Integrating UCE Phylogenomics With Traditional Taxonomy Reveals a Trove of New World Syscia Species (Formicidae: Dorylinae) Author Longino, John T. Department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, Author Branstetter, Michael G. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Pollinating Insects Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322, and text Insect Systematics and Diversity 2021 2021-03-05 5 2 2 1 51 journal article 10.1093/isd/ixab001 2399-3421 5384404 FF189A51-5F62-429B-9076-509310C79117 Syscia persimilis , New Species Figure 10 (map, worker), S44 ( holotype worker), S45 (queen), S46 (intercaste female) Holotype : 1 worker , NICARAGUA , Jinotega : RN Cerro Kilambé , 13.57028 −85.69737 ± 20m , 1500m , 23-May-2011 , cloud forest, ex sifted leaf litter (LLAMA, Wa-D-05-1-26) [CASC, unique specimen identifier CASENT0630852] . PARATYPES : same data as holotype [worker: MCZC] ; same data except 13.56924 −85.69746 ± 10m , 1500m , 23-May-2011 , cloud forest, ex sifted leaf litter (LLAMA, Wa-D-05-1-03) [intercaste female: CASC; worker: USNM] ; same data except 13.56726 −85.69782 ± 15m , 1400m , 23-May-2011 , cloud forest, ex sifted leaf litter (LLAMA, Wa-D-05-2-27) [worker: UCD] .