Review Of The Genus Haenkea Tippmann (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Cleomenini) Author Mermudes, José Ricardo M. Departamento de Zoologia Universidade Federal do Parana´, Caixa Postal 19020 81531 ­ 990 Curitiba, Paraná, BRAZIL Author Napp, Dilma Solange Departamento de Zoologia Universidade Federal do Parana´, Caixa Postal 19020 81531 ­ 990 Curitiba, Paraná, BRAZIL text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2000 2000-12-01 54 4 511 519 journal article 10.1649/0010-065X(2000)054[0511:ROTGHT]2.0.CO;2 1938-4394 4891355 Haenkea Tippmann Haenkea Tippman 1953: 220 ; Monné 1993: 78; Monné and Giesbert 1995: 126. Type species: Haenkea zishkai Tippmann 1953 , original designation. Description. Head elongate. Frons as wide as long, oblique, impressed on each side near clypeus, carinate laterally. Genae at least as long as lower eye lobes. Eyes very finely granulate, deeply emarginate; lower lobes large, prominent, somewhat extending onto frons; upper lobes well separated, about as wide as lower lobes. Clypeus large, about as long as frons, clypeal suture angulate. Antennal tubercles moderately prom­ 1 Contribution 511 inent, rounded. Mandibles nearly straight, bent only at apex, acute, fringed along inner border. Apical segment of palps cylindrical, attenuate at base and apex. Antennae opaque, 11­segmented, conspicuously serrate, extending to about middle of elytra. Scape short, subcylindrical, feebly enlarged apicad, longer than segment 3, dorsally with a well impressed furrow from base to apex. Segments 3–11 short; 3–6 impressed on four sides, 3–5 subequal, 6 the longest, pyramidal, strongly expanded at outer apex; 7–10 flattened, subequal or slightly longer than 3–5. Prothorax longer than broad, subcylindrical. Prosternum almost impunctate, subglabrous, inconspicuously transversely rugose; sexual punctation formed by a single coarse, deep, rounded puncture on each side at apical third ( Figs. 4–5 ); intercoxal process declivous, narrowed between procoxae, expanded apically. Anterior coxal cavities rounded at sides, closed behind. Mesosternum with intercoxal process prominent, vertical in front, 1.5 times as wide as mesocoxa, parallelsided, truncate at apex. Intermediate coxal cavities closed to epimera. Mesepisterna somewhat swollen. Metepisterna narrow, parallel­sided. Scutellum small, subtriangular. Elytra relatively short and broad, strongly flattened, somewhat widened behind middle. Each elytron with two costae; one strong, extending from humerus to apex above vertical epipleuron, one weakly prominent, sinuous, extending from inside humerus to apical third; punctures coarse, arranged in four well separated rows on apical , two between humeral and discal costae and two between suture and costae; surface opaque, densely clothed with pale, silky, appressed pubescence, neither obscuring punctures nor costae; suture and costae sparsely asperate punctate, each puncture with a long, erect, pale hair. Epipleuron longitudinally impressed with a prominent, longitudinal carina, strongly asperate punctate, each puncture bearing a moderately short, stiff seta. Elytral apices barely declivous, conjointly rounded truncate. Hind legs almost twice as long as prolegs. Femora pedunculate, suddenly clavate at apical third. Peduncles bicarinate and sulcate, sparsely, slightly asperate punctate. Meso­ and metafemora acutely bidentate at apices. Metafemora exceeding elytral apices by about club length. Tibiae bicarinate and sulcate on both sides, somewhat quadrangular, the four edges sparsely asperate punctate, with long, sparse hairs. Tibial spurs short, the inner longer. First segment of metatarsi about longer than the following two combined. Abdomen somewhat oval. First urosternite at least a little longer than the following two combined, intercoxal process broad, rounded apically. Fifth urosternite rounded truncate at apex. Remarks. Among the neotropical genera of Cleomenini with short, serrate antennae and cylindrical, elongate prothorax, Haenkea is closely related to Dihammaphora Chevrolat (1859) (Mermudes, 1999) . At present, Dihammaphora includes 37 species (Monné 1993; Chemsak and Noguera 1993; Mermudes 1998 ) and it has never been revised. The main characters that distinguish Haenkea from Diammaphora are the sixth antennal segment with pyramidal shape, longer than the remainder segments, and the sexual punctation formed by a single, coarse puncture on each side of the prosternum, features probably unique in Haenkea . In addition, the head is elongate, the antennal segments 3–5 and 8–11 are short and similarly sized, the metafemora exceed the elytral apices by the club length and the lateral margins of the elytra are strongly asperate. Dihammaphora includes small­sized species presenting a short head, with the sixth antennal segment subserrate and the sexual punctation, if present, formed by a large, micropunctate patch on each side of the prosternum. In addition, in Dihammaphora the antennal segments 3–5 are subcylindrical and longer than the following ones, which are short and somewhat swollen; the femora are not dentate apically, the hind clubs at most barely exceeding the elytral apices; the lateral margins of the elytra are weakly asperate or not. Presently, the species of Haenkea show a disjunct distribution ( Fig. 6 ), being associated with tropical rain forests in South and Central America (Hueck 1972) . Haenkea zischkai occurs along the Amazon basin, from near the eastern slopes of the Andes in Bolivia and Peru . Haenkea thoracica , described from Venezuela , is distributed northwards through Panama and Costa Rica , probably associated with Caribbean rain forest. Haenkea atra , on the other hand, is the only representative occurring in the Atlantic forest, in eastern Brazil , with some examples having been found in subtropical forest of Paraná River basin, which is an extension of the Atlantic forest. This southeast/northwest disjunction in the Neotropical region is congruent to some extent with those found by Amorim and Pires (1996), Camargo (1966) , and Grazia (1997) . Immatures are unknown and larval hosts have not been recorded.