A new species and a new combination of the genus Arisaema (Araceae) from China Author Ma, Zheng-Xu The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China Chaoyang School (Shaoyaoju), Beijing (Municipality) 100028, China. Author Du, Wen-Yan The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China Chaoyang School (Shaoyaoju), Beijing (Municipality) 100028, China. Author Wang, Xiao-Yun Nanyue College of Hengyang Normal University, Hengyang 421008, Hunan Province, China. text Phytotaxa 2019 2019-03-12 395 4 265 276 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.395.4.2 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.395.4.2 1179-3163 13717759 Arisaema yunnanense Buchet (1911: 367) subsp. quinquelobatum (H.Li & J.Murata) Z.X.Ma , comb. & stat. nov. Arisaema quinquelobatum H.Li & J.Murata in Li et al. (2010: 59) . syn. nov. Type :— CHINA . Yunnan Province : Lijiang City, Yulong County, Hutiaoxia Town, Hutiao Valley, 1860 m , 20 Jun. 1995 , J. Murata, X. Cheng, H. Takahashi, J. Ohno & H. Murata s.n. ( holotype TI!). Arisaema yunnanense var. quinquelobatum (H.Li & J.Murata) Z.X.Ma & H.Li (2017: 75) . syn. nov. Distribution and habitat:—T hickets, valley slopes, roadsides, grassy slopes, Pinus-Quercus forests. At elevations of 1800–2100 m . Northern to central Yunnan Province , China . Discussion:— The subspecies A. yunnanense subsp. quinquelobatum was previously treated as a variety of A. yunnanense ( Ma & Li, 2017 ) . However, the evidences of chromosome number of the former (2n=24) and the latter (2n=48) ( Li et al. , 2010 ) indicate the reproductive isolation between them and the stable presence of the leaf blade number, 5-foliolate in the former and 3-foliolate in the latter, also suggested their obvious morphological distinction. Furthermore, according to our field investigations and examination of herbarium specimens, A. yunnanense subsp. quinquelobatum is always found in the dry-hot river valley and its vicinity in northcentral to northwestern Yunnan Province , whereas A. yunnanense subsp. yunnanense appears commonly in more various habitats, and is widespread in Guangxi Province , Guizhou Province , Sichuan Province and Yunnan Province . Consequently, considering the concept of variety and subspecies, we propose ranking the taxon as a subspecies instead of a variety.