Umbrageocoris Kondorosyi: A New Genus And Species Of Big-Eyed Bugs From New Guinea (Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea: Geocoridae) Author Kóbor, Péter text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2019 2019-03-18 65 1 1 8 journal article 110330 10.17109/AZH. dedc13e2-6231-4a23-bf04-b37b23379c97 2064-2474 5734674 6D570108-C88D-461D-909C-10BCD168E4D3 Key to genera of New Guinean Geocorinae 1. Head pentagonal, eyestalks somewhat erect; ocular sulcus complete, welldefined. Anterior margin of pronotum almost straight; pronotal disc with deep punctation; pronotal callosities well­developed, slightly bulging. Scutellum subequilateral, median trifurcate carina distinct, slightly bulging. Margins of clavus parallel, claval commissure developed. Peritreme of metathoracic scent gland as in Fig. 4A . Germalus Stål, 1862 (2 species) – Head pentagonal or lunate, eyestalks not erect, ocular sulcus reduced or if complete, less conspicuous. Anterior margin of pronotum curved; pronotal disc with fine punctation; pronotal callosities somewhat reduced. Scutellum elongate; apical part of median trifurcate carina at least partly reduced. Peritreme of metathoracic scent gland as in Fig. 4B, C . 2 2. Head pentagonal; ocular sulcus slightly visible, but complete. Labial trough Y­shaped with suture extending to base of head. Basal width of pronotum subequal to length. Apical part of scutellar trifurcate carina partly reduced, but visible. Corium only punctate along veins. Metathoracic scent gland as in Fig. 4B . Umbrageocoris gen. n. – Head lunate, broadened; ocular sulcus reduced completely. Labial trough closed, suture absent. Basal width of pronotum about 2× of length. Trifurcate carina of scutellum only basally present. Corium with irregular punctation in intervanals. Peritreme of metathoracic scent gland as in Fig. 4C . Geocoris Fallén, 1814 (2 species)