A revision of the Alevonota species of the Palaearctic region. III Two new species Irom Taiwan, a new combination, a new synonymy, and additional records (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) Author Assing, Volker vassing.hann@t-online.de text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2019 2019-07-26 51 1 235 246 journal article 22868 10.5281/zenodo.3762479 7f372a4a-9104-48cc-8f6a-e609a7b313f3 0253-116X 3762479 016AAB3F-8AE2-4759-B95A-DEAA074768CD Alevonota hetzeli nov.sp. ( Figs 6-10 ) T y p e m a t e r i a l: Holotype : ̎ TAIWAN , Hualien , Guanyuan , pine forest, sifted, 2459 m , 24°11'22''N , 121°20'22''E , 1.VIII.2018 , Hetzel leg. / Holotypus Alevonota hetzeli sp. n. det. V. Assing 2019̎ (cAss). E t y m o l o g y: This species is dedicated to Andreas Hetzel (Hildesheim), who collected the type material of both A. calliceroides and A. hetzeli . D e s c r i p t i o n: Body length 3.9 mm ; length of forebody 1.8 mm . Habitus as in Fig. 6 . Coloration: head black; pronotum blackish-brown; elytra dark-brown; abdomen blackish-brown with the posterior margins of tergites III-VII and the posterior portion of tergite VIII reddish-brown; legs yellowish-brown; antennae blackish. Head ( Fig. 7 ) 1.1 times as broad as long, broadest across eyes; lateral contours between eyes and posterior constriction of head weakly convex, i.e., posterior angles completely obsolete; dorsal surface with fine and moderately sparse punctation, narrowly impunctate along middle; interstices with distinct microreticulation. Eyes large and bulging, approximately as long as distance from posterior margin of eye to posterior constriction of head in dorsal view. Antenna ( Fig. 8 ) 1.2 mm long; antennomeres IV transverse, but less than 1.5 times as broad as long, V-IX weakly transverse, X nearly as long as broad, and XI elongate, slightly longer than the combined length of IX and X. Figs 1-10 : Alevonota calliceroides ( 1-5 ) and A. hetzeli ( 6-10 ): ( 1, 6 ) habitus; ( 2, 7 ) forebody; ( 3, 8 ) antenna; ( 4-5, 9-10 ) median lobe of aedeagus in lateral and in ventral view. Scale bars: 1, 6: 1.0 mm; 2-3, 7-8: 0.5 mm ; 4-5, 9-10: 0.2 mm . Figs 11-18 : Alevonota hepatica : ( 11-12 ) median lobe of aedeagus in lateral and in ventral view; ( 13-14 ) spermatheca; ( 15 ) male tergite VIII; ( 16 ) male sternite VIII; ( 17 ) female tergite VIII; ( 18 ) female sternite VIII. Scale bars: 0.2 mm. Figs 19-21 : Alevonota hepatica : ( 19 ) labium; ( 20 ) maxilla; ( 21 ) antenna. Scale bars: 21: 0.5 mm; 19-20: 0.1 mm. Pronotum ( Fig. 7 ) as broad as long and 1.1 times as broad as head, broadest approximately in the middle; lateral margins weakly convex in dorsal view; pubescence of midline directed posteriad; punctation similar to that of head, but slightly denser; interstices with distinct microreticulation. Elytra ( Fig. 7 ) approximately as long as pronotum; punctation dense and fine, but more distinct than that of head and pronotum; interstices with microreticulation. Hind wings fully developed. Abdomen narrower than elytra; tergites III-V with rather deep anterior impressions; punctation moderately sparse and fine, but distinct; interstices with distinct microsculpture predominantly composed of short transverse meshes; posterior margin of tergite VII with palisade fringe. ♂: posterior margins of tergite VIII and sternite VIII strongly convex; median lobe of aedeagus ( Figs 9-10 ) 0.39 mm long and slender. : unknown. C o m p a r a t i v e n o t e s: Alevonota hetzeli is readily distinguished from A. calliceroides and A. taiwanensis by much smaller, and from A. laevigata PACE, 2009 ( Taiwan : Taichung ) by distinctly larger body size alone. It differs from the two similarly sized A. taiwanica and A. longicornis PACE, 2009 as follows: from A. taiwanica (male unknown) by much more bulging eyes, distinctly less transverse antennomeres IV-X, and a differently shaped head ( A. taiwanica : lateral contours behind eyes somewhat parallel for some distance); from A. longicornis by distinctly transverse antennomeres IV ( A. longicornis : antenno- meres IV approximately as long as broad), larger and more convex eyes, and by the shape of the aedeagus. For illustrations of A. taiwanica and A. longicornis see PACE (2009) . D i s t r i b u t i o n: The type locality and the circumstances of collection are identical to those of A. calliceroides .