Revision of Ceranisus and the related thrips-attacking entedonine genera (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) of the world Author Triapitsyn, Serguei V. text African Invertebrates 2005 2005-12-31 46 261 315 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.7909932 2305-2562 7909932 Key to the species of Ceranisus , females 1 Clava 3-segmented (at least on one of the antennae, best seen in slide-mounted specimens) .......................................................................... russelli (Crawford) – Clava 2-segmented........................................................................................... 2 2(1) Ovipositor markedly exserted beyond apex of gaster (by about 1/3 of its total length, Fig. 38 ) .................................................................. barsoomensis sp. n. – Ovipositor not exserted or only slightly exserted ............................................ 3 3(2) Forewing disc with a distinct semi-oval bare area at posterior margin behind base of marginal vein, demarcated anteriorly by a sinuate line of setae (i.e., cubital setal line, as in Fig. 41 ) ........................................................................ 4 – Forewing disc either without such bare area or, if a narrow bare area present along posterior margin behind base of marginal vein, it is demarcated anteriorly by a more or less straight cubital setal line (as in Figs 43 , 48 ) ........................ 6 4(3) Gaster completely dark brown or black ................................. planitianus Erdös – At least base of gaster yellow or light brown .................................................. 5 5(4) F1 a little shorter or at most subequal to F2; postmarginal vein of forewing at most as long as stigmal vein, usually a little shorter ................ menes (Walker) – F1 a little longer than F2; postmarginal vein of forewing much longer than stigmal vein ......................................................................................... udnamtak sp. n. 6(3) Forewing fringe very short, longest marginal setae less than 1/10 maximal width of forewing ( Fig. 43 ).................................................................. votetoda sp. n. – Forewing fringe relatively longer, longest marginal setae at least 1/5 maximal width of forewing ............................................................................................ 7 7(6) Base of gaster yellow to light brown ............................................................... 8 – Base of gaster brown to dark brown or almost black ...................................... 9 8(7) Femora pale, yellow, or light brown ................................ americensis (Girault) – Femora dark brown ........................................................ nigrifemora De Santis 9(7) Vertexal suture straight or a little sinuate (rounded) ...................................... 10 – Vertexal suture distinctly angulate (broadly Y-shaped) ....... femoratus (Gahan) 10(9) Basal claval segment longer than distal segment ....... antalyacus S. Triapitsyn – Basal claval segment shorter than or at most subequal to distal segment ..... 11 11(10) Head and mesosoma dorsally notably reticulate, with well-pronounced dark green metallic luster [scape of male antenna not swollen, about 3.6 x as long as wide] .............................................................................................. lepidotus Graham – Head and mesosoma dorsally almost smooth, at most with faint cellulate sculpturing (sometimes more obvious on mesoscutum) and slight greenish metallic luster [scape of male antenna notably swollen, less than 2.5 x as long as wide] .............................................................................................................. 12 12(11) Forewing relatively broader (length/width ratio about 2.4:1) [scape of male antenna markedly swollen, 1.8–1.9 x as long as wide] ..................................... .......................................................................... hoddlei S. Triapitsyn & Morse – Forewing relatively narrower (length/width ratio 2.8–3.0:1) ........................ 13 13(12) Scape relatively shorter (length/width ratio 4–5:1) [scape of male antenna strongly swollen, 1.4–1.7 x as long as wide] ...................................... pacuvius (Walker) – Scape relatively longer (length/width ratio about 7:1) [scape of male antenna moderately swollen, about 2.1 x as long as wide] ............................................. ................................................................... loomansi S. Triapitsyn & Headrick