golden to light brown hairs ( Fig. 158 ). Head ( Figs. 156–157 ). 1.3 times broader than long. Labral process very short and broad, apical margin slightly concave. Clypeus moderately convex, basal half shagreened, apical half smooth, moderately punctured, distance between punctures 1–2 puncture diameters, punctures sparser apically ( Fig. 156 ). Lower part of supraclypeal area obliquely punctured; upper part and frons longitudinally striated with interspersed fine punctures. Flagellomere 1 longer than 2+3, 2 as long as 3 or slightly shorter. Ocelloccipital distance about 1.5 ocellus diameters ( Fig. 157 ). Posterior margin of genal area rounded. Mesosoma ( Fig. 157 ). Dorsolateral angle of pronotum not to slightly elevated, pronotum not carinate. Mesonotum mostly smooth and shiny, anterior margin often shallowly and finely shagreened, punctation moderate, distance between punctures 1–3 puncture diameters. Scutellum finely punctured, anterior half often smooth, posterior half densely punctured ( Fig. 157 ). Propodeal triangle radially rugose basally, finely reticulate to finely rugose apically. Mesepisternum and lateral part of propodeum reticulate, the former with shallow oblique punctures. Metasoma ( Fig. 158 ). Tergal disc 1 superficially shagreened basally and laterally, smooth medioapically, 2–4 mostly smooth, 5 weakly shagreened; tergal disc punctation fine, distinct, distance between punctures 1 puncture diameter. Tergal marginal zones very finely punctured basally, impunctate apically, 1 finely shagreened, 2–4 more or less smooth. Genitalia and hidden sterna ( Figs. 159, 161 ). Dorsal gonocoxite lobes and gonostyli elongate. Penis valves with lateral lamella, creating a spade shape ( Figs. 159, 161 ). Sternum 8 columnar, of uniform width, apical process broadened. Diagnosis. The female of Andrena veronicae is distinguished from most other Poecilandrena by the very shiny, more or less smooth mesonotum and terga. It most closely resembles A. freidbergi Pisanty & Scheuchl , known from high altitudes in Lebanon and Mount Hermon, and A. segregata Osytchnjuk , known from Central Asia. It differs from A. freidbergi in the finer, sparser mesonotal punctation ( Figs. 152–153 ), interstitial nervulus (often weakly postfurcal in A. freidbergi ), and medial position of recurrent vein 1 in submarginal cell 2 (more distal in A. freidbergi ). Unlike A. semirubra Morawitz , the terga of A. veronicae females are completely dark, without red colouration ( Fig. 151 ). Females of A. semirubra also occasionally occur in a dark tergal form, although they can be distinguished by the denser mesonotal punctures (separated by 0.5–1 puncture diameters) compared to A. veronicae ( Figs. 152, 154 ). The males of A. veronicae are very similar to A. semirubra and have been confused with the latter ( Warncke 1969 ; Pisanty et al. 2018 ). The male of A. veronicae is larger than that of A. semirubra , and there are subtle differences in the genital capsule: the gonostylus blades are broader and more spatulate, the gonocoxite lobes broader and more rounded, and the