Forty new records of aleocharine beetles, and two new species in the genera Acrotona Thomson and Atheta Thomson, for the province of Manitoba, Canada (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) Author Klimaszewski, Jan Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Laurentian Forestry 1055 du P. E. P. S., P. O. Box 10380 Stn. Sainte-Foy, Québec, Quebec, Canada G 1 V 4 C 7 jan. klimaszewski @ canada. ca Author Godin, Benoit 14 A Thompson Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Y 1 A 0 C 4 Author Davies, Anthony Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K 1 A 0 C 6 Author Bourdon, Caroline Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Laurentian Forestry 1055 du P. E. P. S., P. O. Box 10380 Stn. Sainte-Foy, Québec, Quebec, Canada G 1 V 4 C 7 Author Horwood, Denise 14 A Thompson Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Y 1 A 0 C 4 text Insecta Mundi 2018 2018-07-27 2018 641 1 33 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5173990 1942-1354 5173990 9415B2C5-9166-4014-985F-7955E72805D2 Mocyta luteola (Erichson) Distribution Origin Nearctic Distribution Canada : MB, NB, NF, ON, QC. USA : DC, IA, IN, MA, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NY, PA, RI, WI New provincial Canada : Manitoba : Cyprus Creek, 2016-IX-15 , 49.5774°N , 101.3645°W , 510 records m, willow litter, sifting, B. Godin & D. Horwood ( BGC ) 1 female ; same locality data ( LFC ) 1 female ; Bead Lake , 2016-IX-13 , 50.7868°N , 99.9928°W , 620 m , mushrooms, sifting, B. Godin & D. Horwood ( LFC ) 1 male . References Erichson 1839 , Klimaszewski et al. 2015b , 2018 Collection and habitat data. Habitat (outside of the study area). Most specimens from QC were captured in pitfall traps in yellow birch and balsam fir dominated forests. In NB, under decaying seaweed on sea beach, under drift material on a riverbank, in grass, moss, and leaf litter in alder swamps, eastern white cedar swamps, and Carex marshes; in sphagnum moss and leaf litter in a young regenerating mixed forest, and in decaying (moldy) corncobs and cornhusks. Elsewhere, adults in litter around raspberry bushes near a bog, in a Typha marsh in a nest of Microtus pennsylvanicus (ON) , on a lake shore and in a Microtus pennsylvanicus nest (MN), and sifting vegetable debris in a dump (IN). Collecting period . III–X. Collecting method . Sifting forest and marsh litter, pitfall traps.