Review of the Blastobasinae of Costa Rica (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Blastobasidae)
Adamski, David
journal article
Pigritia marjoriella
Adamski, 1998
Figs. 50
, Map 55)
Pigritia marjoriella
possesses the following unique combination of features: an elongate, apically bilobate uncus; a well developed gnathos; an apically bifurcate, basally hinged apical process of the ventral part of the valva; a mesially constricted anellus; and a trisignate corpus bursae in the female. This combination of features differentiates it from all other congeners.
Re-description.—Head: Scales on vertex and frontoclypeus grayish brown tipped with white. Labial palpus diminutive in male, extending about 1/2 distance between ventral margin of frontoclypeus and antennal base within depression on ventromedian part of frontoclypeus; labial palpus in female extending slightly below antennal base; outer surface grayish brown, inner surface pale grayish brown. Antennal scape with scales grayish brown tipped with white intermixed with white scales along ventral and apical margins, pecten brown, flagellum grayish brown. Proboscis grayish brown.
Thorax: Tegula with basal 1/3 with dark grayish-brown scales tipped with white, apical 2/3 with scales grayish brown or pale grayish brown tipped with white; mesonotum with basal 1/2 with dark grayish-brown scales tipped with white, apical 1/2 with scales grayish brown or pale grayish brown tipped with white. Legs dark grayish brown intermixed with white scales near midsegments and along apical margins of all segments and tarsomeres. Forewing (
Fig. 416
): Length 3.8–6.0 mm (n = 20), grayish-brown scales tipped with white intermixed with grayish-brown scales and white scales; base and submedian fascia dark; submedian fascia complete; cell with two or three spots, one in middle (obliterated by submedian fascia in some specimens), two on apical end along crossvein; marginal spots large, faint. Undersurface brown. Venation (
Fig. 50
) with M3 and CuA1 arising from a common point on distoposterior part of cell; cubital veins divergent from bases with CuA1 straight and CuA2 broadly curved. Hindwing: Translucent pale brown gradually darkening from 1/3 length to apex. Venation (
Fig. 50
) with anterior part of cell closed, posterior part open; M1 weak within cell or absent; cubitus 3-branched with all veins arising submarginally.
Abdomen: Male genitalia (
Figs. 249–250
): Uncus elongate, parallelsided basally, widening laterally from midline, forming two, elongate, setose lobes; lobes deeply emarginate apically from midline. Gnathos, thin band; ventroposterior margin mesially protuberant, forming widened lobe. Sockets of tergal setae not extending beyond midlength of tegumen. Valva divided; ventral part broadly rounded basally, widening to middle, narrowing slightly beyond middle, extending to dilated region beneath base of apical process; process hinged basally, with constricted stemlike base, widening slightly, extending to bifurcate apical part; setose on outer surface, planate on inner surface, with protuberant setose ridge at base; dorsal part with digitate process straight, extending dorsolaterally; basal ridge of digitate process adjacent to proximal flange, extending ventrolaterally to margin; proximal flange, subellipsidal, densely setose on basal 1/3, microtrichiate on apical 2/3. Juxta bandlike. Vinculum U-shaped. Phallus and sclerite of phallus longer than valva; phallus broadly curved from middle; sclerite of phallus acutely curved from beyond base, shallowly undulate apically; anellus, constricted near middle, forming two widened and subequal, setose parts. Female Genitalia (
Fig. 275
): Apophyses posteriores
1 7/10
X longer than apophyses anteriores. Ostium bursae within membrane slightly posterior to end of seventh segment, between two large, globose, lateral lobes; lobes with apically circular, densely microtrichiate region; inception of ductus seminalis about midway between posterior and anterior margins of seventh sternum; eighth tergum with darkly pigmented median longitudinal. Posterior margin of seventh sternum broadly emarginate mesially. Ductus bursae 2 1/
longer than apophyses posteriores; with two rows of internal platelets on anterior 1/5. Corpus bursae ovoid, sparsely spinulate; signum trisignate, one capitulate, two elongate, spinose plates.
, 3,
Costa Rica
: “Est[ación] Murciélago,
8 km
SO de Cuajiniquil, P.N. Guanacaste, CR1001, 817543. [INBio].
Distribution (Map 55).
Pigritia marjoriella
is known from eleven collecting sites in northwestern
Costa Rica
; six along the Cordillera de Guanacaste, and five in the dry-forest region between the mountains and the Pacific coast. Additional collecting sites other than that of the
are obtained from Adamski (1999b), and include: Finca Jenny,
30 km
N de
, P.N. Guanacaste, Guan. Prov. L-N-316200, 364400; Estación Cacao,
1000–1400 m
SO Vol. Cacao, Prov. Guan., L-N-323300, 375700; Playa Naranjo, P.N. Santa
Rosa, Prov. Guan.
, L-N- 309300, 354200; Cerro El Hacha,
300 m
12 km
SE de La Cruz, Prov. Guan., L-N-329200, 368000; Agua Buena,
200 m
, P.N. Guanacaste, Prov. Guan. L-N-334800, 364100; Estación Santa
Rosa, Prov. Guan.
, L-N-313000, 359800; Estación Las Pallas, P.N. Rincón de la Vieja,
800 m
, Prov. Guan., 306300, 388600; Tierras Morenas,
685 m
, Prov. Guan., L-S-283950, 424500; Estación Maritza,
600 m
Vol. Orosi, Prov. Guan., L-N-326900, 373000; Estación Los Almendros, P.N. Guanacaste, Prov. Guan., L-N-326900, 373000.