The marine green and brown algae of Rodrigues (Mauritius, Indian Ocean) Author Coppejans, Eric Author Leliaert, Frederik Author Verbruggen, Heroen Author de Clerck, Olivier Author Schils, Tom Author de Vriese, Thomas Author Marie, Daniel text Journal of Natural History 2004 2004-12-01 38 23 2959 3020 journal article 10.1080/00222930410001695024 1464-5262 5251841 * Hydroclathrus tenuis Tseng and Lu, 1983: 185 , figure 1 ; pl. 1, figure 1a ( figure 29 ) References: Tseng, 1984: 186 , pl. 94, figure 3 ; Verheij and Prud’homme van Reine, 1993: 435, pl. 13, figure 1 ; Trono, 1997: 123 , figure 83; Coppejans et al ., 2000: 60 , figure 22 . Type locality. Xisha Island , Guangdong Province , China . Voucher. HEC 14756d, 22 September 2001 , Grand Baie (s.s. 11) . Ecology. Intertidal, about spring low tide level, wrapped around coral boulders. Also found drifting in the lagoon in huge quantities, locally forming a floating mass of 0.5 m thick. Distribution. China , Indonesia , Rodrigues (this paper), Tanzania . Notes. (1) See note for H. clathratus . (2) According to Tseng (1984: 186) this species is endemic to China . Since then it has been reported from one site in Indonesia ( Verheij and Prud’homme van Reine, 1993: 435 ), from the Philippines ( Trono, 1997: 123 ) and from several locations in Tanzania ( Coppejans et al ., 2000: 60 ). (3) When decaying, H. tenuis turns green. As a result it has been identified as Ulva reticulata in previous ecological studies of Rodrigues, based on the morphological resemblance.