New Species Of The Genus Clistopyga (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Pimplinae) From The Afrotropical Region Author Varga, O. text Zoodiversity 2021 2021-09-22 55 5 421 424 journal article 55947 10.15407/zoo2021.05.421 6c5fae2f-aeff-4794-83ba-06da04049179 2707-7268 6456078 Clistopyga kenyensis Varga , sp. n. ( fig. 1 ) LSID 22D20CDB-A978-4563-8490-6AE3E1C757D3 M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d. Holotype : KENYA , Coast Province , Taita Hills , Chawia Forest , 3.47908º S , 38.34162º E , 1614 m , Malaise trap , next to small forest pond, 09– 23.01.2012 ( R. Copeland ) ( ICIPE ) . Paratypes : 1 Ơ, same locality and date as holotype ( ICIPE ) ; 2 ♀ , idem, 05– 19.04.2012 ( ICIPE ) ; 1 ♀ , idem, 26.12.2011 09.01.2012 ( ICIPE ) ; 1 ♀ , idem, 22.02– 08.03.2012 ( SIZK ) . Diagnosis. The new species is characterized by the following combination of characters: body brownish dorsally, creamy white ventrally; propodeum aciculate; metapleuron smooth, with few isolated setae; ovipositor weakly upcurved, the length from tip of hypopygium about 1.6× the length of hind tibia; hind wing with nervellus reclivous, distance between first abscissa of M + Cu about 1.3× longer than vein cu-a . Clistopyga kenyensis sp. n. differs from both recorded Afrotropical species by the colouration: mesopleuron almost entirely creamy white (from black to red in C. incitator and orange with a central yellow stripe in C. africana ); metasomal tergites brownish, creamy white subapically (in both C. incitator and C. africana metasoma is more-or-less unicolour). In addition, it differs from C. incitator by the smooth and almost glabrous metapleuron (densely pubescent distally in C. incitator ) and the aciculate first metasomal tergite (punctate in C. incitator ). The newly described species differs from C. africana by the thinner and longer ovipositor (about 1.6× the length of hind tibia in C. kenyensis sp. n. comparing to 1.3 × in C. africana ), and the longer legs (hind femur 4.7× longer than wide in C. kenyensis sp. n. comparing to 4.0× in C. africana ). Description. Holotype . Female ( fig. 1 , A, C–G). Body length approximately 8 mm , fore wing 5.5 mm . Head ( fig.1 ,C)generally smooth and sparsely pubescent.Antenna with25flagellomeres, first flagellomere 1.5× as long as second flagellomere. Maximum diameter of lateral ocellus 0.9 × as long as ocellar-ocular distance. Inner margins of eyes weakly emarginated opposite antennal sockets. Face about 0.7× as long as wide, smooth, sparsely pubescent. Clypeus strongly convex, about 0.4× as long as wide, distinctly separated from face and with the same sculpture, its apical margin concave and weakly notched. Malar space about as long as the basal width of mandible, subocular sulcus distinct. Upper tooth of mandible weakly longer than lower tooth. Occipital carina distinct, concave downwards dorsally. Temple strongly narrowed behind eye, gently rounded. Mesosoma ( fig. 1 , D, F). Propleuron smooth, sparsely pubescent. Pronotum smooth, epomia present, but short. Mesoscutum smooth and densely pubescent, with notauli strong, reaching the middle of mesoscutum, central lobe aciculate. Scutellum convex, smooth, sparsely pubescent, with lateral carina present basally. Mesopleuron smooth, sparsely pubescent, epicnemial carina present on lower 0.7 of mesopleuron. Metapleuron smooth, with few insolated setae, submetapleural carina distinct, pleural carina distinct before spiracles, weakly defined after spirales, almost indistinct ( fig. 1 , D). Propodeum aciculate, with only lateromedian longitudinal carinae present on apical 0.1. Legs slender, hind femur 4.7× longer than wide, fifth tarsomere about as long as third tarsomere. Fore wing with areolet opened (vein 3 rs-m absent); vein 2 rs-m short, about 0.3× the distance between 2 rsm and 2 m-cu ; vein cu-a opposite to Rs&M . Hind wing with nervellus reclivous, distance between first abscissa of M + Cu 1.3× longer than vein cu-a . Metasoma ( fig. 1 , E, G) generally strongly sculptured and densely pubescent. First tergite about 1.3× as long as apical width, aciculate, with lateromedian oblique grooves weak, almost indistinct; dorsolateral carina distinct on basal 0.2 of the tergite; median longitudinal carina distinct and strong, reaching the apex of the tergite; glymma present. Second tergite about as long as apical width, rugulo-punctate, with basal and apical oblique grooves forming a rhombic convex area. Tergites 3–5 densely punctate, but punctures with scattered margins, with two lateromediam swellings; the remaining tergites weaker sculptured.Ovipositor( fig.1 ,G) upcurved and thin, the length from tip of hypopygium about 1.6× the length of hind tibia. Fig. 1. Clistopyga kenyensis sp. n. : A, C–G — holotype female; B — paratype male; A–B — lateral view of habitus; С — frontal view of head; D — lateral view of metapleuron; E — dorsal view of metasomal tergites 1–3; F — dorsal view of head and mesosoma; G — lateral view of the ovipositor tip. Scale bar 0.1 mm. C o l o u r a t i o n. Body generally brownish dorsally, creamy white ventrally.Head creamy white except apex of mandible, frons centrally, occiput brownish and flagellum orange. Mesosoma creamy white except mesoscutum partly and propodeum dorsally brownish. Legs creamy white except stripes on hind coxa and hind femur, hind tibia subbasally and apically and tarsus entirely brownish. Metasoma orange with central areas brownish; all tergites creamy white subapically, tergites 1–3 with lateroapical stripes black. Pterostigma and veins brown. Ovipositor orange. Male ( fig. 1 , B) generally resembles female, but has smaller body (length approximately 7.0 mm, fore wing 5.0 mm), and some differences in colouration: metasoma with first tergite entirely and tergites 2–4 apicolaterally black; hind tibia with indistinct bands. V a r i a b i l i t y. Paratype female has largely yellow head contrasting with creamy white meso- and metasoma. D i s t r i b u t i o n. Currently known only from Kenya . Etymology. This species is named after the country, where it was collected. The author is deeply grateful to Robert Copeland (ICIPE), who graciously made the specimens available for study. The study was partly supported by the National Research Foundation of Ukraine grant “Leading and Young Scientists Research Support” (registration number 2020.02/0369).