Neotypification of Drawida hattamimizu Hatai, 1930 (Annelida, Oligochaeta, Megadrili, Moniligastridae) as a model linking mtDNA (COI) sequences to an earthworm type, with a response to the ' Can of Worms' theory of cryptic species Author Blakemore, Robert Hanyang Uni Seoul, Seoul, Korea, South Author Kupriyanova, Elena ,, Japan Author Grygier, Mark Lake Biwa Museum, Kusatsu ,, Japan text ZooKeys 2010 2010-03-26 41 4 1 29 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.41.374 00f6e7e3-859e-422d-b9a5-51c458a7575a 1313–2970 576648 Type-species : Moniligaster deshayesi Perrier, 1872 from Sri Lanka . Family diagnosis: (from Michaelsen 1900: 109 ; Stephenson 1923: 116 ; Gates 1962: 299 , 1972: 238 ; Blakemore 2008a ): Setae lumbricine. Prostomium prolobous. Male pores one or two pairs (on 10 or in 10/11 or 11/12 and 12/13) behind spermathecal pores (in 7/8 and/or 8/9) and in front of female pores (in 11/12 or near 12/13 or 13/14). Testis and male funnels intraseptal in sacs. Gizzards multiple (e.g. 2–12 in region of segments 11–34) behind ovarian segment. Nephridia holoic. Clitellum unilayered (one cell thick). Ova macrolecithal (i.e., with large yolk-particles). Spermathecae with long tubular ducts. Last hearts in segment 9. Distribution : Southeastern and eastern Asia, from Sri Lanka to eastern Siberia, also Korea , Japan , the Philippines , Borneo and Sumatra. Several species of Drawida have been reported outside the generic range, some of these later synonymized, but most moniligastrids are probably confined to their areas of origin in the Indo-Asian region ( Gates 1972 ).