New taxa of Elimaeini (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae) from South East Asia
Ingrisch, Sigfrid
journal article
Elimaea (Poaefoliana) albimaculata
sp. n.
Figs. 1
B, 2J–K, 3D, 4J–K, 5H–J, 6H–J, 8J–L
30 miles
NE of Kuala Lumpur, Ulu Gombak Forest Reserve [
, leg. N.D. Jago, depository: The Natural History Museum London (
1 female
, same locality as
, leg. N.D. Jago (
Diagnosis. Characterised by the yellowish white stridulatory area of the male left tegmen. Differs from other species also by the stridulatory vein on dorsal side being straight but with oblique course. The arrangement of teeth on the stridulatory file with six large and a series of smaller teeth is intermediate between the situation in
E. poaefolia
E. rosea
. The stridulatory area of the right tegmen is projecting in middle similar to that of
E. jacobsoni
, but the shape of the mirror and the projecting area are quite different between both species. The cerci are only curved in the apical half, which deviates from the situation in the other species. The female is characterised by the long, stout projection of the gonangulum of ovipositor.
Description. Fastigium verticis furrowed, little descending in front of lateral ocelli. Pronotum elongate, narrow; disc rounded; posterior area flat and with medial carina; paranota much longer than high; posterior margin slightly convex; humeral sinus distinct. Thoracic auditory spiracle very large, descending ventrally below dorsal margin of coxa; ventral third to ventral half not covered by pronotum.
Male. Stridulatory area of left tegmen ovoid (
Fig. 2
J), of right tegmen with inner margin projecting thus forming an elongate secondary mirror (
Fig. 2
K). Stridulatory file on underside of left tegmen with 16 teeth: 2 mediumsized at base, 6 large in middle, and 8 small at apex (
Fig. 3
D). Mirror on right tegmen
0.91 mm
0.85 mm
wide; index length: width 1.07 (
Fig. 2
K). Tenth abdominal tergite with apical margin very little convex, almost truncate in middle. Epiproct very long, with a fold, behind which it is pointing backwards. Cerci thin, curved; apical area with long setae and acute tooth at tip (
Figs. 4
J–K). Subgenital plate with central area projecting behind, long and narrow with lateral carinae; in apical area little curved up and little widened at start of apical area; narrowly split into two obtuse lobes; lobes on internal margin with spinules, an internal carina running along divided area (
Figs. 5
H–J). Phallus with elongate, paired, saw-blade shaped sclerites (Figs. H–J [not pulled off to check for an unpaired median sclerite]).
Female. Epiproct elongate-triangular, faintly furrowed; ventral side setose. Cerci curved; apex tapered. Subgenital plate transverse; with medial carina; apex broadly subtruncate with a short triangular flap at both angles (
Figs. 8
J–K). Ovipositor elongo-falcate, regularly curved throughout; apical half of dorsal margin and apical area of ventral margin finely serrulate (
Fig. 8
L); gonangulum with a stout obtuse projection (
Fig. 8
Coloration. Green. Pronotum with black dots and narrow white medial band. Tegmen with green veins and veinlets and brown cells; latter getting lighter towards apex and anterior area; along hind margin with blackish brown cells; some blackish brown dots also in medial field (
Fig. 1
B). Stridulatory area of male tegmen white (
Fig. 2
wings with little conspicuous red veins except in proximal and apical areas.
Measurements (
1 male
1 female
). Body w/wings: male 40, female 43; body w/o wings: male 17, female 23.5; pronotum: male 4.0, female 4.6; tegmen: male 30, female 33.5; tegmen width: male 3.3, female 4.0; hind wing: male 33, female 37; hind femur: male missing, female 25; ovipositor: female
8.3 mm