There and back again: contributions on Pseudevoplitus Ruckes (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
Grazia, Jocelia
Depto. de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grando do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9500, 91501 - 970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Bolze, Gisele Jardim
Depto. de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grando do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9500, 91501 - 970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Barão, Kim Ribeiro
Depto. de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grando do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9500, 91501 - 970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
journal article
Pseudevoplitus angelomachadoi
sp. nov.
Figures 7–22
Material examined.
Auberge du Bois Diable
A. Matocq
leg. (
Piste crique serpent
PK 19
Cerda J.
leg. (
Head wider than longer; humeral angles of pronotum stout, projected laterad; total length larger than
20 mm
. Male genitalia: pygophore bell-shaped, posterolateral angles projected postero-laterad; superior processes of dorsal rim of pygophore bilobed dorsally; processes of AB X inconspicuous. Female genitalia: lateral angles of gonocoxites 8 widely obscuring laterotergites 8 basally.
Habitus in dorsal view of species of
Ruckes, 1958. 1.
P. par adoxus
Ruckes, 1958; 2.
P. costalimai
Grazia, Becker & Thomas, 1994
, holotype, male; 3.
P. peruvianus
Grazia, Becker & Thomas, 1994
, holotype, male; 4.
P. vittatus
Grazia, Becker & Thomas, 1994
; 5.
P. amazonicus
Grazia & Greve, 2002
, holotype, male; 6.
P. roraimensis
Grazia & Greve, 2002
, holotype, male;
P. angelomachadoi
sp. nov.
: 7. holotype, male; 8. paratype, female. Scale bars = 2 mm.
General color brownish-yellow dorsally and ventrally; densely punctured, brownish punctures forming stripes or blotches (
Figs 7–8
). Head with calloused, yellow longitudinal stripes at mandibular plates, laterally and mesally, and at clypeus medially; antennal segments uniformly brownish, except first, with yellowish blotches at inner lateral margin; brown blotches at antenniferous tubercle and maxillary plates (
Fig. 13
). Femora and tibiae brown with yellow longitudinal stripes; tarsi brown (
Figs 9–12
). Connexivum brown basally and apically, yellow medially. Metasternal carina and abdominal segments (AB) III–IV medially reddish on male (
Fig. 9
) and yellow on female (
Fig. 12
). Brown, longitudinal band on urosternites IV–VII medially; urosternites III–VII brown laterally (
Figs 15, 19
Body elongated. Head: Head trapezoidal, 1.5x wider than longer; mandibular plates longer than clypeus, convergent and juxtaposed apically; labium reaching metasternum (
Figs 7–8
). Proportion of antennal segments: I<II<III<IV (antennal segment V missing on both specimens). Thorax: Humeral angles of pronotum spine-like, well projected, protruding laterad; posterior margin of pronotum strongly concave (
Figs 7–8
). Scutellum reaching AB VII apically; scutellum acute apically; post-frenal lobe about the same size as frenal lobe. Hemelytral corium longer than scutellum; membranal veins linear, some bifurcated basally. Peritreme of external scent efferent system groove-shaped; evaporatorium covering 2/3 of metapleuron area, not reaching its lateral margin; on mesopleuron, evaporatorium reaching the lateral margin anteriorly and posteriorly (
Fig. 14
). Mesosternal carina elevated, smooth (
Figs 9–12
). Metasternal carina hexagonal. Abdomen, spiracles, shape of connexiva and trichobothria as described for the genus (
Figs 9, 12
Pseudevoplitus angelomachadoi
Grazia & Bolze
sp. nov.
9. male in ventral view; 10. male in lateral view; 11. female in lateral view; 12. female in ventral view; 13. head, pro- and mesopleuron of male, in latero-ventral view; 14. external scent efferent system of male, in most exposed view;
pygophore, dorsal view;
pygophore, posterior view;
pygophore, ventral view;
female genital plates, posteroventral view. gc8 = gonocoxites 8; gc9 = gonocoxites 9; la8 = laterotergites 8; la9 = laterotergites 9; spdr, superior process of dorsal rim; pa = paramere; X = abdominal segment X. Scale bars: 9–12 = 2 mm; 13–14 = 1 mm; 15–20 = 0.5 mm; 21–22 = 1 mm.
Male genitalia.
Pygophore bell-shaped; posterolateral angles acute (
Figs 15–20
). Dorsal rim concave medially, dorsally to AB X (
Figs 15–16
). Superior layer of ventral rim with 1+1 rounded projections medially; inferior layer with 1+1 spine-like projections sub-medially (
Figs 17–18
). Superior processes of dorsal rim projecting inwards the base of parameres, bilobed dorsally (
Figs 15–18
). Parameres acute apically, pointing towards base of AB X. Processes of AB X inconspicuous; AB X setose laterally and apically.
Female genitalia.
Gonocoxites 8 as long as wide; sutural margins juxtaposed at basal 2/3 and divergent at posterior 1/3; posterior margins weakly convex (
Figs 21–22
). Laterotergites 8 triangular, acute apically; spiracles not visible. Gonocoxites 9 quadrangular; posterior margin weakly concave. Laterotergites 9 triangular, obtusely rounded apically; surpassing laterotergites 8 apically.
Measurements (mm).
Total length, m 20.20, f 23.54; length of head, m 3.50, f 3.50; head length ahead of eyes, m 1.80, f 2.00; width of head, m 4.84, f 5.17; interocular distance, m 2.00, f 2.10; length of pronotum, m 5.50, f 6.00; length of pronotum at humeral angles, m 17.36, f 20.00; length of pronotum basally, m 9.85, f 11.5; length of scutellum, m 8.68, f 10.35; width of scutellum, m 6.17, f 7.00; width of abdomen at third segment, m 10.35, f 12.52.
, noun phrase, genitive singular; named after Angelo B. M. Machado on the occasion of his 80th birthday.
Known only from two Amazonian sites at French Guiana, close to the Atlantic Ocean shore (
Fig. 26
Pseudevoplitus angelomachadoi
sp. nov.
P. amazonicus
, and
P. roraimensis
can be easily distinguished from
P. paradoxus
P. costalimai
P. peruvianus
, and
P. vittatus
by having the head wider than long, labial apex at most reaching posterior margin of abdominal segment III, and the mandibular plates longer than clypeus, convergent and juxtaposed apically.
P. angelomachadoi
sp. nov.
differs from
P. amazonicus
P. roraimensis
by a series of genital characters. On the male genitalia, the pygophore is bell-shaped on
P. angelomachadoi
sp. nov.
while subquadrangular on the other two species; and the posterolateral angles are rounded and directed postero-laterally on
P. angelomachadoi
sp. nov.
whereas it is rounded and sub-truncate on
P. amazonicus
P. roraimensis
, respectively. On the female genitalia, the gonocoxites 8 of
P. angelomachadoi
sp. nov.
widely obscures the laterotergites 8 basally, a unique character of this species.