The genus Trichoscypha (Anacardiaceae) in Lower Guinea and Congolia: A synoptic revision Author Breteler, F. J. text Adansonia 2004 3 26 1 97 127 journal article 1639-4798 4605259 10. Trichoscypha lucens Oliv. Fl. Trop. Afr. 1: 444 (1868); Breteler, Adansonia, sér. 3, 23: 259 (2001). — Type : Mann 1749 , Equatorial Guinea / Gabon , River Muni, Ƌ fl. Aug. (lecto-, K!; isolecto-, A!). Trichoscypha coriacea Engl. & Brehmer, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 54: 319 (1917). — Type : Ledermann 1720 , Cameroun , Markt Singwa , Bambutoberge, Ƌ fl. Dec. 1908 (holo-, B, delet.). Neotype (designated here): Sidwell 415 , Cameroun , Nyasoso, Ƌ fl. Oct. 1995 (WAG!). See Notes. Trichoscypha ledermannii Engl. & Brehmer, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 54: 321 (1917). — Type : Ledermann 743 , Cameroun , Nkolibunde, Ƌ fl. Oct. 1908 (holo- B, delet.). Neotype (designated here): Letouzey 13307 , Cameroun , Bana Mts. , Ƌ fl. Nov. 1974 (WAG!; iso-, P!). See Notes. Trichoscypha pallidiflora Engl. & Brehmer, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 54: 317 (1917). — Type : Ledermann 665 , 672 , Cameroun , Ilende, Ƌ fl. Sep. 1908 (syn-, B, delet.). Neotype (designated here): Bos 7348 , Cameroun , 9 km N of Kribi , Ƌ fl. Sep. 1970 (WAG!; iso-, BR!, K!, P!). See Notes. Trichoscypha rhoifolia Engl. & Brehmer, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 54: 315 (1917). — Type : Zenker 3509 , Cameroun , Bipindi, Ƌ fl. Oct.1907 (holo-, B, delet.; lecto-, P! (designated here); isolecto-, BM!, G!, GOET!, HBG!, K!, Z!). Trichoscypha ulugurensis Mildbr., Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 11: 1071 (1934); R. & A. Fernandes , Fl. Zambesiaca 2: 572, tab. 124 (1966); Kokwaro , Anacardiaceae : 51, Fl. Trop. East Afr. (1986). — Type : Schlieben 2724 , Tanzania , Uluguru Mts. , Ƌ fl. Sep. 1932 (holo-, B!; iso-, A!, BR!, G!, HBG!, MO!, P!). Trichoscypha silveirana Exell & Mendonça, Bol. Soc. Brot. ser. 2, 26: 278, tab. 3 (1952); Consp. Fl. Angolensis 2: 124 (1956); Van der Veken, Fl. Congo Belge et Ruanda-Urundi 9: 80 (1960); R. & A . Fernandes , Fl. Zambesiaca 2: 572 (1966). — Type : Gossweiler 11423 , Angola , Lunda , Dala, Ƌ fl. Apr. 1937 (holo-, COI !; iso-, BM !, BR !) . Trichoscypha diversifoliolata Van der Veken, Bull. Jard. Bot. État 29: 254 (1959); Fl. Congo Belge et Ruanda-Urundi 9: 75 (1960). — Type : Desenfans 1993 , Congo (Kinshasa), Mapanda , juv. fr. Aug. 1951 (holo-, BR!). Trichoscypha ealaensis Van der Veken, Bull. Jard. Bot. État 29: 255 (1959); Fl. Congo Belge et Ruanda- Urundi 9: 78 (1960). — Type : Pynaert 1118 , Congo (Kinshasa), Eala, Ƌ fl. Feb. 1907 (BR! iso-, K!). Trichoscypha kwangoensis Van der Veken, Bull. Jard. Bot. État 29: 256 (1959); Fl. Congo Belge et Ruanda-Urundi 9: 76 (1960). — Type : Devred 2076 , Congo (Kinshasa), Tono-Feshi-Kwango, Ƌ fl. June 1955 (holo-, BR!; iso-, MO!). Trichoscypha liketensis Van der Veken, Bull. Jard. Bot. État 29: 257 (1959); Fl. Congo Belge et Ruanda- Urundi 9: 78 (1960). — Type : Gorbatoff 287 , Congo (Kinshasa), Likete , fr. July 1953 (holo-, BR!). Trichoscypha parvifoliolata Van der Veken, Bull. Jard. Bot. État 29: 258 (1959); Fl. Congo