A new genus and three new species of Agraeciini (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, with comments on the function of some phallic components Author Tavares, Gustavo Costa 0000-0002-1395-7552 Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Instituto de Ciências Biológicas (ICB), Av. Augusto Correa # 1 66075 - 110, Belém, PA, Brazil. Grupo de Estudos de Artrópodes da Amazônia (GEAA). gustavoctavares @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1395 - 7552 Departamento de Bioestatística, Biologia Vegetal, Parasitologia e Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Estadual Paulista “ Júlio de Mesquita Filho ” (UNESP), 18618 - 970 Botucatu, SP, Brazil. & CAPES fellowship gustavoctavares@gmail.com Author De Mello, Francisco De A. G. Author Mendes, Diego Matheus De Mello 0000-0001-5037-9686 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, INPA, Programa de Pós-graduação em Entomologia, Caixa Postal 2223, 69080 - 971, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. diego. mello. mendes @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5037 - 9686 diego.mello.mendes@gmail.com text Zootaxa 2021 2021-10-21 5057 2 201 227 journal article 3929 10.11646/zootaxa.5057.2.3 0a2f0130-5a64-440f-90a9-5de218c0f5ba 1175-5326 5588025 6D2BE117-9EE7-47DB-BBC4-D4BC462B91AE Warimiri madiba Tavares, de Mello & Mendes sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: E2FD025D-044D-4360-87C2-07EEB19E59EE Figs 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 21 Type material. Holotype . Male. BRAZIL , Bahia , Itabuna-Ilhéus , Mata do CEPLAC. 14°46’01”S , 39°1’67”W. i.1996 . F.A.G de Mello , S. S. Nihei , leg. Preserved in alcohol. Repository : BOTU. Paratypes . 6 males and 8 females . Same data as holotype (in 80% alcohol). Repository: BOTU . 1 male and 1 female . Same data as holotype (pinned). Repository: MPEG . 1 male and 1 female . Same data as holotype (in 80% alcohol). Repository: INPA . Etymology. The name is an hommage of the authors to South Africa’s ex-president, Nobel Prize of Peace winner, human rights activist, and the most acknowledged Subaharian African leader, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela ( July 18, 1918December 5, 2013 ). Madiba is the name of Mandela’s clan and how he is known in many South African ethnicities. The name is a non-Latin nor Greek word is being established as a noun in apposition. Diagnosis. The following combination of characters distinguishes Warimiri madiba gen. et sp. nov. : fastigium of vertex, in frontal view, conspicuously heart-shaped ( Figs. 2C–D ); all tibia distinctly sinuous dorsally, bearing two pairs of spurs (rarely three pairs) only on the most distal portion of the ventral surface ( Figs. 3–B ); only the inner genicular lobe of metafemora with a minute spine ( Fig. 3H ); female subgenital plate narrow, with posterior lobes obtuse, shallowly incised medially with a U-like sinus ( Fig. 6G ); male cerci short, with one apical and another subapical blunt inward tooth, and a basal and long inward spine ( Figs. 3M–N ); phallic complex bearing sclerites TS conspicuously upcurved and with strong claw-like apices ( Figs. 5A; D–E ); sclerite VS ’s ventral arms acute, projected laterally ( Fig. 5C ); dorsal arm, when phallus is retracted, notably produced anteriorly (internally) ( Fig. 5B ); process ti displaced to the fold df , comprising a unique sclerotized area ( Figs. 5A–B; E–F ). Tenth tergite of both male and female not produced into acute lobes, but slightly sinuous posteriorly, medially shallowly incised ( Figs. 3I ; 6F ). Description. Head . Fastigium of the vertex in dorsal view blunt, bilobed, wider and more prominent than antennal scape ( Figs. 2E, H ; 6D ); in frontal view, heart-shaped, not dentate below, and continuous with fastigium of frons ( Figs. 2C–D ); in lateral view, slightly elevated and protruding ( Figs. 2G ; 6C ). Thorax. Meso- and metasternum transverse, trapezoid, wider than long. Meso- and metabasisternal lobes reduced and acute posteroventrally ( Fig. 2F ). Metabasisternum transversally separated from the metasternal medial plate ( Fig. 2F ). FIGURE 2. Warimiri madiba gen. et sp. nov. . A) Habitus of male, lateral view, and B) dorsal view; C) frons; D) fastigium of vertex, frontal