Notes on Nepaletricha (Diptera: Sciaroidea incertae sedis), with description of three new species from India and Vietnam Author Hippa, Heikki Gribbylunds allé 2, SE- 183 65 Täby, Sweden; e-mail: heikki. hippa @ gmail. com Author ŠEVýÍK, Jan Department of Biology and Ecology, University of Ostrava, Chittussiho 10, CZ- 71000 Ostrava, Czech Republic; e-mail: sevcikjan @ hotmail. com text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2014 2014-12-15 54 2 729 739 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5299805 0374-1036 5299805 8FF046B2-6267-454D-8A28-9AE80CC0F23C Nepaletricha sigma sp. nov. ( Figs 2B , 5A–D ) Type material. HOLOTYPE : J, INDIA : ARUNACHAL PRADESH: Etalin vicinity, 700 m , 28°36މ56ފN, 95°53މ21ފE, 12–25.v.2012 , L. Dembický leg., AP 3 / 2012, MZM Expedition ( MZMC ) . PARATYPE : J, INDIA : ARUNACHAL PRADESH: Hunli vicinity, 1300± 100m , 28°19މ32ފN, 95°57މ31ފE, 26.v.– , L. Dembický leg., AP 4 / 2012, MZM Expedition ( JSOC ), GenBank accession numbers for its DNA sequences are KJ136697 (12S) and KJ136733 (16S), see ŠEVýÍK et al. (2014) . Description. Male. Head . Distal part of antennae lacking beyond flagellomere 1 or 3. Colour of head brown, mouthparts and antenna slightly paler. Face with 5 setae medioventrally. Maxillary palpus, Fig. 2B : palpomere 2 with dome-like sensilla mesially on distal part, palpomere 3 with scattered hyaline sensilla ventrolaterally. Antenna similar to Nepaletricha montana ( HIPPA et al. 2009 : Fig. 1B ): scapus with 2 setae, flagellomere 1 7.1 times longer than broad. Thorax. Brown. Similar to N. furcata ( HIPPA et al. 2009 : Fig. 1A ): scutum with 6 stronger lateral setae plus a few weaker ones posteriorly which are poorly visible in the mount, 11–12 dorsocentral setae and 0 acrostichal setae, scutellum with 4 setae and prothoracic epimeron with 5–6 setae. Legs. Distal part beyond trochanters lost on all legs. Colour of coxae and trochanters brown. Coxae similar to N. furcata ( HIPPA et al 2009 : Fig. 1A ) but their lateral setae more distinctly in a single row. Wing. Similar to N. furcata ( HIPPA et al. 2009 : Fig. 2B ): Sc setose dorsally, one seta ventrally on the left side, R and R 1 setose dorsally, R 1 distally setose on both sides, R 4+5 setose dorsally and ventrally, stM, M 1 and M 2 setose dorsally and ventrally, CuA 1 setose dorsally, apically also ventrally, CuA 2 setose dorsally and A 1 setose dorsally and ventrally; wing membrane setose dorsally and ventrally. Colour of wing and halter brownish. Wing length 2.7 (3.0) mm. Abdomen. Brown. Segment 8, Fig. 5 D : note the lateral setae on sternite. Hypopygium, Figs. 5A,B,C : Tergite 9 posteriorly with a pair of curved lobes apically bearing 3 megasetae. Sternite 9 posterodorsally with an S-shaped setose lobe with a branch on apical half, posteroventrally with a plate-like setose lobe. Gonostylus bilobed, with a few setae on both. Aedeagus not visible in detail in the mount, apparently in dorsal or ventral view arrow-shaped as in Fig. 4D . Tegmen (parameres) not visible in detail in the mount. Cerci narrow, with a few long setae. Sternite 10 medially divided, each half with two long posterior setae. Female. Unknown. Fig. 5. Nepaletricha sigma sp. nov. A – Tergite 9 with associated parts, lateral view (holotype). B – Tergite 9 with associated parts, ventral view. C – Gonocoxa with associated parts, lateral view. D – Abdominal segment 8, dorsal view. Scale 0.1 mm. 1 – posterodorsal sigmoid lobe of gonocoxa, 2 – posteroventral plate-like lobe of gonocoxa, 3 – gonocoxal apodeme, 4 – gonostylus, 5 – aedeagus + tegmen. Etymology. The name sigma is derived from the eighteenth letter of the Greek alphabet and refers to the sigma-shaped lobe posterolaterally on the gonocoxa; noun in apposition. Discussion. Nepaletricha sigma is similar to N. lobosa sp. nov. For further discussion, see under the latter.