Synopsis of Schizanthus Ruiz & Pav. (Solanaceae), a genus endemic to the southern Andes Author Morales-Fierro, Vanezza Independent researcher. Avenida Vicuna Mackenna Oriente 6640, Santiago, Chile Author Munoz-Schick, Melica Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Casilla 787, Santiago, Chile Author Moreira-Munoz, Andres Instituto de Geografia, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Avenida Brasil 2241, Valparaiso, Chile text PhytoKeys 2020 154 57 102 journal article 1314-2003-154-57 3FD061C9330A5AADAAB6E037B9B0A8E9 12. Schizanthus splendens Sudzuki, Agricultura Tecnica , Chile 5(1): 33. 1945 Fig. 5H-J Type. Chile. Coquimbo: Llano de Los Loros, 10 Sep 1942, C. Munoz & E. Pisano 3349 (lectotype here designated: SGO! [SGO000004537 acc. #148994]; isolectotype: SGO! [SGO000004538 acc. #143619]). Taxonomic notes. In the protologue, the author mentions the holotype as being held at the National Museum of Natural History, Santiago. Within the type collection at SGO, we have found two sheets of this species, which are duplicates. In comparing the label data with the protologue, we identified some differences. In the description, the author cited Munoz & Johnson as collectors of the specimens, but without giving a date of collection. This was an oversight because the herbarium specimens were collected by Carlos Munoz & Edmundo Pisano and they clearly show the date of collection. This oversight could have occurred because Sudzuki had access to the specimens before they were mounted, in order that she could complete her thesis on the genus Schizanthus . Grau and Gronbach (1984) did not recognise this name as an accepted species, citing it as synonym of S. litoralis . On page 136, the authors cited the type of S. splendens just giving the data from the protologue and without indicating the specimens as occurring at SGO. We are selecting as lectotype the specimen which has a label with the name of the species and the descriptor (" S. splendens nov. sp. Sudzuki "), while the second specimen was lacking this information. Key characters. Flowers similar in form to S. carlomunozii var. carlomunozii as they exhibit a white halo around the yellow area but without any dark spots outside of it. The flowers are subsessile with peduncles up to 4 mm long, instead of 0.5-2.5 cm in S. carlomunozii . Distribution. Endemic to Chile, in the Region of Coquimbo (Provinces of Elqui and Limari , 30°10'-31°0' lat. S). 350-1800 m a.s.l. Habitat. Along roadsides and in flat areas; over clayed soil. Conservation. Chile. Coquimbo : Fray Jorge National Park. Selected specimens examined. Chile. Coquimbo: [Elqui Province ] Cordillera de Ovalle, Cerro Tololo, 1800 m a.s.l., 26 Oct 1971, C. Jiles 6302 (CONC); Andacollo 5 km al sur, 33°15'S , 71°06'W , 1100-1200 m a.s.l., 1-6 Apr 2008, M. Mihoc 325 (CONC); [ Limari Province ] Salida S de Ovalle, planicies, 22 Aug 1991, M. Munoz 2566 (SGO); Carretera Panamericana, 19 km al norte de la Quebrada del Teniente, 16 Oct 1971, C. Marticorena , R. Rodriguez & E. Weldt 1440 (CONC, F). 13. Schizanthus porrigens Graham ex Hook., Exot. Fl. 2: tab. 86. 1824