Edoughnura rara n. gen., n. sp., an enigmatic genus of Neanurinae Collembola from the Edough Massif (Algeria) Author Deharveng, Louis Author Kroua, Salah Hamra Author Bedos, Anne text Zootaxa 2007 1652 57 61 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.179784 ef8cb74f-e343-4d84-98ba-e17fd15fe581 1175-5326 179784 Edoughnura rara sp. nov. Figs 1–5 , Tab. 1 Type material . Holotype female in slide, Algeria , wilaya of Annaba, Serraidi, Edough massif, below Fontaine Romaine, 750 m , litter in Quercus canariensis forest (zen oak), 18.i.2005 , Hamra Kroua leg. (sample ALG-HK0501/EDlcz6). Paratypes : two females in slide in the same sample; one male in slide, ibid, below Fontaine Romaine, 750 m , moss on soil in Quercus canariensis forest (zen oak), 18.i.2005 , Hamra Kroua leg. (sample ALG-HK0501/EDms); one female in slide, ibid, above Fontaine Romaine, 800 m , 22.i.2001 , Hamra Kroua leg. (sample ALG-HK01/ED03). FIGURES 1–5. Edoughnura rara n.sp. : 1, dorsal view and enlarged macrochaeta DL of Abd. III (mac), the lateral chaetae are only partly visible on some tergites, muscular insertion areas are figured as oval punctuated areas; 2, labium; 3, maxilla (left) and mandible (right); 4, labrum and labium (chaeta e absent); 5, sternites with chaetotaxy and muscular insertion areas. TABLE 1. Chaetotaxy of Edoughnura rara n.g., n.sp . A' (pair), C' (uneven sometimes absent) and O' (pair) are chaetae in addition to the standard Neanurinae pattern on head.
Cephalic chaetotaxy
Tubercle Number of chaetae Type of chaetae Chaetae
CL+Af yes 17-18 mes A, A', B, C, (C'), D, F, G, O, O'
Oc yes 3 mes Oca,m,p
Di yes 2-(3) mes Di1, Di2
De yes 2 mes De1, De2
DL yes 6 mes DL1 to 6
L+So yes 15-17 mes Homologies impossible
Vi 5 Ve 7 or 9 Labrum 2/2,4 Labium 9-10 chaetae,? no x Ant. I-II 7, 12 Ant. III 17 +5S Ant. IV or, 8S, i, 12 mou Postcephalic chaetotaxy Holotype female, one paratype female and one paratype male deposited in the collection of the Museum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris ( France ); two paratypes females deposited in the collection of the Laboratoire de Biosystématique et Ecologie des Arthropodes (Constantine, Algeria ).
Di De DL L Scx2 Cx Tr Fe Ti
Th. I 1 2 1 - 0 3 6 13 18
Th. II 3 2+S 3+S+ms 3 2 7 6? 12 18
Th. III 3 3+S 3+S 3 2 8 6 11 17
Abd. I 2 3+S 2 3 TV: 4+4
Abd. II 2 3+S 2 3 Ve: 5 (Ve1 present)
Abd. III 2 or [2+2] 3+S 2 3 Fu: 5-6 mes, 0 mic Ve: 4-5
Abd. IV [2+2] 2+S 3 7 Ve: 8 VL: (4)-5
Abd. V [3+3] -----------6+S------------ Ag: 3+3 VL: 0-1
Abd. VI ---------------------7---------------------- Ve: 11 An: 2mi
Description. Body length: 0.7–0.9 mm. Habitus of a Deutonura , but more stout and with shorter antennae. Colour: very pale, mottled grey-blue. Ocelli 2+2, pigmented, subequal, hardly larger than surrounding secondary granules and often difficult to observe. All dorsal tubercles well developed ( Fig. 1 , Tab. 1 ), with tertiary granules made of 5–15 rounded secondary granules, but not underlined by well-marked reticulations. Abd.V slightly overlapping Abd.VI in dorsal view. Dorsal ordinary chaetae rather thin, bent, inconspicuously or weakly sheathed, pointed or finely blunt, smooth, sometimes bifurcate; some longer and thicker, laterally and on Abd.V-VI. On Abd.V, Di 2 and Di 3 three times shorter than Di 1. S-chaetae very thin, shorter than the closest macrochaetae. Slight plurichaetosis on head, no plurichaetosis on tergites. S-chaetae formula on half tergites from Th.I to Abd.V: 0, 2+ms, 2 / 1, 1, 1, 1, 1. Head. S-chaetae of Ant.IV of medium length, thick, slightly bent, with S1 and S2 slightly shorter and thinner than others; apical vesicle trilobed. Buccal cone short but not truncated ( Fig. 2 ). Cardo strongly bent in its externo-distal part. Maxilla with two thin appressed lamellae, one distally bidentate and one unidentate, mandible as a long, rather thin, ciliated lamella, with two very thin, cilia-like basal teeth ( Fig. 3 ), turned back into the head. Labium with 4 basal (E,F,G,f), 3 distal (A,C,D) and 2-3 lateral (c,d, and sometimes e) chaetae, with chaetae A as long as C and macrochaeta F shift antero-externally ( Fig. 2 ); x-papillae not seen. Labrum truncated-rounded, with ventral sclerifications narrow; its 2+2 distal chaetae long and subequal; 1+1 lateral prelabral chaetae present, the two inner ones apparently absent ( Fig. 4 ). Eleven tubercles on head ( Fig. 1 ). Af fused to CL with an area devoid of tertiary granules between C and F. Chaeta E absent. Supernumerary chaetae on the tubercle (Af+CL): two at the level of A, two at the level of O , one uneven at the level of C (sometimes absent), and several on the tubercle (L+So) ( Fig. 1 ). Chaetae Di 1 about 1.5 times longer than Di 2, and De 1 about 2 times longer than De 2. Body and appendages chaetotaxy and tubercles (as in Fig. 1 and Tab. 1 ). Di tubercles fused on Abd.V, Abd.IV and on Abd.III, separated on Abd.II (not always clearly) and forward. Di 1, Di 2 and Di 3 subequal and arranged in an oblique line on Th.II–III. S-chaetae at level of De 2 on Th.II–III and at level of De 1 on Abd.I– III ( Fig. 1 ). On Abd.V, Di 2 and Di 3 short, subequal, at same level, slightly posterior to the edge of the tubercle. Furcal rest as a weak integument swelling, with 6 chaetae and no distinct microchaetae. Anus as a more or less transversal furrow. Tibiotarsal chaetotaxy 18, 18, 17 (chaeta M absent). Claw untoothed. Etymology. The name of the species refers to its rarity compared to other Neanurinae of the Edough massif, and the uniqueness its morphological characteristics.