Leipanthura casuarina, new genus and species of anthurid isopod from Australian coral reefs without a " five-petalled " tail (Isopoda, Cymothoida, Anthuroidea) Author Poore, Gary Museum Vistoria, Melbourne ,, Australia text ZooKeys 2009 2009-08-26 18 18 171 180 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.18.198 19443e0f-7597-4c95-bd1e-56b63150c447 1313–2970 576501 636265D7-DB86-4FDE-987B-A0BB59E78327 Anthuridae Leach, 1814 Diagnosis . Body 10–15 times as long as wide, non-males occasionally more elongate; pereonite 7 wider than long, much shorter than pereonite 6. Pleonites 1–5 together not more than twice as long as wide, fused; without marginal plumose setae on pleonal epimera or posterior borders of pleonites 4 and 5. Antenna 2 flagellum of fewer than 10 articles, shorter than peduncle. Mouthparts not produced anteriorly. Mandible compact and with weakly-toothed transverse incisor. Maxillipedal endite reaching palp article 3, or absent or obsolete; palp broad (c. twice as long as wide), with 5 free articles or with 2 or more articles fused. Pereopods 2 and 3 carpus not or weakly produced distally on lower margin; propodus palm with 1 distal robust seta only. Pereopods 4–7 propodus palm with 1 distal robust seta. Pereopod 7, if present, having propodus without distal serrate setae. Pleopod 1 exopod operculiform alone. Statocysts paired. Remarks . This family diagnosis is slightly modified from that of Poore (2001) who adjusted earlier concepts, e.g., of Wägele (1981) , by removing some genera to Expanathuridae Poore, 2001 . The significant change in this new diagnosis is to accommodate the absence of pereopod 7.