Dardanus sanguinocarpus Degener, 1925 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Diogenidae) species complex: a redescription of D. sanguinocarpus and descriptions of three new species Author Asakura, Akira text Zootaxa 2006 1230 1 54 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.172729 b184b252-bc32-4fc8-801b-9a8d9e4c64fe 1175­5326 172729 Dardanus cf. longior ( Figs. 15 B, 30–32) Dardanus sanguinocarpus . — Poupin, 1998 : 38 ; 2004 (not Dardanus sanguinocarpus Degener, 1925 ) Material examined 1 ♂ , SL 12.2 mm , Anao Bay, Huku Hiva, Marquesas, French Polynesia , coll. P. Laboute by snorkeling, 21 Sept. 1997 , MNHN Pg 5907. Diagnosis Shield and cephalic appendages similar to those of D. longior except for larger number of spines (9–11 spines) on dorsomesial margin of antennal acicle. Left cheliped ( Fig. 30 A­C) with palm and fixed finger outer face bearing prominent, truncate corneous­tipped spines each accompanied with single short seta ( Fig. 30 C) (number of spines comparatively fewer and spines much larger than those of D. longior ), longitudinal row of corneous spines present on midline of outer face, lower half of outer face concave; lower margin with row of prominent truncate corneous­tipped spines (this structure lacking in D. longior ) and stiff setae; lower portion of inner face with numerous short corneous spines and many tufts of stiff setae (spines much larger than those in D. longior ); upper face of palm with 1 or 2 irregular rows of prominent sharp corneous­tipped spines. Carpus, merus and ischium similar to those of D. longior . Right cheliped with numerous tufts of setae on outer, upper and lower faces; armature similar to that of D. longior . Second and right third pereopods similar to those of D. longior . Left third pereopod ( Figs. 30 D–F, 31) with dactyl similar to that of D. longior except for dorsal row of generally unarmed lobes ( Fig. 30 E) (vs. distally armed with spines in D. longior ) and unarmed dorsomesial face ( Fig. 30 F) (vs. armed with numerous strong spines in D. longior ). Propodus with lateral face bearing dorsal row of lobes (Fig. 31A­a) each armed distally with generally 1 (ranging 1–4) flattened, elongate rectangularcorneous spines, dorsal half with very deep longitudinal concavity (Fig. 31A­b), separated by narrow medial longitudinal elevation (Fig. 31A­c) armed with 1 irregular row of protuberances each with marginal 1–8 flattened, elongate rectangular corneous spines, ventral 0.3–0.4 (Fig. 31A­d) with 1–3 irregular rows of protuberances each armed with marginal flattened, elongate rectangular corneous spines; ventromesial margin (Fig. 31C) with series of deep furrows producing row of large lobes each bearing 1–4 very large, conical corneous spines and stiff setae. Carpus and merus similar to those of D. longior . Sternite of third pereopods with single protrusion, fourth and fifth pereopods and uropod similar to those of D. longior . Male pleon with small, hook­shaped fleshy membranous protuberance present between fourth and fifth pleopods. Female pleon unknown. FIGURE 30. Dardanus cf. longior : ɗ, SL 12.2 mm, Marquesas, French Polynesia, MNHN Pg 5907. Left cheliped: A, whole, outer; B, chela, inner lower; C, spines and setae on outer face of palm, enlarged. Left third pereopod: D, whole, lateral; E, dactyl, lateral; F, dactyl, mesial. Scale 2 mm for A, B, D, and 1 mm for C, E, F. Dardanus cf. longior : ɗ, SL 12.2 mm , Marquesas, French Polynesia , MNHN Pg 5907. Propodus of left third pereopod: A, lateral, a, dorsal row of lobes; b, dorsal deep longitudinal concavity; c, medial longitudinal elevation; d, ventral concavity; B, dorsomesial; C, ventromesial margin. Telson generally similar to that of D. longior , with posterior lobes bearing 7 (right) or 9 (left) spines on terminal margin.
Known only from Huku Hiva, Marquesas, French Polynesia (Fig. 32): shoreline to 10
m, hard bottom (Poupin 2004).
FIGURE 32. Geographical distribution of four species of Dardanus and one undeterminable species close to D. longior . Black circle: D. sanguinocarpus , white star: D. robustus , double circle: D. umbella , black triangle: D. longior , white triangle: Dardanus cf. longior . Color in life ( Fig. 15 B) Dorsal surface of shield pinkish gray, with bright red area, mid­anteriorly. Ocular peduncles pinkish gray, gradually changed to yellow distally. Chelipeds and ambulatory pereopods generally pinkish gray, tips of fingers of chelipeds and dactyls of ambulatory pereopods whitish; carpi and meri of chelipeds and carpi of ambulatory pereopods each with bright red area; articulation of carpi and meri of ambulatory pereopods whitish. Posterior carapace and pleon generally pinkish gray, with mottled white and red.
Remarks Several minor differences are noted between this specimen and Dardanus longior , sp. nov. , as mentioned above. This specimen is comparatively larger than the specimens of D. longior so that the difference may be attributable to allometry. Since only one specimen is presently known, however, I tentatively refer this specimen to Dardanus cf. longior until more material becomes available.