New euophryine jumping spiders from the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae) Author Zhang, Jun-Xia Author Maddison, Wayne P. text Zootaxa 2012 3476 1 54 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.282237 6f8bca96-6ca2-4bff-88b3-3b995e4a2529 1175-5326 282237 Popcornella yunque sp. nov. Figs 224 233 Type material. Holotype : male, PUERTO RICO : Río Grande: El Yunque National Forest: trail from HWY186 S of El Verde station, 18.3174° N , 65.8314° W , elev. 470m , 29 July 2009 , coll. J. Zhang & G. B. Edwards, WPM#09- 0 71 (UBC-SEM AR00073). Paratypes : 1 female , same data as holotype (UBC-SEM AR00074); 6 males and 2 females in two vials, same data as holotype . Figures 224–227. Popcornella yunque sp. nov. 224 226 male paratype ; 227 female paratype . Figures 224 227 are copyright © 2012 W. P. Maddison, released under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 license. Etymology. A noun in apposition taken from the type locality. Diagnosis. See the diagnosis of Popcornella nigromaculata . Description. Male ( holotype , UBC-SEM AR00073). Carapace length 0.8 (variation 0.8 0.9, n=7); abdomen length 0.5. Chelicera: yellow brown. Palp (Figs 230 231): pale yellow with cymbium brown. Embolus long spurlike, not spiral, retrolateral sperm duct loop not obvious. Retrolateral tibial apophysis short. Measurements of legs: I 1.5, II 1.1, III 1.3, IV 1.4. Color in alcohol (Fig. 228): carapace dark brown, without distinct markings; abdomen dark brown, with large brownish patches; ventral abdomen brownish, with two dark markings at posterior end; legs grayish brown to brownish. Female ( paratype , UBC-SEM AR00074). Carapace length 0.8 (variation 0.8 0.9, n=3); abdomen length 0.8. Measurements of legs: I 1.3, II 1.1, III 1.2, IV 1.4. Epigynum (Figs 232 233): without distinct window structure. Copulatory ducts short; spermathecae kidney-shaped. Color in alcohol (Fig. 229): similar to that of male. Natural history. Specimens were found in leaf litter in cloud forest. Figures 228–233. Popcornella yunque sp. nov. 228 male paratype , dorsal view; 229 female paratype , dorsal view; 230 male left palp, ventral view; 231 male left palp, retrolateral view; 232 epigynum, ventral view; 233 cleared epigynum, dorsal view. Scale bars: 228 229, 0.5 mm ; 230 233, 0.1 mm . Figures 234–237. Truncattus cachotensis sp. nov. 234 235 male paratype ; 236 237 female paratype . Figures 234 237 are copyright © 2012 W. P. Maddison, released under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 license.