Revision of the tusked bush-crickets (Tettigonioidea: Pseudophyllinae: Dicranostomus) with description of the hitherto unknown sexes Author Heller, Klaus-Gerhard Grillenstieg 18, 39120 Magdeburg, Germany. Author Helb, Matthias Spessartstr. 101, 63457 Hanau, Germany. text Journal of Orthoptera Research 2021 2021-06-03 30 1 87 94 journal article 1937-2426-1-87 4050088FDDCE533EB8FF097A463DF080 4BE14BC8-A200-42AA-BC49-6DE823F62085 Dicranostomus nitidus Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1895 Figs 1B , 2E-H , 3C, D , 4B , 5B , 6B Dicranostomus nitidus Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1895: 180 Holotype. - PERU • no details; ISNB. [photos in Cigliano et al. 2021 ]. Published record. - PERU • 1♂; Department of Huanuco, Fundo Sinchono, 37 miles east of Tingo Maria on the road to Pucallpa; 1700 m a.s.l.; 5 Aug. 1947; Jose Schunke leg.; ( Gurney 1950 ). Material examined. - PERU1♂ ; Oxapampa ; Feb.-Apr. 1984 ; Rainer Marx leg. ; CH 4220 • 1♂ , 1♀ ; Prov. Huanuco , Huanuco Road , between Huanaco and Tingo Maria , Malqui [Macora?] town, fog area [sic]; Aug. 2013 ; local collector; C_ Helb 8769-C_ Helb 8770 1♂ ; San Martin Region , Prov. Rioja , Nueva Cajamarca ; Mar. 2018 ; local collector [assumed exchange of labels-see list for localities of Dicranostomus monoceros ]; C_Helb8777 Remark. - The species was known only by the male holotype and another male, described by Gurney (1950) . Reescription. - General characters as genus. Male. Fastigium frontis elongated horizontally (Fig. 2 ), mandibles each with one long (1.8-2.7 times as long as pronotum) process (tusk) (Figs 1 , 2 , Table 1 ). Pronotum smooth. Fore and mid femora ventrally with 3-4 spines, hind femora with 4-6 spines at anterior edge. All tibiae ventrally with several spines on both sides; however, hind tibia ventrally only with few spines at tip of posterior edge. Fore tibiae dorsally with 4-5 blunt spine-like tubercles at the anterior edge, ventrally with ca. 6 spines on both sides, midtibia dorsally with 1-2 spines on posterior edge, ventrally with ca. 6 spines on both sides, hind tibia with ca. 8 spines on each edge, the dorsal larger than the ventral spines; however, ventrally only with few spines at tip of posterior edge. Mirror cells in both tegmina subquadratical; in the right larger than in the left (Fig. 3 ). Stridulatory file on lower side of left tegmen with ca. 130 regularly spaced teeth (inter-tooth interval 24-32 µm = tooth density ca. 30 mm-1; Fig. 4 ; n=1 file), Supraanal plate transverse, distally rounded, or broadly cut off. Subgenital plate elongated, with ca. 1 mm long styli. Cerci with internal subapical spine and blunt apical process, directed inwards at an angle of about 40 degrees (Fig. 5 ). Female. General characters as genus and male. Fastigium frontis elongated vertically (Fig. 2 ), mandibles without process (tusk). Subgenital plate transverse, at the distal end slightly and triangularly elongated and slightly incised in the middle. Coloration. "Head, thorax and legs chestnut, the tibiae darker, the mandibular appendages practically black, palpi pale. .... tegmen with veins brown, cellules and membrane yellowish, much brighter toward base in costal area; wing with veins pale brown, membrane slightly fuscous" ( Gurney 1950 ). However, other specimens (C_Helb8769, C_Helb8777) not chestnut, but more olive-brown with pro- and metazona of pronotum darker than mesozona or pronotum uniform. Measurements. - See Table 1 .