New species of Cladiopsocus Roesler (Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’: Psocomorpha: Cladiopsocidae) from the Colombian Amazonia Author Obando, Ranulfo González Author García Aldrete, Alfonso N. Author Carrejo, Nancy text Zootaxa 2016 4127 1 journal volume 38760 10.11646/zootaxa.4127.1.3 0f8ad304-a17d-47b8-8885-0ec006a35f79 1175-5326 266084 B24B4A1B-208F-42A9-94FE-563FBED43742 Cladiopsocus gregoriorum n. sp. Male ( Figs 22–28 ) Diagnosis. Belonging in species group “2”, subgroup 4, in the classification of Eertmoed (1986) . In this subgroup it corresponds to species with phallosome with internal parameres vestigial, or not united posteriorly. Unlike C. deliciasensis n. sp. , it does not have the paraproctal prong with a tapered basal tooth, and unlike C. prionotus , C. mocoaensis n. sp. , C. garciai and C. multimaculatus , the epiproct has two tooth-like short projections distally, along the longitudinal midline ( Fig. 25 ). Color . Head ( Fig. 24 ) dark brown, anteclypeus and labrum pale brown. Compound eyes dark brown, ocelli hyaline. Antennae pale brown, flagellomeres with clear distal ends; maxillary palps pale brown. Meso- and metanotum brown, thoracic pleura and legs light brown, tibia and tarsi dark brown. Forewing membrane hyaline, with brown spots at wing margin; pterostigma with pale brown spot distally on costal area; wing margin with brown spots between the ends of veins R, M and Cu1 ( Fig. 22 ); veins brown, with brown spots at ends of R, M and Cu1a. Hindwing hyaline with a smoked spot on vein ends, and on wing margin between M and Cu1 ( Fig. 23 ). Abdomen cream, with light brown bands, clunium and hypandrium pale brown; phallosome pale brown; epiproct cream, with two little tubercles dark brown; paraprocts cream, paraproctal prong dark brown, more pigmented distally. Morphology. As in diagnosis plus the following: head vertex slightly concave, almost on the same level with the top margin of the compound eyes ( Fig. 24 ). D is 60% the length of the head in front view, almost as wide as the interocular distance (1.15); with interommatidial setae. Forewings ( Fig. 22 ), membrane of pterostigma without setae; without spur veins. Hypandrium ( Fig. 27 ) broad, shield-shaped, rounded distally, with medium sized setae and lateral macrosetae. Epiproct trapeziform ( Fig. 25 ), posterior border broadly rounded, three medium sized setae in mesal field, and field of medium sized setae and macrosetae distally. Paraprocts ( Fig. 26 ) with abundant medium sized setae and macrosetae as illustrated; mesal prong stout, strongly sclerotized, acuminate distally; sensory fields with 18 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Phallosome sclerotized, slightly concave anteriorly, wider posteriorly, deeply cleft in the middle; external parameres broad, membranous, bearing pores, endophallic lobes triangular; arms of internal parameres separate, distally pointed, thick, well sclerotized ( Fig. 28 ). Measurements. FW: 2375, HW: 1825, F: 520, T: 940, t1: 380, t2: 50, t3: 63, ctt1: 22, f1: 390, f2: 285, f3: 240, f4: 217, f5: 140, f6: 130, f7: 113, f8: 110, f9: 98, f10: 63, f11: 82, Mx4: 155, IO: 195, D: 336, d: 225, IO/d: 0.87, PO: 0.67. Specimens studied. Holotype male. COLOMBIA . Amazonas, Leticia, San Martín de Amacayacu. Maloca trail, 3º43’43.8”S : 70º18’49.9” W , 93 m . 14–15.VIII.2015 . MUSENUV slide code 26138, N. Carrejo & R. Gregorio. Paratypes : 1 male , Agua Blanca trail, 3º42’19.0”S : 70º20’26.1” W , 70 m . 12–13.VIII.2015 . MUSENUV slide code 26139, R. González, N. Calderón & O. Saenz. Led light trap on forest canopy. Etymology. This species is gratefully dedicated to José and Robinson Gregorio, guide and collaborator, respectively, to the explorations in San Martín de Amacayacu, Amazonas.