view, and E) dorsal view; F) sternum; G) head and thorax in detail, lateral view, and H) dorsal view. FIGURE 3. Warimiri madiba gen. et sp. nov. . A) foreleg, external view, and B) internal view; C) fore tibia, dorsal view; D) midleg, external view, and E) internal view; F) mid tibia, dorsal view; G) hindleg, external view, and H) internal view; I) male genitalia, dorsal view, J) posterior view, K) lateral view, and L) ventral view; M) male cercus, dorsal view, and N) ventral view. FIGURE 4. Warimiri madiba gen. et sp. nov. . A) Left tegmina; B) right tegmina; C) left stridulatory file. FIGURE 5. Warimiri madiba gen. et sp. nov. . A) Phallic complex in posterior view, B) lateral view, and C) anterior view; D) Everted phallic complex in posterior view, E) lateral view, and F) anterior view. Wings. Left stridulatory vein darker, approximately 1.4 mm long ( Fig. 4A ), bearing numerous microscopic teeth ( Fig. 4C ). Radius, Medial, and Cubitus running alongside, touching till the end of the mirror, where the Cubitus bifurcates at least once, and the branches reach the apex of the tegmina, Medial reticulates, and Radius reaches the apex undivided ( Figs. 4A–B ). Legs. All tibiae ventrally armed with two (rarely three) pairs of spurs only at the distal portion; only inner genicular lobes of metafemora with a minute spine ( Fig. 3H ); all remaining rounded ( Figs. 3A–B; C–D, G ); internally, fore femora ventral surface armed with two mid-distal spines ( Figs. 3B ) and mid femora with 2–3 spines only externally ( Fig. 3D ); fore and mid tibiae dorsally smooth and flat, with slightly elevated lateral keels ( Figs. 3C, F ); in lateral view, fore tibia dorsally sinuous, with the surface between the concealed tympana opening swollen ( Figs. 3A–B ); mid tibiae, in lateral view, dorsally slightly arched ( Figs. 3D–E ); hind femora ventrally with small spines on both sides ( Figs. 3G–H ); hind tibiae dorsally armed with multiple minute spines on both margins ( Figs. 3G–H ). Abdomen. Male tenth tergite with posterior margin slightly sinuous, medially shallowly incised, forming two poorly defined lobes ( Fig. 3I–J ); male cerci short, general shape conical, with inner surface bearing a basal inward spine, and two distal inward blunt teeth, one subapical and another apical ( Figs. 3I–N ); male subgenital plate wider than long ( Fig. 3L ); phallic complex with two long bars comprising the sclerites TS , each ending in a conspicuous and upcurved spine, like a claw ( Figs. 5A, D–E ); process ti displaced to the fold df , comprising a unique sclerotized area ( Figs. 5–B, E–F ); processes mp.dl attached to the apical most portion of sclerite VS ( Figs. 5B–C, F ); on the ventral lobe ( vl ), two ovoid ejaculatory vesicles ( ejv ) and two almost inconspicuous sclerites of apodemes ( AP ) are present ( Figs. 5C, F ). When everted, the connection of the sclerite VS ’s ventral arms seems to be less sclerotized and tends to bend, and sclerites TS are strongly produced upward ( Fig. 5D ). When retracted, sclerite VS ’s dorsal arm stands obliquely, produced anteriorly, and sclerites TS arrange alongside sclerite VS ( Fig. 5B ). Female tenth tergite posterior margin also bearing two small lobes; cerci small, conical, and simple ( Fig. 6F ); female subgenital plate narrow and emarginate posteriorly, produced into two blunt lobes, with a shallow medial U-like sinus ( Fig. 6G ); ovipositor small ( 6.4–7.1 mm ) and strongly upcurved ( Fig. 6F ). FIGURE 6. Warimiri madiba gen. et sp. nov. . A) Habitus of female, lateral view, and B) dorsal view; C) head and thorax in detail, lateral view, and D) dorsal view; E) ovipositor; F) tenth tergite; G) subgenital plate. Measurements (mm). Males. Total size. 14.4–18; Pronotum. 6.2–6.7; Width of pronotum. 5.1–6; Hind femur. 10.4–11.8; Tegmina. 2.7. Females. Total size. 19.3–23.7; Pronotum. 6.4–7.1; Width of pronotum. 6–6.8; Hind femur. 11.7–13; Ovipositor. 6.4–7.1. Chromatic pattern. Body ferruginous. Dorsally, a lighter band (with even lighter lateral margins) extends from the pronotal disk anterior border to the tenth tergite posterior border ( Fig. 2B ; 6B ); all leg spines black or dark brown-tipped ( Fig. 3A–B, D–E, G–H ); dorso-proximally, blackish macules present on all tibia ( Fig. 3A–H ).