A new species of Mattiastrum (Boraginaceae) from Turkey Author Hamzaoğlu, Ergin 0000-0001-6053-6796 Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Gazi Faculty of Education, Gazi University, TR- 06500, Ankara, Turkey erginhamzaoglu @ gazi. edu. tr, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6053 - 6796 Author Özbek, Funda Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Gazi University, TR- 06500, Ankara, Turkey text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-10-13 568 2 230 236 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.568.2.8 journal article 163998 10.11646/phytotaxa.568.2.8 6d2e654f-d343-4314-ac3a-9e01fa0fb2e1 1179-3163 7192965 Mattiastrum turcicum Hamzaoğlu , sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 & 2 ). Diagnosis: Mattiastrum turcicum differs from M. cappadocicum Brand (1915: 155) by being very dense stem leaves (versus sparse), with narrowly oblong panicle and many-flowered (more than 30) inflorescence (versus broadly corymbose panicle and 5−20-flowered), with suborbicular, 9.5–11 mm in diameter and entire margin nutlets (versus ovate, 4.5–6.5 mm in diameter and glochidiate-denticulate margin) ( Table 1 ). Type: TURKEY . Sivas , Zara , N of Tödürge Lake , 1415 m a.s.l. , gypsaceous steppe, 30.05.2021 , E. Hamzaoğlu 7847 ( holotype GAZI !, isotypes GAZI !, ANK !, HUB !) . Description: —Biennial, 35–50 cm tall, appressed tomentose. Stems erect, single, unbranched, with many leaves. Leaves imbricate, stem ± invisible, greyish-green, without tubercle. Basal leaves narrowly elliptic, lanceolate or oblanceolate, 9−15 × 1–2 cm , attenuating into long-winged petiole, obtuse at apex. Cauline leaves sessile, linearlanceolate to oblong, smaller than basal leaves, obtuse at base. Inflorescence narrowly oblong panicle, many-flowered (more than 30), pedicels 1–4 mm long in flower, 2–5 mm long in fruit. Calyx 2–3 mm long in flower, 2.5–4 mm long in fruit; sepals elliptic-oblong to oblanceolate, obtuse at apex. Corolla clearly longer calyx, purplish, 3–4 mm long; tube 1.5−2 mm long; limb 1.5−2 mm long, suborbicular, obtuse at apex; fornices subquadrate, without appendage, notched, c. 1 × 1 mm , apex incurved, densely papillate; filaments 0.3–0.5 mm long, anthers 0.9–1.1 mm long, anthers base borne below the fornice bases, elliptic-oblong; style 1.5–2 mm long in flower, usually included, later somewhat exserted, 2.5–4 mm long in fruit. Nutlets suborbicular, 10–11.5 × 9.5–11 mm , disc 4–6 × 3.5–4.5 mm , pyriform or ovate, glabrous; wings 2–3 mm broad, glabrous, smooth, with entire margin. Pollen morphology: —The pollen grains of Mattiastrum turcicum are isopolar and radially symmetrical. Their shape is subprolate (P/E: 1.15 ± 0.05), with the polar axis ranging from 15 to 17 µm and the equatorial axis ranging from 13 to 15 µm. The aperture type is 6-heterocolpate having 3 colpi with 3 alternating pseudocolpi, and ectocingulate. The ectoapertures are rhombic in shape with lalongate apertures (3–4.75 µm in length and 6–8 µm in width) placed at the equator region. The colporate apertures (9–13 µm) are generally shorter than the fusiform shaped of simple colpi (11.5–15.75 µm); margins are distinct, thick, regular, and ends acute. The membrane of the colporate apertures and simple colpi is granulate. Their outlines vary from hexagonal to circular in polar view and they are elliptic in equatorial view. The exine shows rugulate ornamentation in the polar and equatorial regions. The exine thickness varies between 0.45 and 0.75 µm. The intine has a thickness of 0.4 to 0.6 µm ( Fig. 3 ). FIGURE 1 . Mattiastrum turcicum . A. Habitat and habit, B. Basal and cauline leaves, C. Inflorescence and nutlets. FIGURE 2 . Mattiastrum turcicum . A. Flowers, B. Calyx, C. Dissected flower: a. corolla lobe, b. fornice, c. anther and filament, D. Nutlet. Etymology and Turkish name: —This species has been named Mattiastrum turcicum because it only occurs in Turkey . We propose that the Turkish name of this new species “ Türk Çarşağı”. Distribution and habitat: —The species is known only from the type locality, north of Tödürge Lake, Zara district, Sivas city, where it grows at an altitude of approximately between 1300 and 1500 m a.s.l. on gypseous grassy slopes. Endemic and Irano-Turanian element. Phenology: —Flowering time May‒June, fruiting time June‒July. Conservation status:According to the available data, Mattiastrum turcicum is an endemic species only growing in gypsum soils around Tödürge Lake ( Zara , Sivas Province ) as the type locality. It is estimated that the species shows the distribution at the altitude of 1300–1500 m a.s.l. in the mountain zone of the near region. Medium-dense grazing has been observed between April and November in the distribution area of the species. Taking similar habitats near the type locality into account, it can be stated that the extent of occurrence (EOO) of the species is less than 100 km 2 and its area of occupancy (AOO) is less than 10 km 2 . The only livelihood of the local people living in and near the probable distribution area of the species is agriculture. The possible growth of the population in the future and rapidly developing technology that will allow agriculture on steeper slopes can be considered a threat. In line with the estimated distribution, habitat, and possible threats of the species, it would be appropriate to evaluate this new species in the Critically Endangered [CR B1ab+2ab+(i,ii,iii,v)] according to the IUCN criteria ( IUCN Standards and Petitions Committee 2022 ). Specimens Examined:— Mattiastrum cappadocicum . TURKEY . [ Kayseri ] Ali Dagh [Ali Dağ] a 7 km . au SE de Caesarie (Cappadoce) [ Kayseri ], 1320 m , 04.07.1856 , B. Balansa 970 (G, G00177874! [ holotype ], virtual image; GOET, GOET005846! [isotype], virtual image; GH, GH00097548! [isotype], virtual image; MPU, MPU013018! [isotype], virtual image); Kayseri : Hacılar, Sakarçiftliği (Sakarbağları), kavaklık açıklığı, kayalık arası, 1660–1700 m , 13.06.2006 , A. Doğru Koca 2858 (HUB!); Develi, Soysallı, İncesu’dan Soysallı’ya giriş, eski okul, kavaklığın karşısı, kayalık ayamaç, 1090–1110 m , 30.05.2007 , A. Doğru Koca 3161 (HUB!); İncesu ve Develi arası, İncesu’nun 3 km kuzeyi, zarar görmüş alanlar, 1050 m , 17.06.1951 , A. Huber-Morath 11550 (G!); Malatya : Doğanşehir, Eskiköy, Çobanderesi ve ıhtiyar Mağarası arası, Juniperus ve Quercus orman kalıntısı, 1600–1800 m , 25.07.1971 , H. Peşmen 2658 (HUB!).