lamella of the penis valves extends further apically ( Figs. 159–162 ). Distribution: Northern Israel (Golan Heights), Syria , southwestern Turkey . Likely present also in Lebanon . Flight period: February–May. Flower records: Plantaginaceae : Veronica syriaca . Most specimens were not collected directly from flowers, but V. syriaca was in abundant bloom at the two main collecting locations (Odem Forest and Mount Hermon), and is assumed to be the main host plant, as often seen in the Andrena viridescens species group ( Pisanty et al. 2018 ). Holotype : ISRAEL : Odem Forest Nature Reserve [ Ya’ar Odem N.R. ], 1.iii.2018 , G. Pisanty , ( SMNHTAU :286348). Paratypes : ISRAEL : Mount Hermon [Har Hermon], 1420 m , 33.2855°N 35.763°E , 7.iv.2021 , G. Pisanty , pan trap ( 1♀ ) ; 1600 m , 33.300°N 35.767°E , 11.v.2020 , G. Pisanty, pan trap ( 1♀ ); 1610 m , 33.300°N 35.767°E , 7.iv.2021 , G. Pisanty, pan trap ( 17♀ , 16♂ ); 1640 m , 33.300°N 35.7675°E , 7.iv.2021 , G. Pisanty, sweeping ( 2♀ , 5♂ ); 1642 m , 33.2996°N 35.7677°E , 16.iv.2022 , G. Pisanty, pan traps ( 2♂ ); 1644 m , 33.2991°N 35.7667°E , 16.iv.2022 , G. Pisanty, pan traps ( 1♀ , 7♂ ); 33.2992°N 35.7670°E , 16.iv.2022 , G. Pisanty, pan traps ( 3♀ , 14♂ ); 1645 m , 33.2994°N 35.7675°E , 16.iv.2021 , G. Pisanty, pan traps ( 7♀ , 1♂ ) and sweeping ( 2♀ ); [ Hermon ], 1500 m , 22.iv.1969 , H. Bytinski-Salz ( 1♂ ) ; 1650 m , 20.iv.1969 , H. Bytinski-Salz ( 6♂ ); [Hermon], Har Shezif , 1447 m , 33.286°N 35.7524°E , 16.iv.2022 , G. Pisanty , pan trap ( 1♀ ) ; Odem Forest Nature Reserve [ Ya’ar Odem N.R. ], 1.iii.2018 , G. Pisanty ( 9♀ , 5♂ ) ; [ Ya’ar Odem NR], 33.186°N 35.7356°E , 27.ii.2020 , G. Pisanty , pan traps ( 1♀ , 12♂ ) ; 33.206°N 35.736°E , 27.ii.2020 , G. Pisanty, on Veronica syriaca ( 2♂ ) and from pan traps ( 2♀ , 30♂ ) and sweeping ( 1♂ ); SYRIA : Latakia , Qaranjah , 750 m , 3.iv.1988 , M. Schwarz ( 2♂ ) ; TURKEY : Akseki / Taurus , 1300 m , 25.iv.1973 , K. Warncke ( 3♂ ) ( ES , NHMUK , OLML , RMNH , SMNHTAU , TJW , ZMHB , ZSMC ) . Etymology. From the likely host plant, Veronica syriaca . The species epithet is an adjective. Other material examined ( A. semirubra ): AZERBAIJAN : Araxesthal , 1890, Reitter ( 1♀ ) ; CRIMEA: Kara Dag [Karadagh], Vodianja balka, Wald , 10.v.2002 , Y. Budaschkin ( 1♀ , 4♂ ) ; GEORGIA: Tbilisi , 16.v.1978 , M. Koucourek ( 1♀ ) ; RUSSIA : Kamyshin [КамЫШИн], 14–19.v.1951 , D. Panfilov ( 2♀ ) ; TURKEY : Ağri , 20 km N Patnos , 1650 m , 29.v.1980 , K. Warncke ( 1♀ ) ; 20 km N, 1800 m , 28.v.1980 , K. Warncke ( 1♂ ); Erzurum , 11.v.1971 , H. Ozbek ( 1♀ ) ; Erzurum : Ispir , , K. Warncke ( 8♀ ) ; Gürün , 1900 m , , K. Warncke ( 2♀ , 2♂ ) ; Hakkari , pass Suvari Halil , 2500 m , , K. Warncke ( 1♂ ) ; Hakkari , 10 km SW Yüksekova , 1780 m , , K. Warncke ( 3♀ ) ; Kastamonu , between Tosya and İskilip , 1507 m , 40°56’18’’N 34°15’10’’E , , E. Scheuchl ( 1♀ ) ; Mount Nemrut [Nemrut Dagi mt.], 50 km NE of Kanta , 2– , P. Jelinek ( 1♀ ) ; Şemdinli , 1700 m , , K. Warncke ( 1♀ ) ; UluDağ , bei Bursa , 200–1000 m , 15.v– , Schweiger ( 2♀ ) ( OLML , SMNHTAU ) .