Belge et Ruanda-Urundi 9: 77 (1960). — Type : Vanderyst 12416 , Congo (Kinshasa), Bampumu , juv. fr. Oct. 1922 (holo-, BR!). Trichoscypha submontana Van der Veken, Bull. Jard. Bot. État 29: 260 (1959); Fl. Congo Belge et Ruanda-Urundi 9: 79, fig. 1 (1960). — Type : Pierlot 2881 , Congo (Kinshasa), Bitale , fl. May 1959 (holo-, BR!). Trichoscypha volubilis Van der Veken, Bull. Jard. Bot. État 29: 262 (1959); Fl. Congo Belge et Ruanda- Urundi 9: 76 (1960). — Type : Germain 944 , Youndja Lake , fr. June 1948 (holo-, BR!). 10° 0° 10° 20° 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° FIG. 8. — Distribution of Trichoscypha lucens Oliv. Trees, or more rarely, scandent shrub or liana. Leaves (4-)5-10(-13)-jugate; leaflets papery to coriaceous, the lowest pair sometimes close to the stem, (2-)10-25(-36) × (1-)4-7(-12) cm, with 10- 16 pairs of main lateral nerves, ± glabrous above except for the usually pubescent, impressed midrib, ± glabrous to sparsely appressed-puberulous to pubescent beneath, usually minutely pustulate above. Inflorescence brown-velutinous, (sub)terminal or borne below the leaves. Flowers (Jan.-Dec.) with white to pinkish petals. Fruits (June-Feb.) pink to dark red, subellipsoid, up to 3 × 2 cm , densely to sparsely hairy. — Figs 1I ; 8. HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION. — Rain forest of Lower Guinea and Congolia extending to the areas of the Flora of Tropical East Africa and Flora Zambesiaca. Alt. up to c. 2000 m . Also known from Upper Guinea . SELECTED SPECIMENS. — ANGOLA : Gossweiler 11423 , Dala, fl. Apr. (BM!, BR!, COI!). — BENIN : Adjanohoun 287 , Porto Novo, fl. Sep. (K!, P!); Akoegninou 3263 , Quidah, juv. fr. (WAG!). — BURUNDI : Lewalle 6124 , Kumuyanga, fr. Sep. (BR!, G!, WAG!). — CAMEROUN : Bates 1406 , Bitye, fl. (BM!, MO!, Z!); Bos 7348 , 9 km N of Kribi, fl. Sep. (BR!, K!, P!, WAG!); Breteler 2001 , Fébé Mt., fl. Nov. (A!, BR!, K!, P!, WAG!); Leeuwenberg 5335 , 25 km E of Douala, fl. Apr. (BR!, WAG!); Letouzey 5888 , Maka, fl. Sep. (K!, P!); Letouzey 13307 , 20 km E of Bafang, fl. Nov. (P!, WAG!); Letouzey 13505 , 25 km W of Foumban, fl. Dec. (P!); Sidwell et al. 415 , Kupé Mt., fl. Oct. (WAG!); Tchouto et al. 2840 , Efoulan, fl. Apr. (WAG!); Ujor FHI 30407 , Bamenda, ster. (K!); Zenker 3509 , Bipindi, fl. (BM!, BR!, G!, GOET!, HBG!, K!, P!, Z!). — CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUB- LIC: Tisserant (Équipe) 1459 , Boukoko, fl. Apr. (BM!, BR!, P!). — CONGO (Brazzaville): Champluvier 5185 , Odzala, fr. Dec. (BR!, WAG!). — CONGO (Kinshasa): Desenfans 1993 , Lubilash, juv. fr. Aug. (BR!); Devred 1983 , Panzi, fl. June (BR!); Devred 2076 , Tono, fl. June (BR!, MO!); Evrard 3427 , Bumba, ster. Feb. (BR!, K!); Germain 944 , Yandja Lake, fr. June (BR!); Gorbatoff 287 , Likete, fr. July (BR!); A. Léonard 3868 , Kimbili, fl. Apr. (BR!, K!, WAG!); A. Léonard 5118 , Kalengera, fr. July (BR!, K!, WAG!); Pierlot 2880 , Bitale, fl. b. May (K!, WAG!); Pynaert 1118 , Eala, fl. b. Feb. (BR!, K!); Vanderyst 12416 , Bampumu, fr. Oct. (BR!). — EQUATORIAL GUINEA : Eneme & Lejoly 74 , Etembue, fl. Aug. (BRLU!); Mann 1749 , Muni R., fl. Aug. (A!, K!, P!). — GABON : N. Hallé 3229 , Bélinga, juv. fr. Nov. (P!); Hladik 1871 , Ipassa, fr. Dec. (P!); Leeuwenberg & Persoon 13485 , Cap Esterias, fr. Sep. (K!, LBV, MA!, MO!,WAG!); Le Testu 1586 , Midounga, fl. Aug. (BM!, P!); Le Testu 6086 , Mandji, fl. Sep. (BM!, BR!); Le Testu 6314 , Boulembo, fl. Oct. (BM!, BR!, P!, WAG!); Le Testu 7619 , Lastoursville, fl. Nov. (BM!, BR!, P!, WAG!); Le Testu 8273 , Mogoumou, fl. b. Aug. (BM!, BR!, P!); Le Testu 8326 , Iméno, fl. Sep. (BM!, BR!); Reitsma c.s. 1256 , 25 km NE Libreville, fl. July (LBV, WAG!); Sosef et al. 558 , Lopé, fl. Oct. (LBV, WAG!). — KENYA : Graham 1695 , Kwale , fl. b. (FHO!). — MALAWI : Chapman 610 , Mlanje Mt., fl. July (BR!, FHO!, K!, MO!); Muller 1618 , Nkata Bay, fl. Sep. (K!). — MOZAMBIQUE : Torre & Correia 16511 , Malema, fr. Dec. (BR!, COI!, K!); Van Niekerk SA 503 , Mutolo, juv. fr. Aug. (K!). — NIGE- RIA: Dalziel 1229 , Lagos, Ikoyi Plains, fl. Oct. (K!); Daramola FHI 32798 , Koko R., fr. Feb. (BR!, K!, WAG!); Latilo FHI 31823 , Akpara, fr. June (K!). — TANZANIA : Bruce 807 , Tanana, fl. b. Feb. (BM!, K!); Burtt Davy 22366 , Pemba I., fr. Oct. (FHO!); Drummond & Hemsley 1750 , Bondwa Hill, fl. Mar. (BR!, K!); Harley 9199 , Pasagulu, fl. Aug. (K!); Kayombo 803 , Uhafiwa-Luhega, fr. Aug. (MO!, WAG!); Lovett & Thomas 2656 A , Kanga MT., fl. Dec. (MO!); Rodgers et al. 2780 , northern Pemba I., fr. Dec. (K!); Schlieben 2724 , Morogoro , fl. Sep. (A!, B!, BR!, G!, HBG!, MO!, P!); Semsei 2559 , Liwiri-Kiteza F.R., fl. Oct. (FHO!, K!). — UGANDA : Eggeling 5826 , Ankole, fr. June (K!); Hafashimana 563 , Kayonza, fl. Apr. (K!). — ZAMBIA : Angus 509 A , Mwinilunga, ster. Sep. (FHO!, K!); Fanshawe 3555 , Kawambwa, juv. fr. Aug. (BR!, K!); Fanshawe 4922 , Mporokoso, fr. Oct. (BR!, FHO!, K!); Fanshawe 8730 , Luwingu, fl. May (FHO!, K!, P!); Fanshawe 8788 , Kansama, fl. July (FHO!, K!). — ZIMBABWE : McGregor M 37/48 , Chimanimani Mts., fl. Aug. (FHO!, K!). — CULTA (Netherlands): de Bruijn 2256 , Wageningen, fl. Dec. (WAG!). NOTES . — In Upper Guinea Trichoscypha lucens has always been reported as a shrub or small tree, the lectotype from outside this area, collected by Mann , being the only exception ( BRETELER 2001: 261 ). Although the material from Lower Guinea and Congolia has a similar habit, a few collectors have described plants as lianas or lianescent shrubs, e.g., Leeuwenberg 5335 from Cameroun , Devred 1980 and 2076 from Congo (Kinshasa), and Lewalle 6124 from Burundi . The neotypes chosen for three synonyms, T.coriacea , T. ledermannii , and T. pallidiflora , have, as far as possible, been selected according to the origin of the type material (which appears to have been lost at Berlin) and the original description. Of the 12 new species described for the Flore du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi by VAN DER VEKEN (1959 , 1966 ), seven are treated here as synonyms of T. lucens , one of the very variable species of Trichoscypha and the most wide spread. VAN DER VEKEN (1960) distinguished these seven species both by habit and leaflet characteristics, such as shape, size, texture, and details of the acumen. These elements have proven to be of little or no value for specific segregation.