2486 Author Reid, C. A. M. Author Beatson, M. text Zootaxa 2010 2010-05-27 2486 1 60 journal article 1175­5334 Macrolema atripennis (Bowditch) ( Figs 5 , 21 , 47 , 69 , 83 , 101 , 116 , 134 ) Macrogonus atripennis Bowditch 1913: 268 Macrolema atripennis : Reid 2000: 862 = Macrogonus bifoveicollis Lea 1921: 229 Macrolema bifoveicollis : Reid 2000: 862 (synonymy) Material examined Types: Macrogonus atripennis : Holotype : female/ Richmond R. New S Wales / Macrogonus atripennis Bow Type/ Type F. C. B. Coll./ Type 8473/ [some dermestid damage, with loss of two legs on one side] [MCZ]; Macrogonus bifoveicollis : Holotype : female: /male [sic]/ bifoveicollis Lea Type Tambourine/ Macrogonus bifoveicollis Lea Queensland Type I.4771/ [SAM]; Paratypes (3): 2 females : /male [sic]/ Tambourine Queensland/ type/ Macrogonus bifoveicollis Lea Queensland cotype/ [SAM]; male: /male/ Mt Tambourine Hacker 741/ Macrogonus bifoveicollis Lea Queensland cotype/ [QMB]. Non-types (15): New South Wales : female: / Mt Warning NP, NSW, ex Ficus , [c. 550m ] 23.xi.1986 , C. Reid/ [ANIC]; male: /NSW Mt Warning summit 31.xi.1991 , A. Sundholm/ [AMS]; female: /Mt Warning, Up. Tweed R., NSW, 11.i.1923 , A. Musgrave/ [AMS]; Queensland : female: / Cooktown NQ, H. W. Brown/ [AMS]; male/ Lamington NP, IBISCA 7008, 28.192S 153.124E , malaise RF , 16.xii.20086.i.2009 , G. Monteith [AMS]; male, 2 females / [Lamington] National Park, H. Hacker, xii.1919 / [QMB]; male/ Lam.[ington] Nat. Pk, Qld, 17–21.ii.1964 , G. Monteith & H. A. Rose/ [UQB]; male: /MacPherson’s Range, Deane/ [UQB]; male: /Mt Gannon summit, via West Burleigh, S. E. Qld, rainforest, 18.i.1987 , G. Monteith & D. Cook/ [QMB]; female: /Tambourine Mountain, H. Hacker, 28.xii.1911 / [ANIC]; male/ Tambourine Mountain, H. Hacker, 29.xi.1925 / [QMB]; 2 females : / Tamborine Mtn, Qld, B. G. Styles/ [AMS]. Description Length: males 8–9.5mm , females 10–12mm ; body convex in profile, length c. 2.7x height. Body and appendages brownish- or reddish-yellow, except (i) elytra and antennomeres 2–11 black, with dark blue reflection; (ii) tarsi, apices tibiae, dark brown with green reflection; (iii) middle of abdominal ventrites I–IV sometimes brown or black, apices mandibles brown. Head ( Figs 5 , 21 ): head puncturation variable, usually sparse and fine on middle and frontoclypeus, stronger and closer at sides, but may be strongly and closely punctured throughout vertex; depressed between eyes, without deep grooves at sides of depression, with groove on midline of vertex; eyes separated by c. 3.7x eye widths (male) or c. 4x eye widths (female); gena c. 0.4x eye length (both sexes); antennae c. 4x socket diameters apart; antennae c. 0.8–85x body length (male), or c. 0.7x body length (female); all antennomeres elongate: 2 shortest (c.0.5x first), <3, <1, <4=10, <5=6=8=9=11, <7 (male), female similar; labrum not densely setose, with 2 pairs of prominent setae; apical maxillary palpomere elongate, almost cylindrical in both sexes, preapical palpomere shorter than apical. Thorax ( Figs 5 , 47 ): pronotal puncturation variable in size and density, generally sparse and fine, with larger punctures at base, shining, with scattered distinct micropunctures between macropunctures; pronotal width 1.6x length, with strongly developed convex lateral lobes at middle; pronotal disc with pair of deep lateral depressions, with or without shallow basal depression; anterior margination complete or effaced at midline; hypomeron at least partly punctate; prosternal process narrow and strongly arched from base to truncate apex; scutellum punctured at sides and base, elongate-triangular with blunt apex; elytron with 2 circular deep depressions on basal half of disc, one on striae 4–5, and one on striae 6–8; elytral punctures strong and deep, finer towards apex; elytra striate, with striae 1–6 regular and 7–9 partially obliterated by deep elytral depressions and large interstrial punctures; 1–2 deep irregular depressions along basal half of elytron adjacent to epipleuron; upper margin epipleuron reaching base of elytron, but not continued on basal edge; mesoventrite median process narrow, strongly arched to truncate apex; metaventrite shining and sparsely and minutely punctured, anterior with complete margination and without median depression, edge slightly pitted lateral to middle; metepisternum microreticulate, strongly punctured; 1 short spur on protibia, 2 on remainder. Abdomen ( Figs 69 , 83 , 101 , 116 ): ventrites I and II fused (not completely in male: some movement at middle); ventrites I–V smooth and shining, not microreticulate, moderately closely and strongly punctured on apical half of I–II, and most of III–V, males less punctate or impunctate along midline; short recumbent pubescence on each ventrite; ventrite I laterally keeled along basal 1/3–2/3, other ventrites without keels; apex ventrite V narrowly truncate in both sexes; sternite VIII of male Y-shaped; penis slightly mucronate in dorsal view, tip slightly curved and thickened in lateral view; female sternite VIII with elongate-triangular basal apodeme; gonocoxite distinctly setose; spermatheca hook-shaped, with densely coiled duct. Notes Macrolema atripennis is known from a few moderately elevated localities at or near the border of New South Wales and Queensland , from Mount Warning to Mount Tamborine ( Fig. 134 ). The specimen from north Queensland is probably mislabelled. Cooktown is far from the nearest locality and the specimen comes from a collection (H. W. Brown) with many problematic labels ( pers. obs ., CAMR; see also under M. quadrivittata ). 20 specimens were collected, from November to February. The single specimen collected on Ficus was not feeding.