Revision of Ceranisus and the related thrips-attacking entedonine genera (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) of the world Author Triapitsyn, Serguei V. text African Invertebrates 2005 2005-12-31 46 261 315 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.7909932 2305-2562 7909932 Entedonomphale zakavyka sp. n. Figs 34, 35 Entedonastichus carbonarius (Erdös) : Boucek 1988: 733 (misidentification); Loomans & van Lenteren 1995: 146–148 (in part, from Australia only). Etymology: The specific name has a meaning of a small problem in Russian, referring to the prior difficulties in correct identification of this species. Diagnosis: Female of this species is practically indistinguishable from that of the European E. carbonaria , as noted by Boucek (1988) (however, F 1 in female with several sensilla whereas that of E. carbonaria apparently without sensilla), but males of these two species can be easily separated by their antennae: the funicle is 2-segmented and the clava is 3-segmented in E. zakavyka sp. n. , whereas the funicle is 3-segmented and the clava is solid in E. carbonaria . Description: Female ( holotype and paratypes ). Body dark brown to black, antenna brown to dark brown, legs pale (three basal tarsomeres and parts of other segments) to brown and dark brown. Vertexal suture faint. Antenna ( Fig. 34 ) with scape relatively slender, only a little expanded in basal half; F1 slightly longer than wide, F2 a little wider than long, both funicle segments with several sensilla each; clava much longer than funicle, with numerous sensilla. Mesosoma shorter than metasoma, smooth. Midlobe of mesoscutum with 2 pairs of setae; anterior margin of scutellum slightly sinuate, almost straight. Forewing ( Fig. 35 ) about 2.4 x as long as wide; longest marginal setae about 0.5 x maximal forewing width; disc with a dark band behind stigmal and distal half of marginal vein (reaching posterior margin), more or less evenly setose in apical half of forewing. Hind wing about 8 x as long as wide; disc with several rows of setae, slightly infumated behind apex of venation. Hind coxa lightly sculptured. Figs 34, 35. Entedonomphale zakavyka sp. n. , female (holotype): (34) antenna, (35) forewing. Scale lines = 0.1 mm. Petiole conspicuous, much longer than wide (length/width ratio about 2.5:1). Ovipositor relatively short, occupying a little more than 1/2 length of gaster, not exserted; ovipositor length/metatibia length ratio about 1.2:1. Measurements (n=1, holotype ). Body: 1168. Antenna: scape: 133; pedicel: 64; F1: 37; F2: 33; clava: 124. Forewing: 726/212; longest marginal seta: 106. Hind wing: 633/82; longest marginal seta: 96. Ovipositor: 285. Male ( paratype ). Body length 793. Similar to female (including pigmentation of forewing disc) except for colouration of legs (almost all dark) and normal sexually dimorphic features such as antenna and genitalia. Antenna with a 2-segmented funicle (F1 subequal to F2, both a little longer than wide) and a large 3-segmented clava with a long apical spicula, claval segments about as wide as funicle segments; all flagellar segments with numerous long setae. Holotype : Female on slide, labelled: 1. “ 15.19S 145.03E Station Ck 7 Km WSW Hope Vale mission Q [ Queensland , Australia ] 10 May 1981 I. D. Naumann ex ethanol”; 2. “Mounted at UCR/ERM by V. V. Berezovskiy 2004 in Canada balsam.ANIC”; 3. “ Entedonastichus Det. J. LaSalle ”; 4. (red) “ Entedonomphale zakavyka S. Triapitsyn HOLOTYPE ^” [ ANIC ]. Paratypes : AUSTRALIA : Queensland : 2 km S Horseshoe Lookout, Blackdown Tab., 23–24.iv.1981 , I.D. Naumann, 1^ on point (“ Thripoctenoides (?) carbonarius Erd. det. Z. Boucek, 1986) [ANIC]. Mundubbera, vi.2000 , C. Freebairn, 1^ 1ơ on cards [UCRC]. Hosts: Unknown.