Taxonomic review of Gasterophilus (Oestridae, Gasterophilinae) of the world, with updated nomenclature, keys, biological notes, and distributions Author Li, Xin-Yu Author Pape, Thomas Author Zhang, Dong text ZooKeys 2019 891 119 156 journal article 1313-2970-891-119 84BE68FCAA9D43579DA0C81EEBA95E13 FF4ED6C8A48258E684039DAAE4FC3C19 Gasterophilus inermis (Braurer, 1858) Figs 1 G-I , 4E, F , 7 G-I , 10C , 11 G-I , 14 G-I , 17 I-L ; Table 1 Gastrus inermis Brauer, 1858: 464. Type locality: Austria, Neusiedlersee, Jois (as "auf der Rossweide bei Gyois am Neusiedlersee"). Selected references. Brauer (1863 : 73); Zumpt (1965 : 124); Grunin (1969 : 44); Soos and Minar (1986 : 238); Cogley (1991b) ; Xue and Wang (1996 : 2209); Otranto et al. (2005); Colwell et al. (2006 : 36); Li et al. (2018 , 2019 ); Yan et al. (2019) . Diagnosis. Facial plate bare. Wing partly infuscate, with darkened patches with ill-defined edges. Distance between crossveins r-m and dm-cu less than length of r-m. Meron bare. Legs yellowish brown, with femora distinctly darkened. Abdomen ground color yellow. Male cercus short and broad, length/width ratio equal or less than 1.0; surstylus yellow, with a rounded apex; processi longi tubercular. Female sternite 8 longitudinally ridged in the middle and with a scallop-shaped apex. Type material examined. Syntypes of Gastrus inermis Brauer, 1858. AUSTRIA • 1♂, 1♀; no further data; NHMW [from photo]. Additional material examined. AUSTRIA • 1♀; no locality data; 31 Jul. 1986; Waldegg leg.; NHMW [from photo] • 1♂; 1892; no further data; NHMW [from photo]. ROMANIA • 1♂, 1♀; G. Dinulescu leg.; no further data; MNHN. GERMANY • 1♂, 1♀; 1918; Wuestnei leg.; no further data; NHMD. CHINA - Inner Mongolia • 1♂; Chifeng, Zhaowuda League, Right Banner; 16 Aug. 1969; collector unknown; IOZ • 1♀; locality as for preceding; 22 Aug. 1969; IOZ. Hosts. Burchell's zebra ( E. quagga burchellii ), domestic horse ( E. ferus caballus ), Mongolian wild ass ( E. hemionus hemionus ), wild horse ( E. przewalskii ). Distribution. Afrotropical - Senegal, South Africa. Nearctic - USA (Illinois). Palaearctic - Austria, China (Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang), Germany, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Mongolia, Moldova, Slovak Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. Remarks. Brauer (1858 : 465) explicitly states that he examined "one pair" of adults that were hatched from puparia collected by the Austrian entomologist Alois Friedrich Rogenhofer in horse dung. 1♂, 1♀ in NHMW each carry two labels with the information "Oesterreich / Coll. Brauer" and "inermis / det Brauer". A fragment of a puparium carries labels with "Gastrus / inermis / det Brauer" and "Coll. Brauer". We consider the pair of adults to most probably represent original syntypes, but we are deliberately abstaining from designating a lectotype at this time.